
NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

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Old 04-05-2012, 07:39 AM   #73
NDFan1029's Arena
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This is why games like FIFA and NHL 12 are so much better. For one, if you make a lousy soccer game, you have almost all of Europe to answer to; a much broader audience plays those games. And NHL 12 is created by the EA devs in hockey-crazed Canada, another instance where a shoddy product simply won't be tolerated. I just don't think there are enough people playing college football games to justify putting out a better product every year. I would guess that around 80% of the demand for football video games is with Madden and not NCAA Football.
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:27 AM   #74
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by NDFan1029
This is why games like FIFA and NHL 12 are so much better. For one, if you make a lousy soccer game, you have almost all of Europe to answer to; a much broader audience plays those games. And NHL 12 is created by the EA devs in hockey-crazed Canada, another instance where a shoddy product simply won't be tolerated. I just don't think there are enough people playing college football games to justify putting out a better product every year. I would guess that around 80% of the demand for football video games is with Madden and not NCAA Football.
generally, you're right. But I think that the comparison with Madden is not so accurate.
The Madden and NCAA dev teams share more or less the same technologies, and as you said, Madden series attracts much more audience than NCAA. However, both Madden and NCAA have not upgraded thier technologies to a level that FIFA and NHL stand right now.
I think that Madden itself is popular as much as the FIFA series, and if we want NCAA to get to the next level, which means new physics engine, better commentary and true to life presentation, we have to wait untill Madden makes this move to the next level.
# I can not see it happens in this gaming consoles genertaion...

Last edited by chen_sc; 04-05-2012 at 08:30 AM.
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:37 AM   #75
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
You're missing the entire point of that post. Marketing isn't the creative wing. What I am saying is, even IF the marketing department specifically wrote out:


1) Custom team entrances
2) Cheerleaders on the field (and other assorted cut scenes)
3) 3D Menus
4) Dynamic real time lighting

It is STILL development and creative that takes that and puts it into code and most of these things do not work effectively. Cut scenes get X'ed through by everyone, entrances get X'ed through (and aren't even shown for online and OD user games, which is all some of us play). The new lighting system looks great, but if they don't fix it to where you can't play night games online or in OD's, what's the point? We don't need more of these things, we need them to be more effectively streamlined into the game itself.

So even IF I were to buy your premise that marketing is dictating specific features, someone still has to interpret those features into code and develop them into what we have in the game. That is where the problem lies.

It is pretty evident that the marketing direction the last few years is to simply "feature the pageantry of college football." You judge how well that has been done.

You'll have a hard time getting anyone here to buy the "marketing is what is causing these problems, not the development team" argument.
The only thing I'll agree with you on here is that the developers are the creators. It's our choice whether to x through the cut scenes of the entrances. I do it because I want to get to the game sooner, not because I think they are implemented incorrectly.

Also, don't most programmers do the coding? I'm not a whiz in IT, but that would be my best guess.

I guess I don't see the coding issues you do with the entrances and pageantry of the game, that's where the disagree is coming from. I play mostly offline.

I see big legacy issues continuing with the game play part of the game, that's where I feel the focus should be.

Hopefully, Cam Weber has addressed that issue by doubling the game play team.

We'll see.
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:06 AM   #76
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

I had an epiphany about 3 years ago about this game that many of you obviously have not made yet. The game is what it is. Everyone laments what this game should be but it's futile to do so. Comparing it to The Show or FIFA is futile. Expectations by now have been set year in and year out by EA for this game and yet 95% of people on here still set theirs way too high. Every year people think "this is the year NCAA Football is going to make a huge leap" and every year your hopes, dreams and expectations are grabbed, smashed and FATALIED like Scorpion finishing Goro.

Here's how I look at it. The game is a video game. It's not a recreation of football. It's not a simulation. It's a game that I greatly enjoy playing with my friends online. It's a game I get year round enjoyment from by playing online dynasty. I've quit lamenting the game not being what I expect. I've quit expecting it to be "The Show" of the football world. It's not going to happen.

Now I know some of you may misinterpret here slightly what I'm saying. I'm not saying I don't like the game but still buy it anyways. Far from it, I enjoy the hell out of the game and I play it all year round. But after a few years ago, when I nearly quit playing it out of frustration, the same frustrations I see expressed in this thread, I asked myself a simple question "Do I get $60 worth of fun out of this game?" and my answer was "that and a ton more".

I think all of you need to quit torturing yourselves about what the game could be, or directly comparing the game to those that sit across from it on the shelf and ask yourself that simple question "do I get $60 worth of fun out of this video game?". If the answer is yes then quit believing each year is going to be "the year" in which the game evolves from a fun video game to a football simulation. If the answer is no then simply delete your NCAA forums and quit buying the game because you're only causing yourself more heartache.

I know some folks might say in reply to this "well I love college football and I don't have any choice but to buy this game and it sucks" which implies you would like another competitor, say 2K sports, to create a college game. Well guess what, that isn't happening anytime soon. I wish I was a millionaire but I don't wake up each year and go into forums and stress myself out that I'm not a millionaire.

The point is every single person in these forums by now should know exactly what to expect each year from NCAA college football. It's going to be slight improvements, an upgrade here or there, some cool little additions, maybe some tweaks...but that's what you're getting. I don't know why anyone expects anything more until the next generation. If you truly want a superior game and don't want to give up on college football game then simply set your calendar for a few years off and pick up the new NCAA football game on the Xbox 720 or the PS4. That's your only real option at this point.

I really believe that of the complainers in this forum, of which there are many, there is a good percentage that don't take my above advice mostly because they DO know what to expect each year but they really enjoy complaining and bashing EA. Some of you may not even realize this is happening, not doing it consciously but getting caught up in the outrage of "what??? they added x and didn't fix y??" subconsciously. It's an odd phenomenon but it's a real one, some people simply find happiness in misery. Add that to the fact that since there are so many people in these forums that love to bash the game and bash EA and you're part of a large group who agrees with you and reinforces your views. That in itself is what some people like as well, the feeling of "us against them" or of "us gamers vs. the huge, evil corporation". And as I said, some of you may not even realize you're doing it but think about it and you may find it's true.. This is evidenced by the fact that many of the same complainers get caught up in the hype of looking for the game early as well, it's group think.

As for me, I'm going to continue to buy the NCAA games simply because, as I said, I get my moneys worth out of them. I have no problem complaining about specific features and wanting them fixed. I have however decided that it's pretty pointless to desiring a completely different, awesome football simulation because that's unrealistic and simply is going to cause me a lot of disappointment come July 10th. I would advise the few of you on here who are truly unhappy, and do not derive your happiness from bashing or being part of the group who does, to re-assess as I have a couple of years ago and act accordingly. It will save you a lot of heartache and stress over what is simply a video game, one of hundreds which release each year...
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Last edited by ODogg; 04-05-2012 at 10:14 AM.
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:18 AM   #77
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by The_Gaming_Disciple
The bashing of the EA NCAA developers should come to an immediate halt. It is evident that the developers have a keen insight and desire to take NCAA to that next level; however, they are limited as a result of marketing executives who have the final input concerning what is featured in the game. Any person above the age of 18 realizes the mindset of marketing so called experts who constantly deliberate in board meetings concerning what will sell a product, in which, the said individuals (executives) have no first had experience of. Yes, the developers are limited. They are limited by the execs and limited by this generations game engine. Furthermore, until an immediate competitor can break through EA's monopoly on college football as well as Madden, no immediate changes will take place in order to immediately garner the attention of the executives...$$$

"These things have been spoken, so that those who hear, might believe"

The tings people say to give EA/Tiburion a break. I TELL YA! LOL
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:20 AM   #78
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

at this line from the interviewer:

"You've always done an incredible job of being really authentic, and you've not let the fans down."
Originally Posted by bradtxmale
I like 6 inches. Its not too thin and not too thick. You get the support your body needs.

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Old 04-05-2012, 10:44 AM   #79
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by b2th3m1th
I love OS when it comes to football games. Sane people become irrational. We havent even seen real gameplay footage. Just mashup clips that you guys overreact to. Wowzers. How about we wait and atleast see the new feature set before we criticize.

Like I said before if it said 2k instead of EA people would be lauding over this game.

Wow couldn't love this post anymore if I tried. Couldn't be more true, especially that last part.
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Old 04-05-2012, 11:08 AM   #80
DorianDonP's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Video - Just a Little More Gameplay Footage

Originally Posted by fhm_williams
Wow couldn't love this post anymore if I tried. Couldn't be more true, especially that last part.
That's such an intellectually dishonest statement. Why not debate the content of the criticism instead of trying to attack the people with a baseless comment?

If 2K somehow released a college football game without a physics engine, you think people would be happy with that just because it's 2K? Come on. Do yall really believe that?
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