
NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Preview (Kotaku)

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Old 04-17-2012, 11:35 PM   #17
ucas005's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Preview (Kotaku)

The countdown blog, the videos, the tag lines, the admission of bugs and claims of being fixed, the "new" features that are WAY overdue (cough drop step cough punt coverage), the Ben, the marketing hype ... oh how this already feels so much like this time last year. It's fun watching how people are buying into this. I can't wait until around July 20 to 27. Should be another classic meltdown.
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Old 04-18-2012, 12:19 AM   #18
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I love how Ben has to make some snide comment about the triple-option that takes a jab at Florida, but has nothing to do with the game. Maybe if he spent as much time on making a great college football game as he did on his horrific sense of humor, we might have ourselves a solid game. But, instead, he sounds like he is making fun of the new great features and the triple-option. Well, maybe if his FSU team could actually run the option with EJ Manuel, he wouldn't be so against it.

Anyway, This is not a first-day buy, It sounds promising, but it has sounded promising for the past umpteen years it seems like. But ben really needs to shut up. If he never spoke again until the game is released, I think most of us would be fine with that... Concentrate on making a game that resembles a real-life college football game in 2012 and some silly nostalgic reference that has nothing to do with NCAA Football 13.
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Old 04-18-2012, 12:20 AM   #19
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and not some silly*
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Old 04-18-2012, 12:37 AM   #20
carvis#15's Arena
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This is what I wanna know. 1st of all...did everybody go to easports.com and watch the over 1 hour long video about ncaa football 13's gameplay?
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Old 04-18-2012, 12:46 AM   #21
The Designated Hitter
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Preview (Kotaku)

Originally Posted by ucas005
oh how this already feels so much like this time last year. It's fun watching how people are buying into this. I can't wait until around July 20 to 27. Should be another classic meltdown.
It's like this every single year. People complain from November until early April, shouting from the top of the mountain about things they hate in the previous years game hoping someone from EA sees their concern. Then EA comes out with stuff in April and that stuff will turn half of the community back into NCAA lovers again and get them pumped up about the new game (I fall into this category). Another 45% will be "on the fence" and have to wait until another info release to really decide. Then there's the last 5% that still say they "aren't impressed" by anything EA releases and they "won't buy the game this year".
When the game finally releases we'll even have some people say, some of them hardcore players who fell into that 5% I mentioned earlier, "Looks like we got a great game on our hands this year! Good job, EA!" That'll go on for about 1-2 weeks or so.

Then after that 1-2 weeks, someone will inevitably find something wrong, like the tendency bug that made Speed RBs play like Power RBs, and that will be "game breaking" to half the community. That day happens every single year, and I hate that day. It's like the day a little kid finds out Santa isn't real. You can never get that innocent feeling about a game back again.

Nonetheless, I'm excited about this year's chalk board of improvements more than the past few years because it looks like they're actually trying to improve GAMEPLAY stuff, instead of trying to improve the other stuff that I never use like "Race to the Heisman", or whatever it's called now, or the freaking Mascot Game: "Now with higher flips!". My biggest gripe last year was the limitations on the QB position, psychic DBs and Super LBs. They said they fixed it and I'll believe them until I personally see it isn't fixed. May 7th can't come soon enough. Love me some Dynasty.
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Old 04-18-2012, 12:51 AM   #22
br329's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Preview (Kotaku)

Originally Posted by BA2929
It's like this every single year. People complain from November until early April, shouting from the top of the mountain about things they hate in the previous years game hoping someone from EA sees their concern. Then EA comes out with stuff in April and that stuff will turn half of the community back into NCAA lovers again and get them pumped up about the new game (I fall into this category). Another 45% will be "on the fence" and have to wait until another info release to really decide. Then there's the last 5% that still say they "aren't impressed" by anything EA releases and they "won't buy the game this year".
When the game finally releases we'll even have some people say, some of them hardcore players who fell into that 5% I mentioned earlier, "Looks like we got a great game on our hands this year! Good job, EA!" That'll go on for about 1-2 weeks or so.

Then after that 1-2 weeks, someone will inevitably find something wrong, like the tendency bug that made Speed RBs play like Power RBs, and that will be "game breaking" to half the community. That day happens every single year, and I hate that day. It's like the day a little kid finds out Santa isn't real. You can never get that innocent feeling about a game back again.

Nonetheless, I'm excited about this year's chalk board of improvements more than the past few years because it looks like they're actually trying to improve GAMEPLAY stuff, instead of trying to improve the other stuff that I never use like "Race to the Heisman", or whatever it's called now, or the freaking Mascot Game: "Now with higher flips!". My biggest gripe last year was the limitations on the QB position, psychic DBs and Super LBs. They said they fixed it and I'll believe them until I personally see it isn't fixed. May 7th can't come soon enough. Love me some Dynasty.
This post gets my seal of approval.

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Old 04-18-2012, 01:56 AM   #23
Scribe1980's Arena
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Automatically slotted drop backs depending on the pass play call?

Does this mean I can't drop the QB 10 yards if I want to? Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought this was a VIDEO game. If I want to drop the QB back 25 yards I'd better be able to damn well do so at my own will.

I was on the fence about chucking EA football for good; this might push me over.
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Old 04-18-2012, 02:30 AM   #24
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Preview (Kotaku)

Originally Posted by Scribe1980
Automatically slotted drop backs depending on the pass play call?

Does this mean I can't drop the QB 10 yards if I want to? Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought this was a VIDEO game. If I want to drop the QB back 25 yards I'd better be able to damn well do so at my own will.

I was on the fence about chucking EA football for good; this might push me over.
NCAA is a football SIMULATION. You can scramble out of the pocket if you need to but when does a qb drop back 10 yards? There are 7 step drops for deep plays, so the qb has time for the play to develop, but no you won't see 7 step drop back if you call a 5 yard slant. That's unrealistic and totally unnecessary. Football is all about timing. There ix arcade football game made by EA called blitz if you'd rather play that.

Last edited by johnnyg713; 04-18-2012 at 02:39 AM.
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