
Fact or Fiction: Madden 12 Demo Edition

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Old 08-23-2011, 04:21 AM   #25
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Madden is finally getting to be at least playable for me, starting with last year, but to me it still needs a ways to go. Things still feel "forced" to me, and not natural. Tackling, while definitely improved, still doesn't feel as realistic as NFL2K5 (yes, I'm going there as well). Maybe EA should hire (or buy, knowing them) NaturalMotion, and use their engine for the physics. BackBreaker may not have been great, but the physics definitely were. And as other people said, the presentation on NFL2K5 was just out of this world. I still am yearning for the same level of ESPN integration in a game. Having Chris Berman do the weekly highlight reel in real time with all his catchphrases was just unbelievable. It's 7 years later and I'm still waiting...WTF?

You're getting their Madden, but you're taking your damn sweet time doing so...
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Old 08-23-2011, 05:09 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Rudolph999
presentation will never be updated without competition its that simple.
It was just updated without any competition. Does it still have a ways to go? Probably but it was clearly updated.
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Old 08-23-2011, 07:17 AM   #27
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Re: Fact or Fiction: Madden 12 Demo Edition

Originally Posted by Rudolph999
presentation will never be updated without competition its that simple.


Please. Stop it. Can we please...please not allow another good discussion about Madden fall into this trap of "if they had competition" "Well 2K did this".

Enough. It is so friggin old, tired. And cliche.

I am not a mod but I felt compelled to post this. Because it will turn into a 50 page back and forth rant of the same old tired BS.

Let's just talk about Madden 12. That is the only NFL game with any relevance. That is the reality.

Yes the presentation is still a work in progress. However the demo has given me a nice glimpse of finally getting a TV style broadcast. I love the new camera angles. So far so good.

The next step is dynamic commentary and a more robust halftime, and franchise weekly show. And of course a balls to wall NFL draft presentation package.

As far as gameplay I am very giddy about 12. I think the game feels great.

And the new franchise enhancements are going to make this game the best Madden ever (that is my hope).

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Old 08-23-2011, 07:49 AM   #28
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Re: Fact or Fiction: Madden 12 Demo Edition

Originally Posted by FlyBri
Madden is finally getting to be at least playable for me, starting with last year, but to me it still needs a ways to go. Things still feel "forced" to me, and not natural. Tackling, while definitely improved, still doesn't feel as realistic as NFL2K5 (yes, I'm going there as well). Maybe EA should hire (or buy, knowing them) NaturalMotion, and use their engine for the physics. BackBreaker may not have been great, but the physics definitely were. And as other people said, the presentation on NFL2K5 was just out of this world. I still am yearning for the same level of ESPN integration in a game. Having Chris Berman do the weekly highlight reel in real time with all his catchphrases was just unbelievable. It's 7 years later and I'm still waiting...WTF?

You're getting their Madden, but you're taking your damn sweet time doing so...
What are you waiting for? You already have it. If you want your halftime show and weekly highlight show with Chris Berman, you already have it. Go fire up your XBOX or PS2, update the rosters and be happy with it. Channeling my inner Allen Iverson, "We're talking about Madden. Not 2k. Not 2k. Madden. We're talking about Madden." Madden will never be 2k and 2k will never be Madden.
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:07 AM   #29
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Re: Fact or Fiction: Madden 12 Demo Edition

7 days boys. And there's nothing wrong with the passing over LBs. The people that complain about this most (I used to be one of them) are people that only throw the ball 2 different ways, Bullet. or Lob. And believe me there's touch passing in the game and you either haven't learn it or just don't have it and never will.
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:45 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by FlyBri
Madden is finally getting to be at least playable for me, starting with last year, but to me it still needs a ways to go. Things still feel "forced" to me, and not natural. Tackling, while definitely improved, still doesn't feel as realistic as NFL2K5 (yes, I'm going there as well). Maybe EA should hire (or buy, knowing them) NaturalMotion, and use their engine for the physics. BackBreaker may not have been great, but the physics definitely were. And as other people said, the presentation on NFL2K5 was just out of this world. I still am yearning for the same level of ESPN integration in a game. Having Chris Berman do the weekly highlight reel in real time with all his catchphrases was just unbelievable. It's 7 years later and I'm still waiting...WTF?

You're getting their Madden, but you're taking your damn sweet time doing so...
Couldn't have said it better myself. This has been repeatedly asked for year after year. Yet, no response from EA. They won't even address the issue on any of these forums. It's a shame really. I can tell you, though, I will not be buying an EA sports game at release ever again. And I especially won't be buying it until either there are 2 or 3 patches and tuner sets are out, or this thing called physics is installed in their games. I will not be buying madden for weeks, and even then, I may not, depending on the issues I hear about.

But FlyBri, they really should utilize the naturalmotion physics. It really is the only thing they can do to save this turd of an engine at this point. Everything else has been tried and has failed miserably.
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:09 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Man, I can't believe all the "EA/Madden hate" being spewed in this write-up, they must all have an "Agenda"! LOL j/k

Great points made, imo and I just finished posting some similar opinions in another thread.
This slow versus normal debate is ABSURD. The ONLY way Madden gives you any semblance of a "Real NFL Experience" is by playing on VERY FAST. It is the only way to see the amazing job EA did with this game.
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Old 08-23-2011, 02:19 PM   #32
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Re: Fact or Fiction: Madden 12 Demo Edition

Originally Posted by CigarCityBandit
This slow versus normal debate is ABSURD. The ONLY way Madden gives you any semblance of a "Real NFL Experience" is by playing on VERY FAST. It is the only way to see the amazing job EA did with this game.
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