
EASHL Wishlist for NHL 13

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Old 11-18-2011, 02:50 PM   #1
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EASHL Wishlist for NHL 13

There's no doubt that one of NHL 12's best features is the team-focused goodness of the EASHL. As has been detailed before, there's a great deal of depth in the mode, and the proverbial carrot of additional XP points for your skater or goalie keeps things interesting. Additionally, the playoff system that has been introduced in the last two iterations of the game has provided a nice goal for teams of all abilities.

However, this doesn't mean that the mode is without fault. There are certain areas that still annoy many users on a consistent basis, and other feature omissions prevent the EASHL from truly becoming the “RPG” mode that EA would like it to be. What would make the EASHL better?

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Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3
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Old 11-18-2011, 06:25 PM   #2
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Frankly, I'm surprised you know what Second Life is. But you do realize, there's hockey in SL, and there's no phalluses on any of the teams? globalonlinehockey.com

Regardless, I like the list, especially the customization ones.
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Old 11-18-2011, 07:26 PM   #3
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To clarify, I was just making a playful jab at Second Life and its lack of inhibition. Comparatively, something like the NHL series has to serve a potentially younger audience and live under a rating system. They can't just have what they want on the jerseys.

Still, didn't know Second Life had a hockey league, but I shouldn't be surprised =)
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Old 11-18-2011, 07:45 PM   #4
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Re: EASHL Wishlist for NHL 13

The Forza series is a good model for how to implement a fully customizable logo designer and maintain an "E" rating.

Forza's online community is allowed to police itself, as players can report any offensive logos they come across.

Abusers then get banned from being able to use the online marketplace.

EA could just do like Forza and let you report offensive logos. Problem solved.
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Old 11-18-2011, 09:54 PM   #5
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Totally agree on the explaining attributes, and this is more of a entire game thing but happens in eashl alot, how defenceman seem to have a speed boost to catch up to you when you either have a break away or a race to a loose puck, and just to make sure you dont face people who can upgrade speed more then you, possibly something that matches you up with teams who have close to the same player card as you, that way you wont be a rookie facing a superstar,
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Old 11-18-2011, 11:18 PM   #6
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Re: EASHL Wishlist for NHL 13

For point #2 in the article, the attributes are explained, they just put them in the stupidest spot.

Hit select on the PS3 or back on the Xbox 360 and it brings up the help menu. Scroll along the catergories until you come across the attribute help screen (sorry forget the exact name). It goes over EVERY single attribute and what it does/ effects.
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Old 11-19-2011, 10:46 AM   #7
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ALL referees! More celebrations and excitement in between power play face-offs. Active jumbotron in between face-offs and banners on rafters like in NHL 98.
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Old 11-19-2011, 11:10 AM   #8
gsize19's Arena
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Good list, some I wouldn't use or care to use, especially if they have to take from somewhere else to add it, but OK, I like most...

Things I want to see to make EASHL become... NHL10!!! This was the closest to simulation that they have ever had it. They need to stop over thinking and changing an engine when it clearly works. When they change, they always take three steps backward and it take 3-4 years to remedy those problems...

If they had the NHL10 engine, with some tweaking, that would be the first start.

The OP said think bigger. OK, BIGGER... there is a league set-up system... Meaning you can take your team into a league, and make divisions... (US East; US West; Canada East; Canada West; Euro)... This would eliminate playing some from outside the division, or conference too often, (i.e. when my team, Illegal Curve, plays a Euro team, and they host, it is an utter lagfest and for some odd reason ONLY starts getting unplayable lagging after they pause in the first, and it is after the first minute, the team Nameless, perfect example of a team, we should have killed, yet we had 2 of our 3 players get DC after lag issues) Anyway, confrences divisions, and match accordingly. Let Euro's play Euros or the Rest of the World and let North American teams, play the North Americans.

More user celebrations, imported faces, practice, if it takes too much code, and they have to take it from an existing mode like Be A GM, then don't do it.

Eliminate the modes that about 5% of the NHL series community plays and only plays for the first week to get a trophy then never again. The only mode this game needs is Be A GM; Season; (Maybe Be a Pro) for offline and Versus and EASHL/OTP for online...

Enhance online and explain attributes... By enhancing, I mean penalizing... If you quit a game, the player should be forced to sit out until the game is finished, it may eliminate quitters. Explain why when my team plays a game and if we are playing two man, one of us gets inadvertantly disconnected, we lose 135 team points, but if we play the same team, and one of them quit after getting shelled 60, they lose 4-10 points? We lose disconnection it seems only when we are winning, and it has happened 30-50 times this year... Freezing/DC's are way too frequent.

Finally, and going back to NHL10... Make it simple with NHL13... You have had success and made something that worked, the game doesn't need a complete overhaul year to year, it needs subtle enhancements when you get it right, and you had it right, then in 11, took a step backwards, and 12 two more steps backwards...
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