
NBA 2K12 Reviewer Gameplay Impressions

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Old 10-06-2011, 03:46 PM   #9
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@ oldschool i couldnt have said it better...not being able to move the legends around will hurt 2k12 in the replayability. i normally like to run 2 or three associations at the same time. 1 with the normal roster and the other with customize rosters. it keeps me from getting bored with a grueling 82 game season with the same team. it also prevents all of the ideas that my friends and i had to play against each other with all time teams...i smh at 2k for the let down....please patch this
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Old 10-06-2011, 03:47 PM   #10
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only really problem I have is with the Offline Association headlines. They are hardly ever about games. You have to actually go to the game the previous day to check out the stats. Which is tedious and takes a while, plus you don't know which games where really that important. Other than that the game is awesome!
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Old 10-06-2011, 04:50 PM   #11
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Yes/gameplay is nothing short of Great.....it seems 2k refined what i already dug and put the petal to the metal and what i wasnt feeling in 2k11..yeah/this game is the truth!
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Old 10-06-2011, 05:03 PM   #12
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Mesmerizing, amazing, breathtaking. all words to describe NBA 2k12
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Old 10-06-2011, 05:22 PM   #13
sleepyshotta's Arena
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yea soooo...passing hasn't changed huh?
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Old 10-06-2011, 05:43 PM   #14
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I want to bring penny to memphis.... 2k please fix that last year we could do that... why stop
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Old 10-06-2011, 07:38 PM   #15
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IMO, NBA 2k12 is a huge disappointment ! (I had to register on this forum just to say that….which is saying a lot because I never join or post in forums.)


(1) Granted, the graphics & game play have been improved compared to NBA 2k11, however, I don't believe the change was anywhere near what many 2k fans were expecting or as 2k sports was claiming. I mean, has anyone else noticed the difference between the photos advertised and the actual in-game characters?

(2) It was great that 2K expanded on the historic rosters (which made NBA 2k11 so great)...BUT, to give us all these legendary teams, and yet place so many restrictions on what you can do with them is just a big let down. By restrictions, I'm referring to not being able to customize legendary teams (e.g., assign or trade legends to current or other historic teams.)

(3) Moreover, not being able to use legends in the "create a team" mode was, again...a big upset. I mean something like this just seems so obvious to me, that I cannot understand why 2K sports would not allow users to customize the rosters (retro rosters) or create teams using legendary players.

***Now with respect to my complaints regarding the restrictions on trading/assigning/ or creating a team with legends....Whoever @ 2k sports thought that this would be okay, should be fired ! I mean, what kind of idiots do you have working there ? I almost feel like I got ripped off. 2k sports totally misrepresented the game...Making it seem like you can use these legends in all modes and blah, blah, blah.. (I read somewhere that you can customize the legendary rosters by starting a season mode, and exporting rosters... I mean ARE THEY SERIOUS with that ! That is not an acceptable solution for me or for many others I’m sure....That is f-ing ridiculous.)

(4) Why is there so many limitations with editing players (both current and retro)? For as long as I can remember, 2k has not allowed users to customize items, such as the length of player's shorts, or sock colors...WTF??? Does that piss anybody else off? I mean these players have shorts down to their ankles...It looks silly to me. The players’ uniforms should look like they actually fit the players.

(5) Lastly, why would 2K remove the Jordan sneakers?! That was so cool (except for the problem with setting up the color ways, which stunk)…2k sports adds all these bullsh*t sneakers to replace the Air Jordans of last year (and by Air Jordans, I’m referring to the real Jordan sneakers, e.g., I-XVI…not the rest of the garbage sneakers they added). And 2K, when you do add sneakers to the game, do it right! To the people at 2k, its quality you want to focus on….not quantity (unless ofcourse you can do both).

***I’m sure these comments won't get me anywhere, but I am hoping that maybe 2K sports will actually read some of these comments and take some pointers. I’m just really annoyed with 2K sports right now. I hate to mention EA sports because their graphics and game play was cheesy in the past, but they sure did have some great ideas integrated in their games.

***2K sports should really consider creating a patch that would allow customization of rosters (both retro and current)…That’s the least they can do! In the meantime though, I will post this comment in as many threads as I can, and hopefully prevent consumers from being deceived by 2K sports.

***To 2K…Try being honest with the marketing of your products. If you want to remove something from your game, then give people fair notice, instead of having us purchase the game, and realizing this afterwards.
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Old 10-06-2011, 08:03 PM   #16
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Reviewer Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by Mrbasketball
IMO, NBA 2k12 is a huge disappointment ! (I had to register on this forum just to say that….which is saying a lot because I never join or post in forums.)


(1) Granted, the graphics & game play have been improved compared to NBA 2k11, however, I don't believe the change was anywhere near what many 2k fans were expecting or as 2k sports was claiming. I mean, has anyone else noticed the difference between the photos advertised and the actual in-game characters?

(2) It was great that 2K expanded on the historic rosters (which made NBA 2k11 so great)...BUT, to give us all these legendary teams, and yet place so many restrictions on what you can do with them is just a big let down. By restrictions, I'm referring to not being able to customize legendary teams (e.g., assign or trade legends to current or other historic teams.)

(3) Moreover, not being able to use legends in the "create a team" mode was, again...a big upset. I mean something like this just seems so obvious to me, that I cannot understand why 2K sports would not allow users to customize the rosters (retro rosters) or create teams using legendary players.

***Now with respect to my complaints regarding the restrictions on trading/assigning/ or creating a team with legends....Whoever @ 2k sports thought that this would be okay, should be fired ! I mean, what kind of idiots do you have working there ? I almost feel like I got ripped off. 2k sports totally misrepresented the game...Making it seem like you can use these legends in all modes and blah, blah, blah.. (I read somewhere that you can customize the legendary rosters by starting a season mode, and exporting rosters... I mean ARE THEY SERIOUS with that ! That is not an acceptable solution for me or for many others I’m sure....That is f-ing ridiculous.)

(4) Why is there so many limitations with editing players (both current and retro)? For as long as I can remember, 2k has not allowed users to customize items, such as the length of player's shorts, or sock colors...WTF??? Does that piss anybody else off? I mean these players have shorts down to their ankles...It looks silly to me. The players’ uniforms should look like they actually fit the players.

(5) Lastly, why would 2K remove the Jordan sneakers?! That was so cool (except for the problem with setting up the color ways, which stunk)…2k sports adds all these bullsh*t sneakers to replace the Air Jordans of last year (and by Air Jordans, I’m referring to the real Jordan sneakers, e.g., I-XVI…not the rest of the garbage sneakers they added). And 2K, when you do add sneakers to the game, do it right! To the people at 2k, its quality you want to focus on….not quantity (unless ofcourse you can do both).

***I’m sure these comments won't get me anywhere, but I am hoping that maybe 2K sports will actually read some of these comments and take some pointers. I’m just really annoyed with 2K sports right now. I hate to mention EA sports because their graphics and game play was cheesy in the past, but they sure did have some great ideas integrated in their games.

***2K sports should really consider creating a patch that would allow customization of rosters (both retro and current)…That’s the least they can do! In the meantime though, I will post this comment in as many threads as I can, and hopefully prevent consumers from being deceived by 2K sports.

***To 2K…Try being honest with the marketing of your products. If you want to remove something from your game, then give people fair notice, instead of having us purchase the game, and realizing this afterwards.
I expected this post to have a spoiler button displaying the energizer bunny but I guess this poster is serious. Oh well, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I guess 2k should be encouraged that as good as the game is, some believe and expect, 2k can do better.
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