
NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

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Old 09-07-2011, 08:31 PM   #17
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

As a basketball coach I am loving this. It always drove me crazy. I also love the branch off on plays as no basketball play has 1 or 2 options only. Everyone needs to be able to read and react to how the defense is playing them. This and the force defender baseline as every coach teaches are HUGE additions that will really add to the chess match within the game!
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:35 PM   #18
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Actually towards the end of my 2k11 tenure i started using that play select move where you select the guy and press towards the basket so you can make guys cut, so it's good i don't have to do it manually now
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:43 PM   #19
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Originally Posted by 2slik
Never even thought about this concept. Mind = blown. When I run with the Celtics I don't use that floppy play that much for Ray Allen, because of the issue Da Czar. It's good that the defense has to constantly make decisions and trade offs, instead of just stealing the ball every play.

Da Czar,

What if the person who is guarding Ray Allen, plays over the top of him anticipating the play? You get that quite a lot online from ppl playing off ball D. Will Ray immediately cut back door for a layup?
Da Czar will have to answer for sure, but using basic basketball theory, if Ray's man trails him, he should get open off the initial double screen if no one else helps. If one of screeners man helps then they will be open and should move to an open area on the floor depending on their location(either to the rim or FT line in the example depending on which man helps) If the defender on Ray is going over the screen and cut off the pass to him on the wing, then Ray should fade to the corner and be wide open.
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Old 09-07-2011, 11:26 PM   #20
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Anything that leads to less predictable off ball screens for a shooter is great in my book.
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Old 09-08-2011, 09:12 AM   #21
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Originally Posted by 2slik
Never even thought about this concept. Mind = blown. When I run with the Celtics I don't use that floppy play that much for Ray Allen, because of the issue Da Czar. It's good that the defense has to constantly make decisions and trade offs, instead of just stealing the ball every play.

Da Czar,

What if the person who is guarding Ray Allen, plays over the top of him anticipating the play? You get that quite a lot online from ppl playing off ball D. Will Ray immediately cut back door for a layup?
That is one way to solve that but it couldn't be accomplished in the time I was up there. It was the first thing I asked for ... LOL that is a very intensive design and would have drastically shrunk the number of plays you had to run with so we left that off.

In the next blog I will attempt to show you one of the avenues we went down to address a user denying the pass as you described. So it is not 100% bullet proof but it's much better than last year.

and Honestly there are some sets that a great user defender is going to be able to take you out of.... I had to have some basic set's that even novice users could easily run without 30 diagrams on the floor. LOL That was the tradeoff. They let me go as deep as I could despite the possibility that newer players may not be able to use the whole playbook as long as I provided those same users with offense they could understand.

The bulk of these plays were made with you guys in mind. I thought how would a defender take this away and tried to give an option that would specifically counter that effectively. This is totally different that any previous implementation of a branching system.

Once you start seeing some of the plays and their depth I think you will be pleased especially in comparison to what you have had in the past.
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Old 09-08-2011, 09:14 AM   #22
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Originally Posted by sportsgamefanman
As a basketball coach I am loving this. It always drove me crazy. I also love the branch off on plays as no basketball play has 1 or 2 options only. Everyone needs to be able to read and react to how the defense is playing them. This and the force defender baseline as every coach teaches are HUGE additions that will really add to the chess match within the game!
You my friend will be in love... LOL There are specific advanced offenses that I went HAM on. There is absolutely no way a novice user can remember all the options but to a hoop head they make logical sense given the set. SO there aren't a Ton of them because they take forever and a day to design and test but there are def a few you want to keep in your quiver.
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:23 AM   #23
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
That is one way to solve that but it couldn't be accomplished in the time I was up there. It was the first thing I asked for ... LOL that is a very intensive design and would have drastically shrunk the number of plays you had to run with so we left that off.
I'm hoping that manual cutting and total control passing have been improved to make it easier to combat off ball d.
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:46 PM   #24
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Re: NBA 2K12 - Roll and Fade Relieve Pressure (Sim Citi)

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
You my friend will be in love... LOL There are specific advanced offenses that I went HAM on. There is absolutely no way a novice user can remember all the options but to a hoop head they make logical sense given the set. SO there aren't a Ton of them because they take forever and a day to design and test but there are def a few you want to keep in your quiver.
Thats great to hear. Last year I spent more time analyzing plays in EVERY playbook then I did in game at times. LOL! I was in a great online league and pre game I changed every play in the playbook for my trailblazers to make them more realistic to what they did. I had to do it (mind you this was 12 minute qtr and 82 game season ) for the fact we played longer games and needed extra options. I even had a list and wrote all those plays down on paper for every player so I could reference my playbook and know what plays to change. LOL! I would dig for those plays where I could have 2-3 options that played to the Blazers strengths. It was annoying to do every game but its the only way I could play. I can't wait to see the new plays! This will be the 1st thing I do when I get the game!

I love that you now have that unpredictability factor as you have different plays and options where with so many looks a online opponent will be on his heals all game rather than overplaying and cheating after seeing a play run a few times in a game and knowing whats coming. Great write ups! Thanks!
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