
NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-07-2012, 03:21 PM   #785
volwalker's Arena
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I haven't been able to download the demo yet but as long as the spread option/zone read has been fixed to where it is at least viable to run then I will be pleased. Can anyone confirm that the zone read has been fixed or improved? I feel that as long as the QB comes out faster after faking it to the HB then I will be ecstatic.

I can harp on other gameplay elements but this one was the only one that really go on my nerves. Super LB, psychic DB's, play action not working, etc. does not bother me because these problems were on the ps2 games and I enjoyed the hell out of those classics. And according to some of the comments so far that these have been fixed as well. Thanks.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:22 PM   #786
bad_philanthropy's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

They really should do away with 3d grass until they can make it look decent. The field looked much better in '11.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:26 PM   #787
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by rerdivine
What is missing?
More additions to dynasty mode such as fatigue being a bigger factor in game to game as the season rolls on. If you have a running back who is your main running back and gets 20 carries a game, by week 6 or 7 he should be showing some signs of wear and tear and would make recruiting additional RBs important. Its seems so simple, but i havent seen anything about making recruiting a lot more important. After playing the demo I also dont see the difference and have not heard anything about making weight really matter. Why recruit a LT who is a 5 star, when you can recruit a 1 or 2 star and there is no difference? Like I said I think ncaa 13 will improve on 12 but not really anything that would make someone say wow.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:30 PM   #788
rerdivine's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by michigan21
More additions to dynasty mode such as fatigue being a bigger factor in game to game as the season rolls on. If you have a running back who is your main running back and gets 20 carries a game, by week 6 or 7 he should be showing some signs of wear and tear and would make recruiting additional RBs important. Its seems so simple, but i havent seen anything about making recruiting a lot more important. After playing the demo I also dont see the difference and have not heard anything about making weight really matter. Why recruit a LT who is a 5 star, when you can recruit a 1 or 2 star and there is no difference? Like I said I think ncaa 13 will improve on 12 but not really anything that would make someone say wow.
Well i don't see Trent Richardson getting fatigued. He goes 100% Every game.

Recruiting will be a big step up from last year. What style you play matters. For example if you are recruiting a Scrambling QB and you run with your QB 15times per game. That Recruit will see you like to run with the QB and he will be more interested in coming to your school. Same with all the other positions they explained this in the playbook.

Weight will matter in NCAA 2014 when we get real time physics.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:36 PM   #789
JerseySuave4's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Here's my 2 cents after playing the demo. This would be a decent game if it were NCAA 12. This is the type of game we should have got last year. With Madden's new Infinity Engine not being in this year's game we really aren't getting a full effort. The demo is not terrible but it's hard to get a true judgement because i actually think the game will play much better once we get some sliders and can change the speed. That being said there are certain things that need to be addressed that have been layed out for them in terms of how to do.

Biggest things they need to work on next year, presentation and player movement and included in player movement would be gameplay because player movement would effect everything.

Madden is at the point of having virtual Phil & Jim, i'm not saying we need virtual Herbie (although virtual Erin Andrews would be nice) but we're seeing broadcast get pushed more and more so i don't want to hear crap about limits or disc space. NBA 2k does an excellent job of making their crew sound like a broadcast team sitting there watching the game. They talk about what's going on, interrupt each other during big plays, talk about individuals, storylines, and most importantly, talk about what's going on during your season/association. Same can be said for MLB the Show. They sound like a real tv booth. Now both games do have lines that get repetitive but NCAA it sounds like a bunch of 1 liners.

The ESPN updates have been terribly implemented. Not only am i getting an update every 3 plays but the updates and for the same game everytime a team scores. TCU 3 WVU 0, 3 plays later, TCU 6 WVU 0. Really? You need to update me that TCU kicked another field goal? And what's with the teams scoring so fast? They add an ESPN scorebar but i felt like the score was changing every 2 seconds. That could be because the qtr length was short so the other games were going by fast but i hope we aren't getting update so rapidly in the final build. And the updates sound horrible. Plus he rambles and might stay on 1 game for too long. It just sounds awkward.

The real next step is to add a team. You have ESPN/ABC at your fingertips. We saw Jim Nantz do Madden & Tiger Woods. Get Brent in there and add him to Kirk & Erin Andrews and make them the ABC team. Use Nessler with Todd Blackledge and Holly Rowe for an ESPN team. Use Rece Davis & Jesse Palmer with either Heather Cox for an ESPN2 team. I understand all of those would be a lot but at least another team to add some variety and not make each game feel the same. The commentators need to talk about what's going on in your dynasty throughout the game, there should be stats that come up that relate to your dynasty/team history/series history.

They need to show us some sort of starting lineup. Every game these days shows us a starting lineup. Just put up the names, don't even need to use the player model picture, names + position + number + year just like in real life. Who cares if they are no named players like #2 QB, we all end up getting named rosters anyway. It just adds to the broadcast.

Along with the audio presentation they really need to update the visual presentation. The way they enter in a game just feels so bland. Then the team intros are just too long, too boring, too quiet. There is just way too much dead air that it makes everything boring. Just because you're showing them walk out of the locker room doesn't mean you need to keep the commentary quiet. This is a time where they can talk about what this game means, how it ties into the season, series history, etc.

Camera angles need to change. They change every year but they seem to slightly push it back or tilt it but it's not good. Aside from needing the tv angle broadcast view for those that want it, they should just make the behind angle be from that wire view. That way the people who still want the view from behind the offense can still get it with authentic tv style presentation and maybe offer a view from behind the defense if we want to set it up that way on defense. They used to have that. Make it like MLB the Show where you can set the camera one way when you're on offense, one way on defense. But give us a little more variety.

Replays are awful. Get rid of these closeup angle replays. Use realistic tv angle replays. EA has a problem trying to make it you're on the field there but its a tv broadcast. They can't decide which they are so we get a half assed version of both. They need to go full tv style broadcast because that's where games are going and that's what people want to see. I'm not saying make the broadcast angle the default, but make the default more from the wire angle.

Update accessories. This game looks ugly when everyone is wearing that ugly style revo helmet that a lot of the KSU players are wearing in the demo. There is no excuse not to have certain facemasks, especially the popular ones. They have Nike, Adidas & Under Armour in the game, utilize their accessories more. Other than just gloves, arm sleeves, wristbands, etc. GIVE US MORE CLEATS. You have those brands, those brands make more than 1 or 2 styles of cleats. Update and expand. And go the NBA 2k route and allow us to individually change the color going with the team colors, or if we want to make it something different. Some guys on Oklahoma might wear Crimson & white cleats while others wear white & crimson. Give us eye black, fix those predator dreads and get these guys looking like real athletes with different body types. If they could get the look down then it hides a lot of flaws.

Player movement. These guys just don't move like athletes at all. There is no feeling of body weight. Now i understand they'll get Madden's new Infinity Engine next year which will help, but they need to expand on what they have. Every running back shouldn't run alike. They should allow us to choose a running style, a style for little guys who juke, big guys who run over, normal guys who are elusive, etc. and get some people in there to do their mo cap who actually run normal. The juke moves the way players shift just look awkward. When you control Lebron James in NBA 2k and you move around the court as him you can feel the way he is moving and he looks like a real athlete moving. The footwork in NCAA needs to be improved and footplanting really needs to be evident. There is no excuse for guys sliding or not really stepping into the ground but rather just moving over the grass. Throwing motions also need to be improved and need to be individualized.

You improve the way the players move, make weight & speed & strength matter, make them plant their feet and no longer slide then it will improve the way the OL/DL interact. Add to that improved & more realistic player models & true authentic broadcast and you have a game that doesn't need gimmicks to sell.

So here would be your back of the box selling points
*The most authentic ESPN Broadcast ever
ESPN/ESPN2/ABC tv style presentation with additional broadcast teams

*Get the look & feel of college football
White/Black/Red/Blueouts, authentic nike/adidas/under armour equipment

*updated teambuilder
now have the ability to edit uniforms mid-dynasty as well as many other additions

*Most authentic gameplay to date with new Infinity Engine

Presentation, Gameplay, Teambuilder, and your gimmicks be for the accessory/equipment people.

For your Game Mode addition you introduce the ability to be the AD or go as the Coach so you either can hire/fire coaches and stay at the same school and try to build that school into a powerhouse and expand the stadium and other AD additions or go as the coach from school to school and try to come up as the coordinator like it is now.

I didn't think the demo was awful. The studio updates bothered me because of how often, pointless and boring they were and the presentation bothered me but i just felt like this is the game we should have got last year.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:38 PM   #790
Meatloaf86's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Haven't had the ability to download it yet, but have watched a few videos.

One of the coolest features I've seen so far is the in game updates by ESPN. It looks just like it would on Saturday. Very cool feature. Is this something that will only be available if you are playing a game of the week?

Going to have to download this tonight and get the feel for the new game.

I really like what the poster above said about introducing the lineups. It doesn't have to be an all out show like in baseball or basketball games, but just to know who is who would be nice. I like how they have the player to watch, but maybe have that after they show us a quick run down of who is starting for each team. Would be a cool addition.

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Last edited by Meatloaf86; 06-07-2012 at 03:57 PM. Reason: Saw above post
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:39 PM   #791
rerdivine's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

TBH i just saw maddens game play and it doesn't look all that great.
Studio updates are toned down with quarters being longer =).
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:39 PM   #792
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Is there anyway to throw a ball high like 12, instead of downfield? Sometimes I'd like to throw a higher ball, but instead it changes the route of the receiver to go down field.

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