
NBA 2K12 Video - Jerseys and Team Ratings

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Old 10-01-2011, 07:08 PM   #49
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Re: NBA 2K12 Video - Jerseys and Team Ratings

Originally Posted by cavsfan2
AI era sixer uniforms..... could it be.... possibly a dlc?

Better be free though.
Those AI era Sixer uniforms have been in 2K since the inception of 2K. They were just tacked on as retros the year Philly switched back to the old school logo, kind of how Washington's jerseys from last year are now retroed.

Originally Posted by cavsfan2
there was a list leaked earlier in the summer that had the 00-01 sixers on it, then they didnt get in the game. But now since 2k is using DLC I was wondering if the 00-01 sixers could bea team included. Plus they have the AI sixer uniforms.
probably more wishful thinking than anything
Also, I'm not trying to pile on, but are you referring to the list brought about by a random poster saying he had a friend who worked for 2K. I'd love for additional historic teams in 2K12, but I wouldn't use that post on that website as a basis for excitement. It was so strange how everyone assumed his word to be true.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:14 PM   #50
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Re: NBA 2K12 Video - Jerseys and Team Ratings

Originally Posted by Zastrin
I sat there in awe, my eyes wide open as I watched the NETS jerseys switch from Home... Away.... to ALTERNATE --- heart begins to race, feelings of childhood Christmas.

I had the same thoughts. I was also thinking that on the Toronto retro jerseys during that little pause when I saw an additional retro pop up. Alas, I forgot Toronto had those Huskies jerseys. I was hoping for some Dinosaurs.

I don't mean this in jest, but I wonder what the process truly is for selecting which retro jerseys are made and which are not (for 2K). If it was simply a matter of throwing in absolutely any retros they wanted, I'd have to believe the Phoenix sunblast uniforms would have been added years ago. I'm just curious as to which factors play a part (aside from a moving team like New Jersey requesting no New Jersey reference).

Originally Posted by Al_Boogie3
You know what I came to realize, no matter how much the devs at 2K make the gameplay better, gives us different modes to play, or what ever it may be to make the actual game overall better, people will always complain. Come on people, complaining about something as small as "leaving out jerseys" That is so wack! What about all of the things that they have done to make the gameplay better and things of that nature. SMH it's sad how some people always find the bad in every good aspect
I suppose we all have our things. I'll definitely play 2K12 and I'm thinking there's a 98% chance I'll love it. But I don't think that means I must never voice an opinion on what more I wish could have been included. Personally, as a really big retro roster guy, the inclusion of more classic jerseys would do a ton for this game. Whereas I look at things like My Player contracts with general indifference, the addition of some '93 Suns retros would get me hyped, for I'd finally be able to relive the '93 Finals. Charles Barkley, Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, putting in work. That's a big deal to me. And it's a big deal to others. There's actually a moderate amount of gamers who play 2K for retro teams first and currents second. And again, I'm not upset, but I always wish for a retro blowout like we saw with NBA Live on the previous consoles.

Last edited by VDusen04; 10-01-2011 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:14 PM   #51
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Re: NBA 2K12 Video - Jerseys and Team Ratings

Nice that my Hornets are 7th in D. Can't really ask for more than that.

*covers eyes to keep from looking at videos*

I mustn't ruin the wide eyed "Oooo"ing and "ahhhh"ing when I first boot it up...

But it's SO damn tempting.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:48 PM   #52
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I replaced Fernandez with Stevenson in the starting lineup. Dallas jumps to 5th in D
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:00 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Zastrin

'NEW YORK NETS' alternate, absolutely no recognition of the KIDD ERA. some BS Brooklyn prelude.

Thanks 2K Sports, I am still buying 2K12 though.
Actually no. They're the Dr. J classic ABA unis. And id rather have them first followed by the DRAZEN PETROVIC DERRICK COLEMAN ERA Blues Then the Blue/Greys.
All Black Everything
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:08 PM   #54
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Not a big deal, but the load time between switching jerseys may become annoying in the long run.
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:37 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by VDusen04
I had the same thoughts. I was also thinking that on the Toronto retro jerseys during that little pause when I saw an additional retro pop up. Alas, I forgot Toronto had those Huskies jerseys. I was hoping for some Dinosaurs.

I don't mean this in jest, but I wonder what the process truly is for selecting which retro jerseys are made and which are not (for 2K). If it was simply a matter of throwing in absolutely any retros they wanted, I'd have to believe the Phoenix sunblast uniforms would have been added years ago. I'm just curious as to which factors play a part (aside from a moving team like New Jersey requesting no New Jersey reference).

I suppose we all have our things. I'll definitely play 2K12 and I'm thinking there's a 98% chance I'll love it. But I don't think that means I must never voice an opinion on what more I wish could have been included. Personally, as a really big retro roster guy, the inclusion of more classic jerseys would do a ton for this game. Whereas I look at things like My Player contracts with general indifference, the addition of some '93 Suns retros would get me hyped, for I'd finally be able to relive the '93 Finals. Charles Barkley, Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, putting in work. That's a big deal to me. And it's a big deal to others. There's actually a moderate amount of gamers who play 2K for retro teams first and currents second. And again, I'm not upset, but I always wish for a retro blowout like we saw with NBA Live on the previous consoles.
I definitely understand what you are saying. And I'm not really harping on you and the guys that are really into retro. Someone stated that they arent buying the game because there arent enough retro jerseys in the game. I mean, seriously? is that what you are really buying the game for?
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:52 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by SdotThaDon
Yeah, still missing the Suns from the Barkley era and the Bulls pinstripes. they can patch art easier this year though, right?

i mean come on now, the 92-93 suns uniform has to be added......2k always give that lame Suns retro jersey.....when these jerserys are the ones they wore when they reached the finals against the bulls in '93............2K has to do a better job in getting the more popular retros in the game.

Last edited by bangtite01; 10-01-2011 at 09:32 PM.
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