
NBA 2K Is the Champ

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Old 09-10-2011, 10:10 PM   #57
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

Originally Posted by Sundown
See, EA's strategy makes no sense to me. Why would you appeal to non video-gamers by focusing on gimicky video game mechanics? If they don't play video games in the first place, then you're not going to draw them in with buzzwords like "control", "dynamic", and "unpredictable gameplay experience". You're not even going to get them to pick the controller up.

2K appeals to basketball fans who don't play basketball games by giving them *basketball* that looks and feels authentic, by amping presentation, and by tapping into nostalgia and history, all of which add up to an incredible video *and* basketball game.
Yeah, The Best way to attract Casual users is to have a game that Hardcore players love. If a Casual guy has a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he will ask his friend about the game because he will know about the game. If he says the game is trash, than that guy wouldnt get it. vice versa
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Old 09-10-2011, 10:32 PM   #58
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All I know is the people that work on NBA2k are very special people. I constantly read on this site about people (I have even done this) defending games like Madden with the short development cycle argument but these guys knock it out of the park

I've been playing NHL 12 the last couple days and reading the various reviews or impressions the same points came up. Gameplay is phenomenal but feels more like a polished NHL 11. Honestly in my opinion NHL 12 plays the best most realistic hockey game EVER. Bar none. I do however see myself getting bored of it quickly. Why? Because I can't go another year with the same commentary, same EXACT cut scenes, same menu, eeesh everything. Until EA figures this out 2k is champ!!!

In my opinion all this stems from what I think separates NBA2k, and Sony San Diego from EA Sports: Don't ever be satisfied. Always know you can do better,and above all listen to the customer.
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Old 09-11-2011, 12:19 AM   #59
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

No disrespect to the official signature trailer but the moment that open my eyes to NBA2k was thanks to the trailers made by eDotd and DaCzar themselves. I never watched two trailers so many times before. Still today in my eyes the best fan made trailers I've seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfW0u3IgCCE

GT Agent August
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Old 09-11-2011, 12:40 AM   #60
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

great read
i think that the reference to a so called "Casual Gamer" needs to be removed when talking about our hobby as gamers.i personally dont think that u can be a casual gamer for the same reason u can be a casual sports fan, ur either a gamer or not or a sports fan or not.in all my life i have never heard a writer or movie director say that they are writing/making a story so that the casual consumers can get in on it.if ur making some form of entertainment u gotta know who ur audience are, hence the audience of an nba simulation would/ should be the target audience such as basketball gamers right?maybe by casual basketball gamer they are really saying a gamer that is just not that good at it and need more assistance and help with making stuff easier (like difficulty,control scheme)but again this doesnt make em casual, they r just gamers that are not very good at games.

now u can be a hardcore gamer or just a gamer i agree with that totally but adding casual (Occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals; occasional)
before gamer(1. someone who plays video games as a hobby.)
not cool....is there even a realistic number of ppl to target to sell a product?

i was playing video games and basketball video games from way back in the 80's when we were called a geek or nerd or for me a 'Game Head' for playing games and my favorite basketball video games like double dribble, nba live, and of course which lead up to nba 2k on dreamcast and i haven't look back ever since getting a copy of nba 2k ever since then till now.i have earned the reputation to be called a gamer or and nba video gamer if so be the case but to hear this sub section as to casual gaming is somewhat offensive because now it is cool to be a gamer ppl that just wanna dangle with the cool crowd like celebs and tv personalities want in on gaming so they create a Casual Gamer group for justification of not know much about it .i say ur either one of us or not because u cant causally be one of us

so in closing what i am saying is a gamer by my definition is a person with a hobby (An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.) of playing video game cannot be casual

so to me any promotions to lure casual gamers to buy a game is a wasted venture...i say get all the gamers to buy ur game so when the posers(casual gamers) wanna be cool n see the gamers have nba 2k12 they r gonna buy one as a trophy to try and be in the in cool crowd
Humans fear what they dont understand, hate what they cant concur i guess its just the theory of man

Last edited by kolanji; 09-11-2011 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 09-11-2011, 01:08 AM   #61
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
Good point, I have thought about that and yeah that may be true....obviously we don't know for sure how far back NBA 2k would be if they had to spread their talents for a NFL football game and a College Hoops game along with NBA2k but lets go back to the last time they made all 3....2007. All-pro although fun was lacking a lot obviously because of not having the NFL license but many people liked the gameplay and said if it was NFL and had a franchise mode they would have liked it much better. College Hoops is still played till this day and called the game that set the basketball (gameplay) bar for most till NBA2k11 came out. NBA2k7 was also a pretty good game and i'm sure someone will correct me if im wrong and please do but the top rated game that year.

Now I am very happy to have NBA2k where it is right now and appreciate all the hard work they put into it...but if it would take a "not by much" hit to have the other 2 evolve over the years and have a really good NFL, a really good College Hoops, and a really good NBA2k game I may be the only one but personally could deal with that.
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Last edited by Sinner; 09-11-2011 at 01:12 AM.
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Old 09-11-2011, 01:17 AM   #62
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Legends are a gift that keeps on giving Dre. Give those guys about 5-7 years and they will be in the same boat we are. Their favorite players will be out the league and THEN they will understand the value of having great past teams and players in the game.

This, this, this.

In a twisted way, I can't wait to see what kids 10-15 years from now say about Kobe, Lebron and other players from today. If they just dismiss them the way some of these kids today dismiss the likes of MJ, Magic and Bird, I'll laugh my arse off.

I've never disrespected the legends that came before my time, no matter the sport. Regardless of whether or not I felt the players of my time were better than those that came before, I respected those that inspired my favorite players and paved the way.

If there were no David Thompson or Dr. J., I would have never been blessed to witness MJ perform his art on the court.
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Old 09-11-2011, 01:25 AM   #63
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Re: NBA 2K Is the Champ

You know man, I was happy to see clips of Dr J and so on though, it wasnt like "ah man i dont want to see that old dude get that outta here"

I just think the image the league has created has gotten so far away from the game that it doesnt leave room for things like appreciating what others did for the game, or what was accomplished before hand.

I see guys in this forum debating across eras as if to dismiss the fact that no matter what they say, dominating your generation is just that, and thats what makes it special. If it was so easy to do what Bill Russell did, or what Big O did, or what MJ Magic and Bird did, or what Dr J did for the game, let alone win 72 out of 82 nba games... then why arent the local hero's doing it now and why not everyday?

Its just a bad understanding what having both sides (legends and current) means for a sports game. Its really unheard of. Something you think about but never think it could happen, and bam here it is.
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Old 09-11-2011, 02:50 AM   #64
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Too bad its online series for 2k hasnt upgraded sadly.. I agree wit everything else in this article.. Good write up.. Jus wished they cared about Online as well...
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