
Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

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Old 08-29-2011, 12:48 PM   #65
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^That was supposed to be Andre Reed
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Old 08-29-2011, 01:56 PM   #66
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This to me is a very realistic review. I've played about 20 games thus far. I've played with multiple teams, using different QB's from the greats to the goods to the bads and really think what's said here is very accurate.

The game is fun, probably more-so than any other Madden title I've played in years. There are some killer things to like, but most of us just hold Madden to another level. The biggest negative to me isn't mentioned here, and that's the lack of adding any depth online. No additions were made to Online Franchise, and that's very disappointing to me. No slider adjustments online, and I've logged five games online by starting a franchise by myself to gauge the difficulty, and I must say it's just as easy as last year, which is such a disappointment given Madden 11 online last year vs. the cpu was just unplayable it was so easy.

That alone forces me to lower my rating on the game substantially, but all-in-all it's still a good game. I don't think the writer intentionally points out the negatives to beat down the game, as the game is quite good. It's just the expectation level. EA has long put their effort into the Fifa series, as that's the bigger money generator, but Madden needs the attention. It needs to go to the next level. It's about a decade behind the technology. There are so many little things that if improved would make the game superb.
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Old 08-29-2011, 04:29 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by bucfan47
This to me is a very realistic review. I've played about 20 games thus far. I've played with multiple teams, using different QB's from the greats to the goods to the bads and really think what's said here is very accurate.

The game is fun, probably more-so than any other Madden title I've played in years. There are some killer things to like, but most of us just hold Madden to another level. The biggest negative to me isn't mentioned here, and that's the lack of adding any depth online. No additions were made to Online Franchise, and that's very disappointing to me. No slider adjustments online, and I've logged five games online by starting a franchise by myself to gauge the difficulty, and I must say it's just as easy as last year, which is such a disappointment given Madden 11 online last year vs. the cpu was just unplayable it was so easy.

That alone forces me to lower my rating on the game substantially, but all-in-all it's still a good game. I don't think the writer intentionally points out the negatives to beat down the game, as the game is quite good. It's just the expectation level. EA has long put their effort into the Fifa series, as that's the bigger money generator, but Madden needs the attention. It needs to go to the next level. It's about a decade behind the technology. There are so many little things that if improved would make the game superb.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Especially the part about the game being "about a decade behind the technology." Some of the flaws being pointed out in this series are seriously flaws that I haven't heard since the ps2 days of gaming. It's inexcusable to not have ANY sort of physics to keep linebackers from having 45'' verticals to bat passes down that in real life would be 6 points.
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Old 08-29-2011, 04:30 PM   #68
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I'm so glad this game got a 7.5. It's about time people stop sucking off the teat of EA. It probably won't do much to change these games for the better... but it's a nice change and totally deserved.
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Old 08-29-2011, 04:33 PM   #69
darknmild's Arena
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Originally Posted by Turbo Lax 33
At the end of the day Madden is a video game, not a recreation of actually playing the game. If you want the experiences the writer has nitpicked about, the only way you will ever get it is by actually playing the game of football, not a video counterpart.

Perhaps because I grew up playing video games when Atari football with its 3 men on the field all moving together was the only video game choice, I am more tolerant of games being just a game? At any rate I find this type of article counter productive. THe writer may think he pointed out an equal number of positive and negative issues but the article read to me like one big gripe fest.

I will be buying Madden and I will understand and look past the unrealistic events that will occur at times, after all I'm playing a video game.....
I agree and perfect zero I don't think he was referring to back yard football
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Old 08-29-2011, 06:18 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by darknmild
I agree and perfect zero I don't think he was referring to back yard football
He was probably referring to real football. The flaw with his argument is that 99.5% of us in this country will never be able to put on an NFL uniform, or even play College Football. For most of us, the farthest we get is high school ball. So, for most of us, this is the closest we can ever come to suiting up on sundays. That is why we request the game to be so realistic. We don't get the nuances of football playing in the backyard. And most of us cannot play in the NFL, and this is our chance to feel what its like to be peyton manning reading defenses and making solid calls. And there is a strong satisfaction with that notion.

So while is it "just a game," that argument is tired and old. The ultimate fact is that there is ZERO REASON why this game, with all the modern technology, cannot play more realistically than it does.

Please, come up with a better argument than that. I know you can. For most of us, this is our NFL, so d@mmit, it better be just like it.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:55 AM   #71
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Best Madden review I ever read. And for those saying the review is too tough, Chris did say it's far from a bad game, and that it "seems to be asking me to suspend my own disbelief to find enjoyment in the face of some lacking realism." Seems pretty dang tame and plain honest to me.
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Old 08-30-2011, 10:25 AM   #72
Jukeman's Arena
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"The game is fun" translate to me as "it's a good head to head game"

I'm a single player/and CPU vs CPU guy...

I guess cutting corners while getting "sim" results is their way of balancing the game...

I'll rent the game eventually so I can judge for myself but I wish there were an alternative that suits my interest (made by any company)

Football is my favorite sport and I haven't owned a football game for more than a year since 2007...

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