
Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

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Old 06-08-2012, 10:59 AM   #113
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

Does anyone know if the twitter and news portion of connected careers will have media members like sefter/Mort posting rumors like: potential bidding teams for specific free agents, potential trade partners for players or draft picks, speculation/rumors about which team will be drafting whomdft time, etc... Personally I would think it would add to the immersion/realism to the mode, does anyone know if it's in or not (probably not)? What would you all think of this?
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Old 06-08-2012, 11:02 AM   #114
pats3912's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

I'm having a hard time searching these threads to find any info on what the difficulty sliders will consist of for the commish. Will it be identical to Madden 12? Sorry if this has been answered but I cant find any detailed info on it anywhere.
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Old 06-08-2012, 11:29 AM   #115
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

That's such a bummer, the only way I play madden is with my roomate as a 2-team franchise. I'll get it next year if they manage to add that in, as is I have no use for the game now.

Looks like some really awesome changes to Madden, just not in my avenue of play. I understand those that enjoy the game but I have no use for online or MUT stuff.

Please EA if you are out there, allow 2 team CC/Franchise/Whatever!!! Please you will have my money immediately.
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Old 06-08-2012, 01:07 PM   #116
bigbob's Arena
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The only thing that I can complain about is that if you don't get signed by the off-season, you're forced to retire. You shouldn't be forced to retire. You should be able to continue to "work-out" and hope a team picks you up during the season.
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Old 06-08-2012, 04:03 PM   #117
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

Sorry if this has been answered already, but is it true you will not be able to edit names/equip/player numbers in CC? Has this been confirmed?

I all for the attempts to introduce RPG elements to the game, but to abandon customisation really ruins the mode for me.

In Madden 12 there were instances where #1 was given to an OLB, but with player editing it didn't matter.... When I signed a top free agent and his number was being used by a low rated player who I was going to cut, I could reassign so it didn't matter..... When they gave their rookies stupid names, I could change them.... Not allowing this editing has me worried!

And for those who don't think it matters, see how much anger it caused in FIFA a few years back when you couldn't edit player numbers and the CPU kept assigning #2 to strikers!

If this news is true, it will be the first time in years that I've not bought Madden and it feels like a real shame because CC has so much promise!
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Old 06-09-2012, 02:19 AM   #118
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

I only purchase madden for the offline franchise, as I enjoy pitting my armchair gm skills against freinds and family in a ongoing league. Since it has been confirmed that offline connected careers is limited to 1 user in offline, I propose to start a petition to change this as I know I have to be one of 50% of people who do something simular in offline franchise. Does anybody that agrees with me know how yo start and effective petition to encourage the change, as I know if it doesnt I will not be purchasing madden 13 and will probably therefore lose interest in the entire franchise.

My email is [email protected] and I'm more then willing to help with the process, I'm just not educated on how to begin!!!
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Old 06-09-2012, 02:37 AM   #119
AttackAttack's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Mode Preview

Originally Posted by likelifeis
I only purchase madden for the offline franchise, as I enjoy pitting my armchair gm skills against freinds and family in a ongoing league. Since it has been confirmed that offline connected careers is limited to 1 user in offline, I propose to start a petition to change this as I know I have to be one of 50% of people who do something simular in offline franchise. Does anybody that agrees with me know how yo start and effective petition to encourage the change, as I know if it doesnt I will not be purchasing madden 13 and will probably therefore lose interest in the entire franchise.

My email is [email protected] and I'm more then willing to help with the process, I'm just not educated on how to begin!!!
.... Just go online?
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Old 06-09-2012, 02:45 AM   #120
sparkdawg777's Arena
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Personally this mode sounds great but my biggest question is if me and my friends are players how are the games against each other played? For example do we still only play as our players or do we control the entire team. In NCAA if you and a friend are coordinators you play each other as the entire team instead of only the offense/defense. I'm really hoping we still play as the player because that would be cool to be able to watch if we are both QB or RBs.
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