
NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

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Old 06-11-2012, 03:04 PM   #17
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

I love the studio updates. I found myself actually caring about the texas-texas tech game and was disappointed when texas came back to win.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:31 PM   #18
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Does anybody else have the bottom line cut off the bottom of the screen? I can only see half of it. I have a 56'' 1080p DLP that's a few years old, so perhaps my screen isn't centered completely. I hope there is an option within the game to adjust the the display area (move it up, down, left, right) like you see on some games.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:32 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Annarborborn
The game of football does not change that much from one year to another. If that bothers them, then do not buy the damn game. This is a sport based on real actions, not Halo.

You do not have to have experience on the field, just watch a game or break down tape. The game is supposed fun. And if someone is worried about how the game looks or face mask colors but do not recognized how different the passing game has drastically changed, then they will never be satisfied. I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for a replica of the real game. If the game changed that much from one year to another, I would be concerned honestly.

You do not have to have experience on the field, just watch a game or break down tape.

And with thinking like that that's where the issue lies. You have to have some kind of field experience to break down tape. And I'm not saying as a player because there are a tons of DC, OC, and HC's that have never played a down of football in their life. With that being said there is no way people that know nothing about football except for what they see face value should be able to beat someone who can BREAK DOWN a defense, someone who actually takes time to sit down and explore the in and outs, strengths and weaknesses of their gameplan, roster, and play calling due to casual users using exploits in the game. If you don't play online and only tailor the game to your strengths and weaknesses you won't understand that much though.

With that being said, updated graphics can make a huge difference in video games. I could careless about pass trajectories and catch animations I know my offense well enough that all I care about is making the right play at the right time and the player making the catch. Trajectories and Catch animations are the ooohhhh's and aaahhhh's I care more about being able to play a SIM game of football where I can actually go head up against players that want to battle out with football minds and not use holes in the gameplay to win the game.

Even though they have corrected somethings EA still has along way to go, seeing that this is the ONLY football sim available to gamers. It will never be perfect but "If it's in the game it's in the game" I rarely if ever see an amateur coach completely dominate a experienced head coach with a winning strategy unless that same team just beats themselves.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:10 PM   #20
Colonel Reb's Arena
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Originally Posted by SOBAY310
Does anybody else have the bottom line cut off the bottom of the screen? I can only see half of it. I have a 56'' 1080p DLP that's a few years old, so perhaps my screen isn't centered completely. I hope there is an option within the game to adjust the the display area (move it up, down, left, right) like you see on some games.
First time commenting on these pages. I'm trying to quote SOBAY310 above if it doesn't show up.

I've seen a few other people in various places say the ticker gets cut off for them as well on certain TVs. There was at least one fix out there but I'm not sure what it was off the top of my head. Sorry that's not much help, I know...

On that note, you don't have the bottom line at all if you're not in widescreen mode. It's not that it gets cut off, it doesn't even exist. I wish someone--especially someone at EA, but even the media covering it would be nice-- would address this issue. I've never played a game where there were features lost simply for not playing in widescreen. I hate to let something as silly as a ticker make my decision as to whether or not I'm going to buy the game but I also don't like giving up something that is apparently great based on everything I read just because I don't have the right kind of TV EA thinks I should have.

As for the demo itself, I generally enjoyed it. Most of the games have been offense-heavy, but I did have a 14-14 game that went to overtime between Alabama and LSU, which was 7-7 very late in regulation. It's certainly not perfect. The offensive line blocking really needed to be addressed after EA took away the "suction" blocking which made it nearly impossible to get sacks, because last year it went the complete opposite direction, and unfortunately this issue seems to only have been improved moderately, if at all. I am afraid the focus on passing will lead to it being too easy, as EA tends to overdo fixes, but so far it hasn't gotten out of hand for me. When I figure out how to really utilize the new passing changes it might get worse, I don't know. I enjoyed it but I'm still a bit undecided on whether it's worth it keeping my preorder. With the issues EA games have had recently I'm thinking of canceling it and waiting to see what people say and then decide if I want to pick it up a few weeks after release.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:25 PM   #21
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

RT was about right... Nothing great but nothing horrible. Just the same ole NCAA with a few tweeks and fluff. Cant see myself playing one down after Madden comes out so I'm still on the fence about buying it. Might just get it used later in the season once all the rosters & patches are pretty much solidified.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:34 PM   #22
moneal2001's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

@Jadakiss how can you say trajectory on a pass and many of the new catch animations are just oohs and aaahs and still call yourself sim. the way a pass goes in the air changes everything. it turns an int into a td and vice versa. the added catch animations provide realism by allowing catches that you see in real life.

also field experience is not everthing. some people just have a gift of seeing things. manning sees the field like no one else but it isnt all film room and field experience. otherwise every 6'4" qb with a decent arm could be just as good as he is just putting in the time. same for guys like barry sanders and ray lewis.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:40 PM   #23
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

Originally Posted by SOBAY310
Does anybody else have the bottom line cut off the bottom of the screen? I can only see half of it. I have a 56'' 1080p DLP that's a few years old, so perhaps my screen isn't centered completely. I hope there is an option within the game to adjust the the display area (move it up, down, left, right) like you see on some games.
I have a 50 inch Sony rear projection tv and the ticker is cut off a little on the bottom also, the XBOX and TV is set at 1080I, setting XBox and TV to 720P makes no difference, still cut off on the bottom.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:45 PM   #24
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

I wonder how many of those 430 new catch animations are bobbled catches. That is something that is missing. So I hope they have nice amount of bobbled catches in the game. Everything shouldn't be the WR either catches it or drops it completely.

Demo over all is alright. AI running the ball however is still a big sore spot for this series. They need to better tune ball carrier vision. Tired of seeing runners run directly into me.

Also wish they would bring back the back juke. High stepping is pretty useless the way they have it in the game, so they should just scrap it because you end up getting tackled majority of the time when you do use it, since it slows you down way too much.

One of these years I hope they introduce the ability to highlight a guy on defense. Lets say a stud DT or LB that is blowing up the QB like crazy. You highlight him and the offensive line would be more aware of his presence and look to double team him more often if he tries to breach the line.

As it is now, if I user control any defensive lineman, I can sack the cpu QB over and over and over again because they don't ever adjust to it.
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