
Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yours

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Old 06-25-2012, 04:13 PM   #721
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
One look around and you'd get the reasons that have been stated time and time again. Easier to just spout off crap and have zero quality input though.
Im just curious as to what other gaming company he is going to for his football

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Old 06-25-2012, 04:16 PM   #722
goravens2052's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Wanted to post this here with Looman at least directly addressing draft classes.

GE – Can you elaborate to our readers why the feature has been excluded in this year’s game?

JL – Due to the completely rebuilt nature of Connected Careers we have to totally rewrite the logic that governs draft classes and how they’re handled in Madden NFL. It’s an important feature that we want to be sure is done right, and unfortunately we didn’t have enough time to include it in this year’s game. We understand it is a feature many of our fans love, so we’re working hard to get it back into the game as quickly as possible.

So... all we hear is "we didn't have enough time" but what I want to know is how is it you "ran out of time" when it is still the end of June and you still have another month left before finalizing the game and getting ready to ship at the end of August. What are they doing right now, are they even testing their new CCM to make sure everything works right?

If the game was coming out in July, ok I can understand the "we ran out of time" line better but considering it's the end of June and I'm assuming they are still working on finalizing the game, why not try to see if you can add something in that people want before you finalize the game?
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Old 06-25-2012, 04:17 PM   #723
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by seasprite
Im just curious as to what other gaming company he is going to for his football
I think you misunderstood. He was saying the guy could look around to find the reasons (i.e. the answer to the "why the ___?" question posed in the guy's mini-rant). Skyboxer wasn't telling him to look elsewhere for a football game.
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Old 06-25-2012, 05:49 PM   #724
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by goravens2052
So... all we hear is "we didn't have enough time" but what I want to know is how is it you "ran out of time" when it is still the end of June and you still have another month left before finalizing the game and getting ready to ship at the end of August. What are they doing right now, are they even testing their new CCM to make sure everything works right?

If the game was coming out in July, ok I can understand the "we ran out of time" line better but considering it's the end of June and I'm assuming they are still working on finalizing the game, why not try to see if you can add something in that people want before you finalize the game?
The we ran out of time philosophy is connected to(no pun intended) making sure everything works properly.

I think people sometimes don't understand this was a two year project, not some chocolate chip cookie cutter project where you just make and bake.

They are acknowledging how it is important to put it back in the game. I really don't know if keep hammering away a different day will solve anything.
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Old 06-25-2012, 07:05 PM   #725
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Originally Posted by Jax_Jaguars904
The only people complaining must be the users who try n cheat the system by controlling 2 teams n getting double the unlocked ratings and such. Get over it because now u only got one shot so if u can't make the superbowl then its realistic no matter how good ur team is on paper jus like in real life so play hard or go home, well go out since you'll be at home already lol trolls

jax_jaguars904 voice via tapatalk
Really off base there sport. Many control multiple teams to balance out the CPU inability to manage their team properly. To fix bonehead draft moves and avoid key players being released for no reason.

With that gone, we are now at the mercy of the dumb AI. which will be just as inept in M13. That's the one guarantee I can count on.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?oae13u
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:58 PM   #726
pmurray20's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

this is very sad, I only play madden offline and control all 32 teams, do all scouting, all the off season stuff including the draft. I have been doing this ever since madden on the last generation console. I cant believe they did this so now I have to play madden 12 for another year but im not buying a game that i can only be one team its just stupid and boring for madden. I guess my money is going to be on NCAA and I have a bad feeling i will be saying this for that game next year.
Go Bucks!!
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:09 AM   #727
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by pmurray20
this is very sad, I only play madden offline and control all 32 teams, do all scouting, all the off season stuff including the draft. I have been doing this ever since madden on the last generation console. I cant believe they did this so now I have to play madden 12 for another year but im not buying a game that i can only be one team its just stupid and boring for madden. I guess my money is going to be on NCAA and I have a bad feeling i will be saying this for that game next year.
I'm certain the Madden team will have all of the numbers, names, players, and ratings correct and have fixed both the cpu trade and draft logic. You won't have to lift a finger to make any adjustments.
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Old 06-27-2012, 01:11 AM   #728
pmurray20's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 CCM Will Not Allow You to Play Other Games on the Schedule, Only Yo

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
I'm certain the Madden team will have all of the numbers, names, players, and ratings correct and have fixed both the cpu trade and draft logic. You won't have to lift a finger to make any adjustments.
why do i wanna draft players that arnt real? lol i always import about 3 years of ncaa rosters. and even if that was all going to be correct to where id never lift a finger. i still wouldnt be able to play as all the teams lol. i like using some pretty difficult sliders and play around 6 min quarters and that way im never 100percent going to win as that team, and thats what gets me excited for madden but this year...
Go Bucks!!
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