
UFC Undisputed 3 Video - Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson

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Old 09-16-2011, 09:30 AM   #9
Jukeman's Arena
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I don't think I will like that sub system....Lets see some stand up!

Also The post fight stats might ruin the game for me if the stats aren't realistic (just kidding)
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Old 09-16-2011, 09:58 AM   #10
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I enjoyed the intros, very cool to see the guys walk to the octagon. The gameplay isn't all that great, I don't see the appeal of the new submission system. I haven't seen a single video yet that's really got me excited about playing the game.
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Old 09-16-2011, 11:10 AM   #11
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Re: UFC Undisputed 3 Video - Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson

  • Lighting looks improved
  • Full intros
  • More fighters
  • Ground sways
  • Cage has impact on fight

  • God awful submission system, I want to see the FIGHT not a colored spinning octagon
  • Ground game looks to have changed very little
  • Still looks very robotic and lacks fluidity

Overall Impression
My current view of UFC 3 and this video is not positive. There are far to many "gamey" things. There is a lack of realism and respect for the sport. Now with that said, if they tweak ground game to feel like 2009 minus the punch..pause routine. Then tweak the stand up to feel like the 2009 DEMO. Then I think I will be able to enjoy the hell out of the game.

There needs to be a FEAR about standing and trading. Getting KOed is part of MMA and should exist VERY easily depending on how you play. A player who is willing to throw bombs non-stop ala 2010 then should not be surprised when caught on chin for the KO in first round for opening himself up. But another player who likes to keep his hands up, bounce in and out throwing light punches and wearing down opponent should be much tougher to knock out and only if he gets caught clean.

2010 represented a rockem sockem approach with little strategy to the stand up other than HOLD power modifier and throw away. There needs to be checks and balances to each style.

The ground game needs a mix of 2009 and 2010. 2010's power and speed was displayed great. Add in the ground sways and 2009's transition system and I think it will be very enjoyable. I really liked seeing his leg being held tight to defend the pass. The only area that really annoys me about the ground game honestly is the sweeps. You RARELY see sweeps to the extent they happen in THQ product. Only a small handful of guys in the game should have sweeps to the extent we have been use to.

Now the submission system, I think this is a HORRIBLE decision. Whoever thought of this should be locked out of all further gameplay discussions. It is pure distraction, covers the action, and forces players on a mini game. Nothing to represent a submission in my book. Hell I can over look not having animations or actions in the submission game as long as the submission act feels right.

Like here is a idea I just thought of in a matter of 2 seconds that would be better than what they have now.

Take EA MMA's "find the sweet spot" submission system. Remove all information on screen so it is in essence a invisible game of spin the left stick to find the sweet spot to lock in the sub, same thing on the defenders side. All this can be displayed on screen by the fighters. When you find this moving (moves more based on fighters submission defense, less for lower sub D) sweet spot then the screen will push in and show the sub being locked more. Also the higher the submission rating on the attacker will have a bigger area to land the submission.

Hell that is a rough as all hell submission example of fighting to find that spot to lock in the sub. Yet I believe it would be way better than this horrible idea they had and stuck with.

Last edited by Phobia; 09-16-2011 at 11:13 AM.
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Old 09-16-2011, 01:19 PM   #12
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Re: UFC Undisputed 3 Video - Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson

Yeah I liked EA MMA's sub system better. Button press for joint locks and the stick to find the sweet spot for chokes. Nevertheless UFC 3 meter:

1. Looks stupid
2. Way too damn big
3. Shouldn't be in the center of the screen blocking the fighters. They need to put it in the upper left or upper right corner and make it SMALLER.

I hope they added way more submissions, judo takedowns and judo sweeps. The past 2 versions of the game create a fighter has been BORING to me due to I could never make a Judo fighter.

They always treat Judo fighters like wrestlers and give them wrestling moves. UFC 3 needs a much bigger list of BJJ and Judo moves and submissions.
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:45 PM   #13
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Re: UFC Undisputed 3 Video - Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Yeah the leg submission and pretty much every submission attempt and defense looks very BLAND. It should be a more visual struggle of the fighter trying to get out of the submission.

Both fighters look too still during the whole process. In real life, that isn't the case, you see a lot of movement back & forth between the fighter trying to apply and the one trying to escape.

Take the leg lock - in real lifea fighter would try to spin out and be punching the other guy in the back or legs trying to escape.

I mean other then ground sways and a new position up against the cage on the ground, I don't see anything new to the ground game.

I still see the same sweep reversal from the bottom to you landing on top of the person. Which in real life, rarely happens like that.

And they better have it if you punch the mat too many times, your fighter breaks their hand or elbow. It would be completely stupid if you can ground sway the entire time and the other fighter never breaks their hand or elbow from repeatedly punching the ground.

Same thing with blocking. You shouldn't be able to just hold block the entire game without breaking your own arms and legs from constantly blocking.

But yeah I was hoping they would take out that awful looking reverse from bottom half guard to top half guard.

Also they better have added kimura sweeps from the bottom and standing kimuras.
That's exactly what I thought. No facial expression, no obvious motion that suggests a struggle. It's very dull.
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:08 PM   #14
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I have an idea for a submission system that could be of interest and I hope THQ reads this and or the OS community can take this idea and possibly run with it. THQ can give us all credit lol.... But what if there was a struggle system with the analog sticks. Not fully a sweet spot like EA MMA but maybe like a balancing system using the left and right analog stick going left and right. Make it small enough on the screen and let the fighters struggle. The struggling can be somewhat of the guide to escaping... Say I know not UFC and sorry for another Brett Rodgers pick on, but the Josh Barnett fight... Barnett should have a submission advantage and Rodgers has almost zero chance of escaping the ground, but make it so if you as Barnett make the mistake, Rodgers has a narrow window to escape or help position. The view on the screen between the fighters could indicate when a mistake was made instead of the meter or something detracting from the game.. And for Barnett having such an advantage he could start with more of the balance system in his favor making it easier to submit someone with a bad ground game like Rodgers.

Idk if any of that made sense to anyone else, but in my head I know what I am visualizing lol
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:19 PM   #15
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Re: UFC Undisputed 3 Video - Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson

I thought it looked really good other than the submissions.

my 2 cents on submissions is this:

I'd rather frantic button mashing or the shine or both
I'd like to see, the longer a submission is being attempted, the less likely it is to succeed. Subs in real life either happen fairly quickly, or not at all...

my reasoning behind button mash is that it somewhat mimics what goes on...someone sneaks a sub in and right away PUTS TONS OF EFFORT TO GET THE TAP ARRGH, UMPH lol and either lets it go or wastes muscle energy holding his man in a guillotine that everyone knows isn't going to result in a tap. So it's sneaky, followed by quick physical excursion, not cat and mouse. I think I can live with it as long as it's fair and results in the same tap ratio's as 2009.
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:00 PM   #16
Jukeman's Arena
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Besides the wear and tear on my palms....

I really didn't have a problem with the Shine. Infact, it was the reason I was so addicted to online (UFC 2009)

It just felt very rewarding getting guys to tap out, I remember tapping someone out within the opening 30 seconds in a match after I countered his take down.

But maybe this is the non sim part of me talking

Last edited by Jukeman; 09-16-2011 at 07:03 PM.
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