
NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

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Old 04-06-2012, 09:26 AM   #129
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by Pokes404
In my opinion, a lot of this stems from the fact that there aren't any other options out there. I think you would see more of the constructive criticism and less of the outright hate if there was another game or two out there. The problem is, for some of us, after not getting what we were wanting/expecting in the game for 5+ years and having no other real options, the frustration just builds to a point that it's easy to go from constructive criticism, to just throwing rocks.

I try to really watch myself in this regard. It'd be pretty clear to anyone who went back and read my recent posts how disappointed I am in this series, but I try to stay respectful of those who enjoy the game. I try to make sure that any complaining I do is followed up with examples, instead of just saying "gameplay sucks" and leaving it at that. However, I've definitely toed that line before.

I'm not trying to defend those people who just want to bash anything EA says and call people who like the game "idiots," but I would say that when EA bought the exclusive license and then followed up by producing games that (I think even those people who support the game would say) have fallen short of our expectations for this generation, they opened themselves to a larger degree of criticism and animosity than most.
All of what you say is true, especially the part about us having no other option so that increases the hatred toward EA. And I myself have "gone over the line" toward the devs, the company and the product years ago when I just couldn't stand it anymore and was utterly frustrated. I think the difference in myself and some though is I had my little "breakdown" and got over it. Other seem to be stuck in that mode of irrational, unrivaled anger and stress and a video game just isn't worth it IMO. I've learned to accept that, for this generation at least, the game is what it is and it's not going to change much. Other folks may want to try to adopt the same attitude or just give up until next-gen lest they drive themselves to an early heart attack!!
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Old 04-06-2012, 12:58 PM   #130
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
I posted this last year about how the pocket should be breaking down....

That Bull Rush move in the vid should almost be completely removed in favor of an animation like that Haynesworth Play
I agree it takes the player out of the picture which in football once you out the picture you can no longer make a play, and to take the front four out the play with that moves makes RB and mobile QB more dangerous because you have to rely on the LB or DB to make the play which gives the offense a good 5 to 10 yards evey play.
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Old 04-06-2012, 01:37 PM   #131
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by Baughn3
You completely missed the point of my post. I was talking about people expecting an overhaul of an engine that's been around for over 10 years. The game does make changes every year, but the vast majority of them are pretty minor and don't completely change the gameplay. I actually really enjoyed the Vision Cone and was disappointed when they removed it, but I still have enjoyed the game since it was removed.

What specifically did you not enjoy from last year that, if improved or changed, would make you enjoy this year's game?
Even though there are specifics like speed being overpowering, the zig-zag running, the outdated passing system, the lack of adaptive AI, intended receivers not being able to trigger pass defense animations, unnecessary different football feature sets/controls for NCAA and Madden, highlight show to bring Dynasty "alive", progressive injuries, AI players transferring from losing programs and those that change systems, etc, I don't believe all will be fixed in one year. However, I can not really point to one or a handful of these that are gamebreakers for me, until I actually play the new game and whatever it contains.

For example, the new passing system and defensive reaction system could provide enough of a realistic challenge in NCAA 13 that I am able to enjoy the game longer this year than last.

I guess the point I was making is that for most gamers I think it's about how much enjoyment they can find in the game every year, not how close it is to perfect. So just because a gamer didn't enjoy the package last year, that doesn't make it a given they will not find enjoyment this year.
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Old 04-06-2012, 07:47 PM   #132
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go hawkeyes and I can't wait for this game too drop and yes fix the gameplay lol
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Old 04-07-2012, 12:12 AM   #133
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Even though there are specifics like speed being overpowering, the zig-zag running, the outdated passing system, the lack of adaptive AI, intended receivers not being able to trigger pass defense animations, unnecessary different football feature sets/controls for NCAA and Madden, highlight show to bring Dynasty "alive", progressive injuries, AI players transferring from losing programs and those that change systems, etc, I don't believe all will be fixed in one year. However, I can not really point to one or a handful of these that are gamebreakers for me, until I actually play the new game and whatever it contains.

For example, the new passing system and defensive reaction system could provide enough of a realistic challenge in NCAA 13 that I am able to enjoy the game longer this year than last.

I guess the point I was making is that for most gamers I think it's about how much enjoyment they can find in the game every year, not how close it is to perfect. So just because a gamer didn't enjoy the package last year, that doesn't make it a given they will not find enjoyment this year.
A few of the things that you mentioned are staples of EA's football games that will not change this generation (speed being overpowered, zigzag running, lack of catching animations, and player transfers specifically). That's the point I'm trying to make. People who think these things are going to change are the ones setting themselves up for disappointment. If you don't like these aspects in any previous version of the game, you aren't going to like them being in this year's game because they are almost guaranteed to be there.

Now, it depends on how much you dislike these aspects and how that affects what you do like about the game as to whether you will enjoy one iteration of the game compared to another. I have come to accept that the player interaction (named WR/CB and OL/DL interactions) are not going to improve in this generation of games. I don't know if it's an engine limitation or simply that the creators of the game don't want or can't fix it, but I don't believe they will be "fixed." For some, those are gamebreakers, for others they are annoyances that can be dealt with.

I guess I should mend my previous statement to say that if you didn't like last year's game, there's a good chance you won't like this one, and vice versa.
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Old 04-07-2012, 12:40 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by BIG MONE88
More of the EA hype machine wake up people. Stop being sheep boycott ncaa 13 until. They make real improvements.....
Yes. Gotta wait for the new lineup of consoles.
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Old 04-07-2012, 01:02 PM   #135
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by Baughn3
A few of the things that you mentioned are staples of EA's football games that will not change this generation (speed being overpowered, zigzag running, lack of catching animations, and player transfers specifically). That's the point I'm trying to make. People who think these things are going to change are the ones setting themselves up for disappointment. If you don't like these aspects in any previous version of the game, you aren't going to like them being in this year's game because they are almost guaranteed to be there.

Now, it depends on how much you dislike these aspects and how that affects what you do like about the game as to whether you will enjoy one iteration of the game compared to another. I have come to accept that the player interaction (named WR/CB and OL/DL interactions) are not going to improve in this generation of games. I don't know if it's an engine limitation or simply that the creators of the game don't want or can't fix it, but I don't believe they will be "fixed." For some, those are gamebreakers, for others they are annoyances that can be dealt with.

I guess I should mend my previous statement to say that if you didn't like last year's game, there's a good chance you won't like this one, and vice versa.
I feel the what you are getting at and agree for the most part except somewhat with the bold. I think it is possible that they can change/adjust these aspects but not suddenly make them like NFL2k's, BB's or any other games. I can only speak for me but I think there are other gamers too that have issues with EA football games because of the unrealistic nature of it's realistic elements, not necessarily the elements themselves. So with a few tweaks and some tuning of those elements, which could take place in one year, I think some people could find enjoyment in the same feature they didn't last year, without an entire overhaul of the game.

That said, I don't know about NCAA 13 because sometimes EA seems to try to save the "best" for Madden but I just noticed this on Madden 13's website late last night.


Madden NFL 13 is all-new from boot up to credits. Every mode, every screen, every pixel has been reinvented delivering the most innovative, connected, and authentic Madden NFL experience in franchise history.

Of course nobody knows how that claim will pan out but it seems EA/Tiburon is stating Madden is trying to do a complete "reinvention".
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Old 04-07-2012, 02:05 PM   #136
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Looks like I'll skip it again this year. Until they change the movement animations to be more realistic this game will never be a "must" game. EA...OVERHAUL your animations!! They are 5 years and counting they haven't changed much.

Go hire someone at the developers who make MLB the Show or NBA 2K. Then you'll understand about fluid human-like movements and lighting. I'm soooo tired of the same robot running animation EA uses year after year.
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