
MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Now Available, Details Included

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Old 04-13-2012, 12:28 PM   #177
mondoguitar's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Now Available, Details Included

Originally Posted by thaSLAB
What's makes baseball so tough online is you are trying to hit a ball traveling at 90mph, from almost a 1st person viewpoint. So basically, when batting you're attempting to replicate an action that takes approximately a second (slow compared to real life), over an Internet connection, through a server, through controller and video lag (x2). I think it does very well, all things considered.

Hockey or Soccer may have more players, but things are slowed down relatively, due to the camera angles. So you aren't trying to hit a puck or ball moving at near true to life speeds.

The catcher freeze happened to me and pretty much cost me a game in the league I was in. I thought it was just a freak occurrence, since I had never heard/read about it before this thread. It pissed me off enough that I decided to take a break from online (not that alone, but an accumulation of online quirks) Knowing that it's a widespread issue now, I'm willing to wait for the patch to actually release before getting pissed about it all over again. It's like this thread got derailed before anyone even got to download the patch. Try it, and if it's still an issue, then feel free to riot, picket, boycott or whatever the next step is in the ranting process.

And how dare someone give genuine thanks for something they've been waiting weeks for... that's just blatant "bending over" for a company who does nothing to please it's customers, and are totally unreachable /sarcasm

Edit: I really should be sleep, lol

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With all due respect, the real-life timing isn't what's affecting online baseball, the following is what ruins online baseball for me:

- broken lobbies (showing incorrect number of people). people talking are not the same people on the nick list, so it's often difficult to locate the person you are trying to play. (3 yr issue now)
- frozen catcher
- RF to 1B throwouts (hopefully fixed)
- slow throwing animations with absolutely no anticipation of runners advancing or coming home (2 year issue now)
- catcher missing tags even when the runner is 20-30ft from home plate.
- playing a 60min game only to have your opponent cheat and you end up with a disconnect loss. Just last night I went up 5-3 late, I paused to warm up a pitcher, and he pulled on me causing me to forfeit a loss.
- Online HR Derby was a previewed new game mode that so far has turned out to be an epic fail for SCEA. I was told this WAS supposed to be in the game (so no question there), but I was also told (by an SCEA developer) that since their servers were having some issues, they decided to back-off on the HR Derby online and activate it at a later date (it is now 5 weeks later with no public updates).

You don't think innovating a new online mode (some people purchased for this game mode) and then having to shut it down and back track because your "new servers" can't handle it isn't a massive oversight by this franchise? The same thing happened in MLB 11 with online leagues.

That is just a TASTE of what is ruining online baseball. It has nothing to do with the fact a real life baseball is hard to hit in real life. I believe if EA was doing a baseball game their online experience would be much better based on NHL and other franchises I've played.

NHL seems to market their game for online play... MLB seems to market their game for offline play. Both modes should be given equal attention.

Those are just my respectful feelings.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:30 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by TonyDanzaFan
Is anybody else experiencing freezing? I'm trying to play my road to the show, but every time I choose sim to my next appearance, it freezes and I have to restart my ps3. I have done this 4 times before I just gave up. The game was fine before this, so I can only assume that it was the patch.
Try reading some of the previous posts
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:44 PM   #179
Angry Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Now Available, Details Included

I was anxious and excited when I was told a patch was being released hoping that finally I could start my online league but was very let down this morning.

Divisions still backwards and not align like they should be. Meaning when you create a league the AL should be on the LEFT and NL on the RIGHT and the 6 team division should be in the middle for NL as it would be called NL Central.

Starting Rotations still do not save.

Home games still do not work. Yes your first game RED for home you play it and your at home but if you play the next game instead of being Away its still a Home game. I still do not get why we cant play 3 straight games in one stadium following our league schedule! Why oh why does it half to be 1 Home then next game away? Could you imagine if this was real life and all that travel that would take place? It makes no sense to play 1 game Home then very next game travel to the opposing teams stadium this is not realistic what so ever and i thought this game was all about realism.

I choose a BLUE away game and it puts me as the Home team every time.

The online league schedules are still broken I have no idea why we can't have a option to have the 2012 MLB schedule its already on the game in the offline franchise.

This is my very first year on the SHOW and if this is what I can expect when a patch comes out is only offline stuff gets fix then why in the hell have a online league in the first place? Hey Russell I got a news flash for you a lot of people play this game online and in online leagues. It's not only about offline in a franchise or season.

You should really do a survey or something or calculate just how many people play online leagues I am sure you have a way to get the statistics.

Only positive is you can use custom rosters but to completely ignore starting rotations is unacceptable I can deal with some of the other things that got left out, but starting rotations is a big part of the leagues and who is following there rotations but if you can't set them and save them its going to be impossible to get guys to follow the correct rotations.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:46 PM   #180
mondoguitar's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Arrives Tomorrow Morning, Details Included

Originally Posted by dalger21
Well look at that...all people had to do was have a little patient and the patch would be released. Good stuff.

Edit: After reading through this thread..I'm at a loss for words. Instead of simply thanking the fine folks that put out a patch, people are upset everything couldn't be patched like they wanted. I understand that the catcher issue while playing online is a big deal..I get that. I'm willing to bet that there was a specific reason why it wasn't patched. Perhaps there was some underlying issue with it. However, coming here and blasting the devs only makes it harder for them to want to be a open with us as they have been. To be honest, I'm not sure why Ramone and the developers haven't just said screw it and stopped being apart of this community.

It really is unreal the amount of childishness that is in this thread and community. I honestly don't know how the moderators, Ramone, the developers, and whoever else that makes this great site so great, deal with this amount of petulant behavior by some people here. Like I always say, use tact. Think before you post something here. If you have a legitimate issue, bring it up but not in a way that will be misconstrued as belittling someone. You just come off as a douche if you go that route.

Having said that, I thank the people that put out this patch. I'm glad you guys are still trying to fix all the issues. Thank you.
The problem is that the MAJOR online issues HAVE BEEN addressed properly, with etiquette, and in the appropriate threads on BOTH sites. And for three years the biggest problems have been ignored.

- lobbies don't display correctly (3yr issue), we're talking chat rooms that have been around for 15 years. if they REALLY cared about their online product, they'd get it fixed. EA doesn't have lobby issues, not this bad.
- slow "lack of urgency" on infield throws (2 yr issue at least)
- people being able to pull their cable and get a win (3 yr issue)

Repeatedly these problems have been reported over and over for 2-3 yrs and nothing has been done about them. They are the reason online is so frustrating. So after endless posting of these problems in the appropriate places, people tend to get a little frustrated with the dev team, especially when they fail to explain why.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:46 PM   #181
TonyDanzaFan's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Now Available, Details Included

Originally Posted by tigersmistris
Try reading some of the previous posts
I did. Only two mentions and they both sounded minor and were about franchise simming, not RTTS.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:47 PM   #182
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Now Available, Details Included

There's a stickied thread for patch impressions here:


Keeping the impressions in one place, and keeping them concise, will be a benefit to everyone in the long run.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:58 PM   #183
videobastard's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Arrives Tomorrow Morning, Details Included

Nice to see the online leagues freeze fix. Would of been nice also for the catcher freeze glitch to have been included in this one. But hopefully the next patch wont be too far along.
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Old 04-13-2012, 01:10 PM   #184
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Title Update 1.06 Arrives Tomorrow Morning, Details Included

Originally Posted by videobastard
Nice to see the online leagues freeze fix. Would of been nice also for the catcher freeze glitch to have been included in this one. But hopefully the next patch wont be too far along.
If you've experienced this glitch, this other thread could use your input.
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