
MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

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Old 01-30-2012, 06:55 PM   #177
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by tabarnes19
Not this year. But they do know we want it...It comes down to the standard they have for save files. I was really trying to get team names added on stat lines when I was there. Even little things like that are harder to put in than the average person believes.
Do you know if the restriction is on the *size* of save file? If they cannot go over 22 - 23MB of the current save file, then I can almost surely bet historical stats of the magnitude we are hoping to have won't happen.... hope that's not the case..............
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Old 01-30-2012, 07:21 PM   #178
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Do you know if the restriction is on the *size* of save file? If they cannot go over 22 - 23MB of the current save file, then I can almost surely bet historical stats of the magnitude we are hoping to have won't happen.... hope that's not the case..............
Kolbe PM'd me before saying it was a size issue, that after a few seasons the save files would be huge. Now that does not mean more cannot be saved.

I am guessing it depends on how files are saved, compression etc... Again that is a guess, because he did mention before that they are always looking into ways to expand stat tracking.
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Old 01-30-2012, 07:28 PM   #179
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by greenngoldbaseball
I used to think it was all physics based, until I kept seeing inside pitches hit for home runs...to opposite field. I questioned the physics a lot, like many others I saw on this site. People were told many times by people that supposedly know that the physics were just fine and everything was in their heads. So I took it as it was all in my head. Then they [SCEA] come out with this new revamped physics that is supposed to be more true to life and so great that the few that have seen it can't even go back to 11. So now I don't know what to think.

As for the sim stuff, what you said makes sense. I was trying to figure out in my head how long it would take a computer to calculate every single pitcher versus batter matchup for every single AB for every single game for every single team and I didn't get very far. I don't think even Watson would be able to do that at the speed in which I can sim through a whole season.

I think what most guys were saying was "in their heads" was the supposition that the outcomes were predetermined. They were/are not.

....and yes...the gameplay sim engines are different in some senses....but both rely heavily on the attributes for their outcomes.

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Old 01-30-2012, 08:44 PM   #180
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by nomo17k
In games like this, physics-based means certain parts of the game are dictated by very well understood (and reasonably simple) physics. Computing ball physics *in the air* can be well approximated given all the knowns... and that's why I presume the devs can now do a very good job of replicating how it travels with the new engine.

I think computing how the bat contact leads to the initial condition of the ball flight is an entirely different matter, because there are a lot more unknowns you need to deal with (e.g., angle at which the ball hits certain part of round bat, how the wood/ball compresses, etc., etc.).... so I wouldn't be surprised figuring out how to realistically simulate (lack of) opposite field power was a more difficult problem

I actually like to play all my game using the gameplay engine and simulate franchise, haha. It can certainly run within 20 - 25 min per game on Vita, but that's with presentation. If you just run a game without presentation (with presentation, the game needs to *slow down* at 30 - 60 frames per sec), then each game should finish much faster under the hood. I can surely wait a minute or so to finish one game if I have the option....
Thanks for that. I can understand how difficult it must be to replicate actually physics when there are no physics in the game. There is no ball traveling at 95 miles per hour and there is no bat to meet it. Rather, we have pixelated versions of each that make us fall into the illusion, and very well done if we can have these physics debates like we do. I don't quite understand what you mean with your last paragraph, but that is probably because it is a bit too technical for me.

Knight, I would assume that in the sim engines the results would be 100% attribute driven wouldn't it? I mean with game play you get user imput to some extent, but not in sim so what else would it be that determines the outcomes? Maybe I am not fully understanding your statement.
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Old 01-30-2012, 08:59 PM   #181
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by greenngoldbaseball
Thanks for that. I can understand how difficult it must be to replicate actually physics when there are no physics in the game. There is no ball traveling at 95 miles per hour and there is no bat to meet it. Rather, we have pixelated versions of each that make us fall into the illusion, and very well done if we can have these physics debates like we do. I don't quite understand what you mean with your last paragraph, but that is probably because it is a bit too technical for me.

Knight, I would assume that in the sim engines the results would be 100% attribute driven wouldn't it? I mean with game play you get user imput to some extent, but not in sim so what else would it be that determines the outcomes? Maybe I am not fully understanding your statement.
Okay...I'm going to go into the wayback time machine here with myself....I guess it would have to be three years ago in speaking with Brian, but I seem to remember him saying that it is indeed 100% attribute driven. I definitely could have worded my reply a bit better.
But..I'd have to ask him again if the sim engine uses the actual park data, wind and manager/coaches(modifiers) as I do remember someone asking that in the Q&A at one time....and I asked him. I cannot remember distinctly, so I'd rather not hazard as to what I THINK the answer is(yes? )

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Old 01-30-2012, 09:08 PM   #182
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by Knight165
Okay...I'm going to go into the wayback time machine here with myself....I guess it would have to be three years ago in speaking with Brian, but I seem to remember him saying that it is indeed 100% attribute driven. I definitely could have worded my reply a bit better.
But..I'd have to ask him again if the sim engine uses the actual park data, wind and manager/coaches(modifiers) as I do remember someone asking that in the Q&A at one time....and I asked him. I cannot remember distinctly, so I'd rather not hazard as to what I THINK the answer is(yes? )

Cool beans man. I appreciate your answer(s). Sometimes it pays to have people on the inside haha. In all honesty, I really don't care how the stats come about. I have yet to see anything in this series that is not at all realistic as far as the sim stats go. It seems like the actual gameplay physics, which is where it seems to occasional go off the reality train, have been redone so what else can we ask for? Awesome.

Oh, since I have your full and undivided attention (heh) can I re-ask an earlier question straight to you? I wondered if you noticed any players make it to the hall of fame on community day. I saw you simmed many years into the future (forgot how many) and hoped you had a chance to check this out. Thanks in advance
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Old 01-30-2012, 09:55 PM   #183
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

hopefully in 13 they can add some sort of player personality feature.
each player in this is the same.

a player role ala madden would be nice.

second, how about possibly a moving of all the front office stuff to a dedicated 'owner mode' and having a straight up regular franchise mode?

also in the picture with the generated player, archie kline, half of his face is covered in a shadow.
is that going to be there for all the generated guys?
u cant really see his features and it looks weird.
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Old 01-30-2012, 11:14 PM   #184
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by tabarnes19
Kolbe PM'd me before saying it was a size issue, that after a few seasons the save files would be huge. Now that does not mean more cannot be saved.

I am guessing it depends on how files are saved, compression etc... Again that is a guess, because he did mention before that they are always looking into ways to expand stat tracking.
As for the space limitations, I am wondering if it is possible for the devs to program the stats spreadsheet so that some stats are automatically calculated, Microsoft Excel style? If it is possible, I would think it would save a lot of memory/harddrive space. For example, instead of having K/9 specifically implemented in the game, just have the game divide column #42 (total strikeouts) by column #10 (total innings pitched). There are probably at least 20-30 stats that are already in-game that can be calculated simply by manipulating other stats, thus that's 20-30 stat lines worth of filespace you'd be saving.

In the same vein (again the first thing would need to be possible), what if we were allowed to create custom stats? I could create a stat named chicken dinner, and have it automatically multiply the appropriate columns by 13, divide by some other appropriate columns, and viola I now have xFIP instantly, available without every single pitcher's xFIP having to be hard coded into the file.
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