
Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

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Old 01-31-2012, 07:58 PM   #81
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3 things:

1) Fixing CPU defense: This has to be tied to actually fixing CB/WR interactions as well as QB accuracy. In its current form CB don't properly coveragre or react to the ball like in real life (looking at the ball or watching the reciever), there is also no fighting for the ball in the air. NCAA cheats with unrealistic responses to avoid to many big plays. If you "fix" this, then you have to have less accurate quarterbacks. If you change threshold and coverage and have open recievers the CPU quarterback never misses (neither does the player unless you nerf your QB accuracy slider). You have to have poor quality deep throws by quarterbacks to match the increased number of open recievers. Otherwise it will be the wide open gameplay people complained about in the past where the deep route was an instant 6. I agree with fixing it but only if the CPU and human quarterback deep throws don't look like Tom Brady or Payton Manning on their best days.

2) Your reference to versus testing is a bit suspect. While versus shows a problem with the game I don't know that the CPU is cheating by knowing the play. There are definite times when you can trick the CPU by your playcalling, but usually only against poor quality teams and not in practice mode but by repeatedly running other play types then fooling them based on down and play type (i.e. practice can't run playaction or draws). What I think he has uncovered in his videos is a serious oversight by the developers. Each player has a play recognition slider. I have a feeling the way this game works is at the moment of the snap the console runs the play and against the AI defensive play recognition rating and comes up with a success or failure. Then the player reacts immediately by knowing the play. What the EA team needs to do is have the play recognition quality limit the reaction time and only really result in a change of defensive play once the ball is handed off/fake handed off. I think currently at the snap the play recognition kicks in and the defensive player reacts accordingly, please change it to the handoff EA. Either way EA really needs to fix this since it really does hurt the game.

3. Fix blocking: From one of versus videos a main problem is that blockers don't help for second then release to get to the next level or pickup blitzes. This results in too many blown up run play from safeties or corners (also EA programed cover 2 DB/WR interactoin to not block!!!). Real football works on downfield blocking something they are missing.
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Old 01-31-2012, 08:01 PM   #82
knighthawksfan's Arena
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I don't think ea will do anything until they lose there rights and other companies can start making football games again. Go hawkeyes in 2012!!!!!
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Old 01-31-2012, 08:33 PM   #83
KriTicKz's Arena
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

Back shoulder throws near sidelines.
the better your qb the better the throw
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Old 01-31-2012, 09:06 PM   #84
22cedric's Arena
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I heard that commentary will have a big improvement this year & that they want to add ESPN College Gameday into the game.
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Old 02-01-2012, 02:24 AM   #85
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I don't think the Classic teams created by EA would be very realistic.....i mean if your going to create those teams and players i don't want to see 50 players on each team rated 90 overall and some guy like Earl Campbell with 99 speed and acceleration the same as Deion Sanders

The uniforms would be great to have....

But this series needs to spend time on the CPU AI behavior and animations....there's enough custability for us to make our Classic teams and players probbaly better than anything EA could do anyway

So please EA just focus on gameplay for once
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Old 02-01-2012, 04:37 AM   #86
petersondagreat's Arena
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

I wish i could just sit through a development cycle and sit down and talk with the producers just to get a gage on these guys and its not just ncaa its madden and even nba 2k12. I find myself wondering do these guys even have a passion for the sport of the game that they are creating or are they simply just doing what they went to school for. I have a hard time believing that these guys are college football buffs, I maybe wrong (BARKLEY VOICE) but it dosen't seem like it. Now let me say that there is some good things in NCAA 12 BUT for us to be six years in to next gen we shouldnt be dealing with some of these issues.

1. Crowd (self explanatory) A game in knoxville shouldn't sound like a friday night HS game

2. penalties- 6 years in and its the exact same as when the game was initially launched which i think is RIDICULOUS no PI's no defensive holding no illegal hands to the face ect ect and EA if you guys add this please dont make them phantom calls where you get called for Defensive holding and you go to the replay and you see your DB has done nothing to warrant a penalty take a page out of 2ks book add animations where we can see in the replay " oh yeah he was holding" I want a reason to cuss my guys out

3. Injuries same as penalties add some animations showing a guy twisting his ankle or tearing an ACL it adds a lot to the game. Also I hear everyone complain about super LB's how about these super TRAINING STAFFS who can eyeball injuries and have a diagnosis in 3 plays how about a simple can he go or not. if not after the game and MRI you should then know how long your guy will be out

4. CB/WR play needs a complete overhaul (MADDEN TOO) I like the new diving catches and thats about it. If I can dive for a pass on command WHY cant I Jump on Command its so frustrating playing with Tenn and watching Justin Hunter jump 3 inches off the ground for a pass. it seems they are so worried about rocket catching they are dumbing down recievers that can jump out the building and thats not right. they need to find some kind of middle ground to allow this without going from 1 extreme to the next guys leaping all over the place

5. spring games not major but it would be nice

6. Signature animations- now i know its a football game but still no reason they cant add different throwing motions, jukes, pass rush moves ect
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Old 02-01-2012, 09:55 AM   #87
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Bring back the screen shaking!!!

When I go into Death Valley or the Horseshoe, I WANT TO FEEL LIKE I'M THERE... 100,000+ Fans is LOUD!!! Make it LOUD!!!

Give players WEIGHT and Momentum... There is no reason why a 180lb CB should be blowing up a 260lb Tailback... It simply defies logic... Also, there is no way that a DLine compiled of players under 250lbs should be able to hold their own vs a OLine with Guys over 300lbs. Those little DLine guys should be pushed around and shouldn't be very effective at stopping a Power Running Attack...

I don't care WHO (ea / 2k) makes the game... I JUST WANT A GOOD PRODUCT!!! Something that truly represents NCAA Football on Saturdays... This game does not do that good enough...
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Old 02-01-2012, 10:19 AM   #88
IronVictory's Arena
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

I'd like to add one more thing: improve TeamBuilder

-Being able to add 3, 4 or 5 logos (more than just 2... lame)

-Being able to adjust the size of logos (some logos look tiny on the helmets, even if they are actual college helmet logos)

-More helmet design options, more jersey design options, more pants design options

-Having 4 sets of pants to go with 4 jerseys

-EA Sports is apparently licensed to have Nike, Adidas, Under Armour logos in this game... why not give us the option to attach those logos to the uniforms?

The website for NCAA 12 doesn't even look different than the TB site for NCAA 11.
--Auburn Football--2010 National Champions--
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