
NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

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Old 04-07-2012, 10:43 AM   #97
fcboiler87's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Can someone please elaborate on what they mean by "starting lineups" and how that should be implemented without using real life collegiate players?
Think back to College Hoops (gets old having to use this game as a reference, but it really had it all). There could be a couple of screens as they are if you watch a game on television.

Screen 1:
QB: Player X, FR 75 OVR HB: Player Y, SR 88 OVR FB: Player Z JR 78 OVR WR1: Player A, SO 80 OVR WR2: Player B, JR 82 OVR TE: Player C, SR 80 OVR

Screen 2:
Offensive line guys...

Just think to any game you watch on tv when they discuss the starters. It doesn't even have to feature their pictures, just names and info like above.
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Old 04-07-2012, 03:37 PM   #98
balcobomber25's Arena
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Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
...Season Showdown, Heisman Mode, RTG updates, Mini-Games, Mascots, Half-finished TeamBuilder, etc.
I have been saying this for the past few years, enough with the gimmick modes most people either never play or never spend more than a week on. All of that disc space and time they are wasting could go into fixing the core problems of the games. It's like if you or I was going to sell a car, the engine only works half the time but we go out and put a fresh coat of paint, a new set tires and rims and a new stereo in it and sell it off as brand new!
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Old 04-07-2012, 05:17 PM   #99
BlackBetty15's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Just to piggy back to jerseysuave's excellent post...what makes us all so mad is that Ben and co continue to promote all these cheesy features that end up being broken in the end...they leave out what's been missing for FIVE YEARS now (special teams, penalties) and always say "next year, or we didn't have time during this cycle...but hey! Look at half made 3d grass and revamped mascot mashup!" Or some nonsense. What really gets me is the fact that they lie to us and promote all this glitter only to put out a subparagraph game...and then the next year they come out and say what crap their product was the year before and that they are listening to us and voila! 3d USC songirls?...what? Seriously? They get 10 months to add and improve gameplay, graphics and ect...I wonder what would actually happen if upper brass held their feet to the fire and actually work 5 days a week 8am to 6pm all the way to release day on just ONE cycle...imagine the work that could get done. It's called maximizing the team time...and if they would bust their hump right just one stinking cycle, then they could coast a bit like I am sure they doing at the start of every cycle. I have a feeling they got it backwards though...vacation and screwing off first, THEN crunch time all this nonsense in 3 months and use the excuse, "we ran out of time" Stop taking vacations and 4 day weekends ncaa...you haven't earned it yet...the boys at SCEA...THEY earn their time off.
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Old 04-07-2012, 06:58 PM   #100
jmiller937's Arena
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I'm ready to see if they added College Gameday to dynasty mode. I doubt it happened though because I saw somewhere that they added a lot to recruiting. That was probably the focus on dynasty mode.
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Old 04-07-2012, 07:47 PM   #101
edaddy's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
Just to piggy back to jerseysuave's excellent post...what makes us all so mad is that Ben and co continue to promote all these cheesy features that end up being broken in the end...they leave out what's been missing for FIVE YEARS now (special teams, penalties) and always say "next year, or we didn't have time during this cycle...but hey! Look at half made 3d grass and revamped mascot mashup!" Or some nonsense. What really gets me is the fact that they lie to us and promote all this glitter only to put out a subparagraph game...and then the next year they come out and say what crap their product was the year before and that they are listening to us and voila! 3d USC songirls?...what? Seriously? They get 10 months to add and improve gameplay, graphics and ect...I wonder what would actually happen if upper brass held their feet to the fire and actually work 5 days a week 8am to 6pm all the way to release day on just ONE cycle...imagine the work that could get done. It's called maximizing the team time...and if they would bust their hump right just one stinking cycle, then they could coast a bit like I am sure they doing at the start of every cycle. I have a feeling they got it backwards though...vacation and screwing off first, THEN crunch time all this nonsense in 3 months and use the excuse, "we ran out of time" Stop taking vacations and 4 day weekends ncaa...you haven't earned it yet...the boys at SCEA...THEY earn their time off.
Thats what particularly irritates me regarding camera angles,penalties and the chain gang..I have listened for 5 years how each year they were going to look at getting camera angles and the chain gang in the fame and each year it's the same story and I truly think thats what people have a problem with...iF You cant get at least the fundamental parts of the game right with this engine then add on to the immersion factor by adding camera angles, and try to simulate an actual NCAA broadcast..NBA 2k and the show are by no means flawless games but they pull you in with the immersion factor and the little nuances that you see in a basketball and baseball game..truly if EA just worked on broadcast presentation and addded little things like penalties working to the game a bunch of dissatisfied posters would be satisfied.. its fluff like cheerleaders and 3D grass that only works with replays that kind of tick people off..on top of that the game is released with gamebreaking bugs that take 2 patches and 3 months to fix. This is an ongoing thing and at some point you can,t blame people for being fed up...EVERYBODY wants a better game thats the bottom line especially in these forums if we didnt there wouldnt be as many passionate complaints that are voiced....
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Old 04-08-2012, 03:53 AM   #102
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Old 04-08-2012, 04:18 AM   #103
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Old 04-08-2012, 11:18 AM   #104
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So basically this game is going to be a piece of ****, again. EA can suck my long they're embarrassing.
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