
FIFA 12 Reviewer Initial Impressions

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Old 09-26-2011, 03:01 AM   #17
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Re: FIFA 12 Reviewer Initial Impressions

Originally Posted by RamzaLugria
People here don't care? That's news to me. I see plenty (myself included) that do. And quietly MLS has actually taken over the four spot in average attendance.
Back to the game it all looks so promising. Can't wait for Tuesday!
The Sounders FC here in Seattle in their 3rd season are ranked 50th in the world in attendance support. That is number 1 in the MLS. They sell out every game, and keep adding more available seats.

The MLS and USA soccer is growing by leaps and bounds.
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Old 09-26-2011, 09:06 AM   #18
Profit89's Arena
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Originally Posted by Bat
The Sounders FC here in Seattle in their 3rd season are ranked 50th in the world in attendance support. That is number 1 in the MLS. They sell out every game, and keep adding more available seats.

The MLS and USA soccer is growing by leaps and bounds.
Absolutely. Views that people in the States don't care about soccer are usually from ignorant and arrogant people, which is a bad combination to have. But the funny thing is, it really doesn't matter anymore, they can keep on hating. Soccer now has a strong foothold in America and is the only sport growing in the midst of an economic depression. Look at the World Cup viewing numbers. Out performed the deciding game of the NBA finals.

I don't pay attention anymore to those types, we simply don't need them. They can keep on hating, for the haters have now become the minority.
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:09 AM   #19
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@melr2000.. Couldn't agree more man. I played an older version of FIFA last week for the first time ever. It pissed me off royally. The players actually moved like people. Don't know about the bugs it had (sure there were some) but it moved extremely realistic. I was wishing it was madden the whole time. I was pissed.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:14 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by lnin0
I think you said it. While many play FIFA, it is a sport most people in the states don't care about. Even if they want to follow it the coverage available is limited at best - nothing like how the NFL is woven into our society. So when it comes to judging FIFA the jury is far less passionate and knowledgeable about the sport and players compared to American football. While the grass may look greener on the other side of the pond, don't fret, FIFA is just as inaccurate and bug prone as Madden.
I don't know about availability of football for Americans over the last few years. I get Fox Soccer channel with the second lowest tier in my cable package and pay 15 dollars a month for Fox Soccer Plus. I watched all but 1 EPL match this weekend, one NPower championship match, one still on tape, will be able to watch 3 or 4 UEFA matches Thursday. And I don't even bother with MLS but there are games shown weekly as well. However for the NFL I get 5 of the 15 games unless I have one specific carrier, and I had to miss the end of the Lions/Vikes game due to contractual obligations to show the local team because as we know, the first five minutes of an NFL game are so much more exciting than a sudden death overtime.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:49 PM   #21
PeruvianPlaya954's Arena
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Re: FIFA 12 Reviewer Initial Impressions

Originally Posted by coach422001
I don't know about availability of football for Americans over the last few years. I get Fox Soccer channel with the second lowest tier in my cable package and pay 15 dollars a month for Fox Soccer Plus. I watched all but 1 EPL match this weekend, one NPower championship match, one still on tape, will be able to watch 3 or 4 UEFA matches Thursday. And I don't even bother with MLS but there are games shown weekly as well. However for the NFL I get 5 of the 15 games unless I have one specific carrier, and I had to miss the end of the Lions/Vikes game due to contractual obligations to show the local team because as we know, the first five minutes of an NFL game are so much more exciting than a sudden death overtime.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:26 PM   #22
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Re: FIFA 12 Reviewer Initial Impressions

<-- Lives in the UK and is a proud EPL/Championship fan. You don't dare mention the MLS here. But back on topic. Fifa release here is like Madden and NCAA rolled into one. It is nuts!

Last edited by MachoMyers; 09-26-2011 at 03:54 PM.
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Old 09-28-2011, 03:35 PM   #23
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I've gotten used to the the new defending system, but I still have an issue with the fact that it takes me minutes of patience, coordination and pressure to defensively take the ball away, but yet my team can turn the ball over in a few seconds.
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