
Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

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Old 08-27-2011, 12:31 PM   #17
HammerOfGod's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

Originally Posted by F0rl3fclov3r
Weak that no defensive player lock view is in the game. Audibles (now confirmed) are terrible in the demo in comparison to the ease of NCAA 12. Either way I'm dropping the money like I always do and taken fools to the house.
It's comments like this that we'll continue to get very poor effort out of EA in making this game better. As long as people continue to drop money on this crap, EA is just going to put out the exact same thing every year. I've never passed on NCAA until this year, and I've passed on Madden every year since '06 except for giving '10 about two weeks.

The games just aren't good.
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Old 08-27-2011, 12:46 PM   #18
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Very, very skeptical.

For the last 3 years I've read Pre-pre release impressions and they've "All" included statements "It's not a bad game" and/or "it's an improvement from last year" while noting the same negatives that are year-in, year-out.

It just seems that as usual, everything sounds good on paper (sort of to speak) but the reality is that very little change will be seen.

For some reason, with these two football releases, the whole football gaming atmosphere feels "Blah" compared to years ago.
I just have this "don't expect too much" attitude with EA's football games nowdays.

I know some will argue it's still too early, but to read that some of the same issues still exist that the gaming communities have beaten them over-the-head to correct and issues advertised with pride as being gone still there, I just throw my hands up.

Man, all this time and not "ONE" impression through the years that says "WOW! What a game. This is football at it's best".

It's always "it's an improvement".

I remember the days of Super Techmo Bowl in college where hundreds of students would skip classes just to play some football.

It was Heated and Hardcore with a football game that doesn't boast half the capabilities of the current football releases, yet it was exciting and you couln't wait to play.

Guys lost girlfriends over spending too much time playing this dumb football game "everyday".

With all the super-duper gaming systems and T'v's, you would think we would have our minds blown away, but that "something" for 2012 football just doesn't seem to be there as in the days of old.
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Old 08-27-2011, 12:47 PM   #19
radney's Arena
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Originally Posted by Turbo Lax 33
At the end of the day Madden is a video game, not a recreation of actually playing the game. If you want the experiences the writer has nitpicked about, the only way you will ever get it is by actually playing the game of football, not a video counterpart.

Perhaps because I grew up playing video games when Atari football with its 3 men on the field all moving together was the only video game choice, I am more tolerant of games being just a game? At any rate I find this type of article counter productive. THe writer may think he pointed out an equal number of positive and negative issues but the article read to me like one big gripe fest.

I will be buying Madden and I will understand and look past the unrealistic events that will occur at times, after all I'm playing a video game.....
I agree with all this. A video game can only be real but so much. I will say just from the demo, I like Madden '12 way better than '10 and '11 combined.
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Old 08-27-2011, 12:54 PM   #20
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

Originally Posted by roadman
I don't have the game yet, but when I do on Tuesday at midnight, I think I will have a much more enjoyable experience with 12 vs 11. First time I never completed a season in Madden was Madden 11.

Just didn't hold my interest.
I hope you do enjoy the game. Within 10 minutes, I regretted buying Madden 11 last year and no amount of patches and slider-tweaking ever made that game enjoyable. I don't want to go through that feeling again this year, so I'd rather wait.
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Old 08-27-2011, 12:54 PM   #21
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

Originally Posted by Turbo Lax 33
At the end of the day Madden is a video game, not a recreation of actually playing the game. If you want the experiences the writer has nitpicked about, the only way you will ever get it is by actually playing the game of football, not a video counterpart.

Perhaps because I grew up playing video games when Atari football with its 3 men on the field all moving together was the only video game choice, I am more tolerant of games being just a game? At any rate I find this type of article counter productive. THe writer may think he pointed out an equal number of positive and negative issues but the article read to me like one big gripe fest.

I will be buying Madden and I will understand and look past the unrealistic events that will occur at times, after all I'm playing a video game.....
I understand that it is just a video game, but at this stage of development it should play a better game. The "Atari" comments make me cringe every time. This isn't 1985 any more, it's 2011, and we should expect better advancements in gaming. I feel that OS did a good job pointing out both sides of the argument, and realize that in today's gaming world, you have to advance realism.

I also love the comment "If you want the experiences the writer has nitpicked about, the only way you will ever get it is by actually playing the game of football, not a video counterpart." Unfortunately, I'll never grow a rocket arm, become two inches taller and grow a blue jersey with the name "Manning" on the back of it. Most people want to experience the game with the Colts or Cowboys or whomever. Going out in the back yard and playing toss up isn't going to make me Peyton Manning. Playing video games helps in this experience.
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Old 08-27-2011, 01:17 PM   #22
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Reviewer Impressions: Gameplay

Originally Posted by DJ
I appreciate the honesty in, not only this partial review, but in a lot of the other reviews that are filtering out for Madden 12. My only question is, where were these reviews last year? Madden 11 had just as many flaws as have been pointed out so far in Madden 12, yet Madden 11 received far higher scores.

Still, I'm glad to see the cookie-cutter reviews disappearing and the journalists doing their duty of holding EA to the flames and calling them out, so to speak, for minimal year-to-year improvements.

I'm headed to the store today to cancel my pre-order. I may pick Madden 12 up at a later date, but for now, I'm fine with hopping on my PS2 and playing Madden 09.

Wow. Surprised. I thought the demo was real good. Much better than 10 and 11. With all the franchise enhancements and DPP To me this is a slam dunk for my NFL fix. I was happy with Madden 11 on the field...not 100% wow or blown away, but using playmakers sliders and cpu gameplanning I had a good 2 full seasons with Madden and a fantasy season I enjoyed.

If you think it is more of the same I can understand and I would wait till a price drop in December. But I think for offline franchise buffs this game is going to be a lot of fun and offer some great elements we have been pining for since the leap to next gen.
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Old 08-27-2011, 01:20 PM   #23
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Chris the things you said about suction blocking and the DBs clipping through WR or skating around them are the exact same things I said about NCAA 12.

Many times you are at say a right angle to a blocker blitzing the QB and if you graze a lineman you will get sucked sideways into a block. No way this would happen on Sunday, a 240lb LB running at 3/4 speed toward a QB is not going to be stopped that easy, the OL will have to grabe him with an arm on the way by and hold him to save his QB. This is where a full physic engine would be a huge help I guess. I mean OL are strong but they will not stop and turn a LB in his tracks sideways and hold him in a blocking animation you would normally only see if their were going head to head to start with.

The warping around of the DB's is the worse thing. It's like body position doesn't mean anything. Like a 5'11" 180lb DB can just go right around a receiver like Calvin Johnson that is 6'5" and 235 take position and INT or bat down the ball. I would have less problems with mind reading DBs and better zone coverage if this wasn't happening, if the receiver could actually box out the DB like in real life.

Also I agree with what you said, it would be nice if WR's were smart enough to find the wholes in zones and sit on them like real pro WR's do to give a passing lane for the QB.

Last but not least the leaping LB's, I go back and replay these a lot when they happen in both NCAA and Madden. It seems in the replays they are not really going up that high, its just that the ball is so low. Instead of trying to fix leaping LBs they should fix the ball trajectory.
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Old 08-27-2011, 01:26 PM   #24
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Finally someone who cares aboue DEFENSE! Ive played flag tag, midget, middle school, junior varsity, varsity and even had some offers from some school to play football for them (mostly private, but not all) at the college level, after i graduated a couple years ago. What happens if i want to run a tiger blitz (send all LBs) 2 deep man (2 deep safeties) lockdown coverage (man to man CBs) and have my DTs in coverage and DEs in the flats so you still have 4 man blitzing (which for that split second you have the advantage bc they dont know who's rushing) and atleast 3 guys in coverage (The DL) Its Impossible to do all that and really just having a overload blitz where you send everyone to the same side is hard to do on madden. They need a new defensive play calling system so we can do what we really want to, not what were forced to do. So us defensive guys can wreak havoc on the opposing QB.
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