
MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

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Old 01-30-2012, 05:30 PM   #169
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by Bobhead

I have to go, so I'll close by playing devil's advocate for a minute. There is a definitive possibility that SCEA are already miles ahead of us, and that this is already how the attributes work. In that case, the real issue would be that they (the attributes) are incorrectly titled. Instead of "power" perhaps it should be called "likelihood of the player hitting a home run if he successfully hits the ball." Just rolls right off the tongue, no?
All this time I thought that was exactly what Power attribute did. I'm fairly confidence it is.. (except it should be "likehood of hitting a long ball, not necessarily a HR") though I don't have much to back that up. It just makes sense that way. Also the game doesn't predetermine if a solid hit is HR or not... and that makes it possible to naturally introduce the park factor, which the game already does.

Agree with the way to introduce inconsistency... in a longer run, that probably leads to a system that more closely resembles reality.
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Last edited by nomo17k; 01-30-2012 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 01-30-2012, 05:50 PM   #170
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by nomo17k
All this time I thought that was exactly what Power attribute did. I'm fairly confidence it is.. (except it should be "likehood of hitting a long ball, not necessarily a HR") though I don't have much to back that up. It just makes sense that way. Also the game doesn't predetermine if a solid hit is HR or not... and that makes it possible to naturally introduce the park factor, which the game already does.

Agree with the way to introduce inconsistency... in a longer run, that probably leads to a system that more closely resembles reality.
Are you sure about this? If so, then does this only apply to played games or sim games as well? The reason I ask is that I played with Oakland and had more or less the same road and home splits with power hitters (I had to trade for them since they don't exist in Oakland), despite playing in a pitcher friendly park. Also, sim stats seemed pretty close for top players no matter where they played. In an extreme case, I saw Ryan Howard get sent down to AAA in the 2010 game and hit 55 home runs there, which was give or take 3 home runs from all the other years he played in Philly. This plus or minus held in the first three seasons with all the top tier players no matter what league or team they played for. I figured it was how the sim engine worked. I am pretty sure that sim games aren't actually "playing" games, as that would take a much longer time to calculate than it does currently.
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Old 01-30-2012, 05:55 PM   #171
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by greenngoldbaseball
Are you sure about this? If so, then does this only apply to played games or sim games as well? ...
The fact that a HR is not predetermined is a frequent trivia in this game. So I'm sure... At least in gameplay, it's not predetermined. It's physics based there (ball flight path, air condition, park dimension, etc.).

I know the sim engine is different from gameplay engine. From what I gather from a bunch of older Brian@SCEA posts that I've read recently, these two modes even get worked on by different engineers (Brian does the gameplay).

I think the sim engine is not as elaborate for sure... so I wouldn't be surprised park factor and such are not taken into account, although it could be done in theory...
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:06 PM   #172
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by nomo17k
The fact that a HR is not predetermined is a frequent trivia in this game. So I'm sure... At least in gameplay, it's not predetermined. It's physics based there (ball flight path, air condition, park dimension, etc.).

I know the sim engine is different from gameplay engine. From what I gather from a bunch of older Brian@SCEA posts that I've read recently, these two modes even get worked on by different engineers (Brian does the gameplay).

I think the sim engine is not as elaborate for sure... so I wouldn't be surprised park factor and such are not taken into account, although it could be done in theory...
I used to think it was all physics based, until I kept seeing inside pitches hit for home runs...to opposite field. I questioned the physics a lot, like many others I saw on this site. People were told many times by people that supposedly know that the physics were just fine and everything was in their heads. So I took it as it was all in my head. Then they [SCEA] come out with this new revamped physics that is supposed to be more true to life and so great that the few that have seen it can't even go back to 11. So now I don't know what to think.

As for the sim stuff, what you said makes sense. I was trying to figure out in my head how long it would take a computer to calculate every single pitcher versus batter matchup for every single AB for every single game for every single team and I didn't get very far. I don't think even Watson would be able to do that at the speed in which I can sim through a whole season.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:16 PM   #173
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by greenngoldbaseball
I used to think it was all physics based, until I kept seeing inside pitches hit for home runs...to opposite field. I questioned the physics a lot, like many others I saw on this site. People were told many times by people that supposedly know that the physics were just fine and everything was in their heads. So I took it as it was all in my head. Then they [SCEA] come out with this new revamped physics that is supposed to be more true to life and so great that the few that have seen it can't even go back to 11. So now I don't know what to think.
In games like this, physics-based means certain parts of the game are dictated by very well understood (and reasonably simple) physics. Computing ball physics *in the air* can be well approximated given all the knowns... and that's why I presume the devs can now do a very good job of replicating how it travels with the new engine.

I think computing how the bat contact leads to the initial condition of the ball flight is an entirely different matter, because there are a lot more unknowns you need to deal with (e.g., angle at which the ball hits certain part of round bat, how the wood/ball compresses, etc., etc.).... so I wouldn't be surprised figuring out how to realistically simulate (lack of) opposite field power was a more difficult problem

As for the sim stuff, what you said makes sense. I was trying to figure out in my head how long it would take a computer to calculate every single pitcher versus batter matchup for every single AB for every single game for every single team and I didn't get very far. I don't think even Watson would be able to do that at the speed in which I can sim through a whole season.
I actually like to play all my game using the gameplay engine and simulate franchise, haha. It can certainly run within 20 - 25 min per game on Vita, but that's with presentation. If you just run a game without presentation (with presentation, the game needs to *slow down* at 30 - 60 frames per sec), then each game should finish much faster under the hood. I can surely wait a minute or so to finish one game if I have the option....
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:22 PM   #174
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Yes, the stats/ratings/whatever exporter/importer would be nice at the very least... I cry every time I wipe out season/postseason stats.
Sorry if this has been addressed before as I haven't been following The Show too closely this year, but they still haven't added historical stat tracking? I don't expect them to track all the advanced stats, however the major ones would be nice.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:50 PM   #175
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by jeremym480
Sorry if this has been addressed before as I haven't been following The Show too closely this year, but they still haven't added historical stat tracking? I don't expect them to track all the advanced stats, however the major ones would be nice.
According to posts earlier in this thread, the amount of historical stats stays the same as in previous years...

Hope the devs can figure this one out!! I really enjoy looking at how players progress/regress in year-to-year stats...
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:53 PM   #176
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by jeremym480
Sorry if this has been addressed before as I haven't been following The Show too closely this year, but they still haven't added historical stat tracking? I don't expect them to track all the advanced stats, however the major ones would be nice.
Not this year. But they do know we want it...It comes down to the standard they have for save files. I was really trying to get team names added on stat lines when I was there. Even little things like that are harder to put in than the average person believes.
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