
NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 09-21-2011, 01:04 PM   #945
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Albert I understand your points on 2K11. I concur with that example 100%. The Mavs in the demo don't have anyone who is explosive off the dribble so the demo is not a great indicator of the speed differences available in the final.

They made it this year to that depending on your skill level your crosses are faster/ better. Playing with Crawford or Rose is much different and much more explosive than playing Kidd / Dirk / Chandler.

From what your saying though I have no idea if that is close enough for you to find the game enjoyable.

Now to your other point of real life. There are only certain times ( when the ball is in your hands) that you can change direction and speed in real basketball. When the ball has left your hands your stuck in an animation if you will.

Game companies handle this one of two ways. They cheat like elite did last year and allow you to move and change direction when you shouldn't to give you the feeling of instant control. The problem is once you cheat in on area you have to continue to cheat to keep the game balanced.

IE they had to make shot blocks where the defender doesn't bend his legs.. And on and on it goes until your no longer playing a game based on reality. BUT it sure feels great as your crossing over 7 ways to Sunday...

In real basketball that delay is not known to those who are watching the game you just see a player pull up or cross. But if you think about it you know that decision was made a second or part of a second or two before that.

2k tries to make control decision based on what would a real player be able to do. While still trying to give you as much control as possible while STILL giving you a game that looks like actual basketball movement.

Taking all of that into consideration I would rather have game based on real movement and have it look like basketball players making basketball moves.

This is why I like to compare games to other games when trying to decipher what is good or what can a company do better. Because no game will compare to the "game" we think should be made.

But when you compare the benefits and the issues with 2k to any other game available including that games limitations 2k stands alone.

People are excited I think because they understand that compared to what has been available in the past 2k12 gets you there more than any other game previously made.

If you disagree I would love to see which game you feel handles control , look and implementation based on real basketball better.
Excellent point. As an athlete myself, that is well said.

Czar, I have a question for you that you may or may not be able to answer being that you have played builds with commentary...

Do the commentators discuss the lockout? If so, from what perspective? From the perspective of *pre lockout* or *post lockout*?

ex. pre lockout: Steve Kerr "Melo wanted to get his contract deal before the looming lockout, hence why he's in New York"

post lockout: Steve Kerr "I'm happy this whole thing ended, it has been a long summer"

Any info would be appreciated.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:05 PM   #946
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Game is solid gameplay wise. I am trying to get some moves down in the post and I love how they changed it up this year. I need to go back and read the post game insight to get some of these controls down. Only gripe is sometimes I will be in the post and I will try to perform a move but instead my guy will pass through the defender and lay it in the basket for an easy two points.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:22 PM   #947
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by mreyes930
I'm loving the bank shots right now. I have Dirk playing like a young Tim Duncan. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this game when I unlock the '98 Spurs.
How exactly do the bank shots work again this year?
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:27 PM   #948
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by VDusen04
How exactly do the bank shots work again this year?
Hold the stick in any direction (No Modifiers- L2/R2 etc.). Just before release, flick the stick in the opposite direction. Works great with a good face up game. I get the ball to Dirk in the post, faceup and bank it with ease.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:40 PM   #949
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by guesswhozbak17
Excellent point. As an athlete myself, that is well said.

Czar, I have a question for you that you may or may not be able to answer being that you have played builds with commentary...

Do the commentators discuss the lockout? If so, from what perspective? From the perspective of *pre lockout* or *post lockout*?

ex. pre lockout: Steve Kerr "Melo wanted to get his contract deal before the looming lockout, hence why he's in New York"

post lockout: Steve Kerr "I'm happy this whole thing ended, it has been a long summer"

Any info would be appreciated.
Darn good question. I didn't hear any lockout commentary. What I did hear was excellent. If your an association player i suggest turning the commentary off until you start your Association. The have some great stuff in there. All three guys work together really really well.

They have disagreements sometimes also. I noticed a log of new commentary. Sounds like they were all in a room together.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:40 PM   #950
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by mreyes930
Hold the stick in any direction (No Modifiers- L2/R2 etc.). Just before release, flick the stick in the opposite direction. Works great with a good face up game. I get the ball to Dirk in the post, faceup and bank it with ease.
Okay, good. It's encouraging to hear you're putting in work with the bank. I read that command in the controls screenshot and it felt really funny when I tried it in the demo. But knowing it's possible is half the battle.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:49 PM   #951
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I've been playing this game for hours and I must say: This is going to be the greatest sports game ever made.

Here's why:
- This is the most fluid sports game that I have ever witness. I have been linking multiple dribbling moves into varying machinations of the shotstick and the transition is SEAMLESS. The possibilities ENDLESS. I can't believe more people aren't understanding how incredible this alone is. It's like the frames don't even exist and I am controlling a living breathing being. It's unreal. There is absolutely NO hiccups in this game. And this is the demo for Chrissakes. I bet playing with the likes of D-Rose and Chris Paul in this game is going to UNBELIEVABLY BRILLIANT.

- The physics in this game are remarkable. Players moves, contort, react, and respond like actual people would. I can only imagine how many different animations and frames that went into the number of unique collisions that occurred during my few hours of play time. I mean it's the demo. Just try **** out and see. Drive into the paint looking for contact try moves out and watch how real the outcome looks. It's absurd how good it is. Also, just sprint to the scorer's table and watch your player hop on it and into the stands. It's sweeeeet!

- The post game is where it's at this year in 2K. OMG. Just tap triangle and it's on. Engage your defender in a backdown and open up what I've discovered are like 50 unique animations and moves that can be altered, adjusted, linked into, or cancelled out of into another move flawlessly. There are going to be some **** battles in the paint this year. Because the post defense is buffed as well. Anticipate and react. Do this correctly and your opponent will be infinitely frustrated. It's a chess match.

- The presentation is stunning. From the **** intros to the stylish new overlays to the diving onto the scorer's table loose balls the game is amazing. But man, oh man, did 2K outdo themselves with this year's SIGNATURE STYLE. Boot up the demo, toss Dirk Nowitzsky the ball down low and be absolutely floored with out UNCANNY his moves were rendered by 2K's team. It's freaking glorious. Wondrous to behold. His contorted finger, back pedaling, unorthodox release from his fadeaway put a smile on my face so big it hurt my jawbone. Not too mention how they capture detail on Lebron's game this year too. His jumper is FINALLY perfection. And when the cpu is playing with him. I've seen them SEVERAL TIMES do Lebron's double in and out with the left before pulling up. BRILLIANT. It's scary real.

Bottomline, this game is INCREDIBLE. I finished paying off my preorder immediately after my first couple of hours playing it. "CANT WAIT!" *Bart Scott voice*
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:56 PM   #952
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Bobbled passes arent always stolen by the defender now. The ball is actually live and loose. I saw the bobble aniamation and was expecting the defender to steal the ball, but instead it bounced off of both players down the floor.
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