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NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

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Old 10-19-2011, 04:10 PM   #137
mWolfe's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by fistofrage
After playing a ton of games the 3 major things that are really holding this game back for me are....

1. AI QB just can never seem to get going. AI passing isn't a threat at all and the QB accuracy slider does little or nothing to help.

2. Fumbles....Where are they? Seen about 4 fumbles in 50+ games.

3. Penalty sliders of no consequence. Human AI team never jumps offsides, no pass interference, etc.

Fix these and whatever dynasty problems there are and the game would be decent.
I agree with #3 , there is so much missing in that category. Here is thing for you to try Fist make sure that QB slider and Ctch Slider = 100 together and you should start to see a difference I have found that when the two that corispond to =100 that they work alot better, so when you move one move the other to keep it at 100 combined.. Also RBA slider is like a drug for the offense the higher it is than the tackle slider the better the offense is, now on the flip side to that is the Tackle slider is the juice for the defense the higher it is the the RBA slider the better the defense plays and the more fumbles you will have. Try RBA at 10 and Tack 90. Watch how fast dline breaks there blocks to get to the running back.

Now the thing I want tuned the most is the O-line and D-line interaction. I have tried everything to get the DE to be more effective to utilize the spin move or something besides the same two animations I have been seeing that gets them by the blocks. I have come to realize it is in the code for the Tackles to swing wide with the DE's to form the pocket. I have edited ratings for those two position for a while now and no combination seems to get them to act the way I want. What I would like to see because I saw it in Madden with Demarcus Ware was he used a spin move to beat a LG to get to the QB. I would like to see that in NCAA. That is what I would liked tuned.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:22 PM   #138
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by mWolfe
I agree with #3 , there is so much missing in that category. Here is thing for you to try Fist make sure that QB slider and Ctch Slider = 100 together and you should start to see a difference I have found that when the two that corispond to =100 that they work alot better, so when you move one move the other to keep it at 100 combined.. Also RBA slider is like a drug for the offense the higher it is than the tackle slider the better the offense is, now on the flip side to that is the Tackle slider is the juice for the defense the higher it is the the RBA slider the better the defense plays and the more fumbles you will have. Try RBA at 10 and Tack 90. Watch how fast dline breaks there blocks to get to the running back.

Now the thing I want tuned the most is the O-line and D-line interaction. I have tried everything to get the DE to be more effective to utilize the spin move or something besides the same two animations I have been seeing that gets them by the blocks. I have come to realize it is in the code for the Tackles to swing wide with the DE's to form the pocket. I have edited ratings for those two position for a while now and no combination seems to get them to act the way I want. What I would like to see because I saw it in Madden with Demarcus Ware was he used a spin move to beat a LG to get to the QB. I would like to see that in NCAA. That is what I would liked tuned.
You have any suggestions for fumbles? I think the AI QB acccuracy slider is way out of whack. The RBA slider for the AI has to be at least 50 and shouldn't really be any more than 5 to 10 points higher than the human tackle slider or crazy things happen.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:57 PM   #139
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by talksnmaths
More specifically, these are the issues driving me crazy:
1. The pass rush is insane and it doesn't matter if you're playing FCS Midwest or Ohio State. There's just never enough time for complex routes to develop, so you're stuck using the same short passing plays all the time.
2. Even when bringing the house, the defense seems to still be able to adequately cover all of your receivers.
3. DBs are too quick to react to the throw. Even if they are clearly running away from your receiver in pursuit of another, as soon as you hit that pass button they immediately redirect in the opposite direction to cover.
4. LBs are insane in coverage. Constantly tipping passes, making one handed interceptions on slant routes, etc.
#2 and 3 I agree with.
However, IRL, a QB generally has 2-4 seconds to throw a pass. The game generally gives you more than that.

#4 was worse before the tuner/patch, I really don't see it much at all now.
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:02 PM   #140
cbc72's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by talksnmaths
Do you have a slider set that you use to improve the passing experience?? I finally got so frustrated today that I busted my controller office space style. That's gonna set me back, but seriously, I'd do anything to be able to pass in this game.

Dang. I had a slider set up for All-American that helped me a bit, but it appears threads with no posts disappear after a month.

Anyway, basically turn INT for user and CPU down to 15 or lower.

Turn pass coverage for CPU to 0

Turn pass blocking for user to 100

Turn catching for user to 60.

Turn QB accuracy for user to 75.

Thanks to bcruise for letting me know how to find the older threads, here is the link to my slider thread.

Last edited by cbc72; 10-19-2011 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:03 PM   #141
mWolfe's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by fistofrage
You have any suggestions for fumbles? I think the AI QB acccuracy slider is way out of whack. The RBA slider for the AI has to be at least 50 and shouldn't really be any more than 5 to 10 points higher than the human tackle slider or crazy things happen.
For fumble have the tacle slider higher than the rba slider. They set the tempo for the game. I have right now the HUM RBA at 15 and the CPU Tack at 85 which equals 100. for the CPU I have their RBA at 35 and the HUM Tackle slider at 65, tackles are still being broke, weight is respect more and the game plays nice.
here is a break down of which slider affects the other and the total the 2 together needs to equal.

HumQB ACC=100
HumRB ABIL=100

Keeping these to always equal 100 works great in CPU/CPU games HUM/CPU, and COA/CPU games.

The other thing is the higher the RBA slider the lower the RBLK sliders needs to be so the procedural awareness works properly and lineman just do't bowl over the d-line, same goes for the Tackle slider the higher it is the higher the blocking sliders will be so the D-line don't bowl over the o-line.
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:05 PM   #142
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by cbc72
Dang. I had a slider set up for All-American that helped me a bit, but it appears threads with no posts disappear after a month.

Anyway, basically turn INT for user and CPU down to 15 or lower.

Turn pass coverage for CPU to 0

Turn pass blocking for user to 100

Turn catching for user to 60.

Turn QB accuracy for user to 75.
They're still there, just either use the search feature or scroll down to the bottom of the forum and set "Display Options" to something longer than "last month"
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:05 PM   #143
cbc72's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #4 Is In The Works

Originally Posted by talksnmaths
More specifically, these are the issues driving me crazy:
1. The pass rush is insane and it doesn't matter if you're playing FCS Midwest or Ohio State. There's just never enough time for complex routes to develop, so you're stuck using the same short passing plays all the time.
2. Even when bringing the house, the defense seems to still be able to adequately cover all of your receivers.
3. DBs are too quick to react to the throw. Even if they are clearly running away from your receiver in pursuit of another, as soon as you hit that pass button they immediately redirect in the opposite direction to cover.
4. LBs are insane in coverage. Constantly tipping passes, making one handed interceptions on slant routes, etc.
On #3, I have hit the throw button as I was being sacked and the DB reacted to where the throw would have gone, but my QB never actually got to throw the ball, or even started to make a throwing animation. That is how ridiculous that programming is.
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:49 PM   #144
talksnmaths's Arena
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Originally Posted by TDenverFan
#2 and 3 I agree with.
However, IRL, a QB generally has 2-4 seconds to throw a pass. The game generally gives you more than that.

#4 was worse before the tuner/patch, I really don't see it much at all now.
Fair enough. I would say, then, that the WRs don't run their long routes fast enough. If you have routes that slant streak and slant again, the receiver will never complete that route before you're sacked. And on my defensive side I get to the QB way too fast way too often. Last season, three of my defensive lineman occupied the top three sack leader spots. My line just isn't that good.
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