
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-24-2011, 06:17 PM   #1001
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Dear Jesus!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-24-2011, 06:23 PM   #1002
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

I'm not going to say this game is perfect by any means, but I think most people that bitch here can give it up for awhile. I think the point has been made. This forum is starting to resemble a group of whinny girls.
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Old 08-24-2011, 07:06 PM   #1003
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by NoFatGirlz4Me37
u'll be back at Gamestop asking the cashier *ummm, can i have my NCAA back* when the patch comes out lol
You wanna make a bet? It's not gonna happen! Until EA Sports proves something to me with NCAA 13 or whenever I'm not buying this game again. This was my last time buying this game on release date. You can bank on that!
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Old 08-24-2011, 07:25 PM   #1004
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Lange248
I'm not going to say this game is perfect by any means, but I think most people that bitch here can give it up for awhile. I think the point has been made. This forum is starting to resemble a group of whinny girls.
No offense lange but that's such a strawman argument. The game isn't perfect? Stop whining?

That's like saying a drunk driver who plowed into someones house isn't perfect and "at least he wasn't also high on heroine while driving!".

We want to hold EA accountable and keep them aware that we're not thrilled with the way they've botched this product. This games #1 selling feature for me and many like me is totally ruined and needs patching, which hasn't come out yet. It's almost September. This is entirely unacceptable and I think I could go without people making excuses for EA.

I fully get your point that a b*tchfest isn't the best thing ever but... what do you expect? Honestly? People lined up to get htis game, tried to get the game early thru almost any means necessary and waited for this game with baited breath for weeks; and we get this mess.

So no sir I don't accept your post. Let the masses speak so long as it's not profanity riddled tirades.
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Old 08-24-2011, 08:00 PM   #1005
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by theonlywhiteout
No offense lange but that's such a strawman argument. The game isn't perfect? Stop whining?

That's like saying a drunk driver who plowed into someones house isn't perfect and "at least he wasn't also high on heroine while driving!".

We want to hold EA accountable and keep them aware that we're not thrilled with the way they've botched this product. This games #1 selling feature for me and many like me is totally ruined and needs patching, which hasn't come out yet. It's almost September. This is entirely unacceptable and I think I could go without people making excuses for EA.

I fully get your point that a b*tchfest isn't the best thing ever but... what do you expect? Honestly? People lined up to get htis game, tried to get the game early thru almost any means necessary and waited for this game with baited breath for weeks; and we get this mess.

So no sir I don't accept your post. Let the masses speak so long as it's not profanity riddled tirades.
Bitching doesn't work.. every year I read crap from: "Hey in the 40th row.. the seats are the wrong color to the wrong color or type of shoes, jersies, etc.." Those are trivial issues and yes it has flaws but you..yes you.. have the right to buy it or not. By buying it and then bitching only reinforces EA's mentality of building a marginal "upgrade" (sometimes a bewildering downgrade) each year. It's revenue man and if you really want EA to wake up, you need to stop buying it. EA is a business and Revenue is the driver. Cut off the revenue and see what happens. Problem is, most bitch but show no restraint in actually showing EA their product is not worthy. This is the first year since 07 that I paid full retail price.

I understand your frustration, but actions speak louder than words.
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Old 08-24-2011, 08:10 PM   #1006
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by theonlywhiteout
No offense lange but that's such a strawman argument. The game isn't perfect? Stop whining?

That's like saying a drunk driver who plowed into someones house isn't perfect and "at least he wasn't also high on heroine while driving!".

We want to hold EA accountable and keep them aware that we're not thrilled with the way they've botched this product. This games #1 selling feature for me and many like me is totally ruined and needs patching, which hasn't come out yet. It's almost September. This is entirely unacceptable and I think I could go without people making excuses for EA.

I fully get your point that a b*tchfest isn't the best thing ever but... what do you expect? Honestly? People lined up to get htis game, tried to get the game early thru almost any means necessary and waited for this game with baited breath for weeks; and we get this mess.

So no sir I don't accept your post. Let the masses speak so long as it's not profanity riddled tirades.
Honestly I don't care if you don't like what I have to say. BUT nothing anyone brings up here is original nor going to get anything done. Bobolini has it right. When you bought this version did you really think it was going to be everything you thought it was going to be. The saddest part is its pretty fun game in it's own right, and like I said not perfect, but it's not something I don't regret playing. I knew what I was getting into when I went to go buy this game.
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Old 08-24-2011, 08:12 PM   #1007
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by gerg1234
Actually it was a recent post. IMO that should mean if the patches work properly and don't mess up the consoles we should see the patch next week.

If it doesn't pass MS or Sony's watch....it could be awhile (although I don't anticipate that)

Of course I'm just speculating as I have no expertise in this whole thing.
Unfortunately, they have to thoroughly test the patch out to ensure that it will not crash your game and/or your system. It can be a frustrating process, but it is necessary and time consuming. I am not making excuses for anyone, but it is what it is when it comes to patching a game. In my best experiences it usually takes 2-3 weeks before a patch is certified by Microsoft.

Also keep in mind that even the smallest of fixes can actually cause major issues. In other words, say you add a fix for a minor animation(for example), it is very possible that the animation, when triggered can cause 10 other issues to occur with some of them being major(ie game crashing). Last year the first patch resulted in another major glitch. Remember the pump-fake glitch?!?

BTW, I am just as anxious as the rest of you to recieve these patches.... I assure you that it's not as cut and dry as it may seem. Now let's all hope that the new patch passes submission as soon as possible.

The BLOG about the patch was released on August 2nd. At no time was it mentioned that this patch would cure the problems that are now ailing many dynasty participants. The dreaded "Transfer failed" or "Dynasty Servers not available." Now could these problems be fixed on their server. Maybe. But why the delay?

If it's true (according to NCAAstrategies) that the patch is "finally" complete and has been submitted to Microsoft and Sony for approval... it could be another 2-3 weeks of waiting.
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Last edited by FAIRDALE_KINGS; 08-24-2011 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 08-24-2011, 08:18 PM   #1008
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So, How Long Do Sony And Microsoft’s Approvals Processes Take?

So, How Long Do Sony And Microsoft’s Approvals Processes Take?

You'll see it mentioned all the time when talk of game delays or patches comes up. "Oh, we're just waiting on the approvals process", or "we're just waiting for the patch to be certified, then we're good to go". Those kind of excuses/explanations sound great from the developers end, but to us? It's meaningless, because we have no idea how long those processes take. Or, we didn't. We have at least some idea now, thanks to the always-helpful "Ask Capcom" letters section the company runs every week.

Capcom fanboy Ryu vs Ken asks "How long does the approval process usually take?". Seeing as he's asking about SSFIIHD, it's probable this explanation covers only downloadable games, but the answer is interesting nonetheless:

Depends on the territory and the time of year/how busy the submissions team is. It also depends on territories.

SCEA and MS can turn things around in 5-7 days most times. SCEE is closer to two weeks but they have a system where you can see the progress and bugs as they're testing (which means, you can anticipate your pass or fail and potentially be ready to have a resubmission ready to go when you fail). That said, you generally want to get reports from SCEA and SCEE, fix all issues and resubmit to both at the same time so it's not always such a benefit easy. SCAsia is a bit easier on the submission side as their evaluation focuses mostly on the material submisisons, not on code approval (provided you have code approval from SCEA or SCEE).

See? Interesting! Now the next time someone says "oh, the game will be available as soon as it's been approved", you've got a rough idea of how long you've got to wait.

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