
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-19-2011, 10:57 AM   #761
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Originally Posted by HakeemDaDream
You do realize that most of the bugs you listed is going to be addressed in the patch, right? Look, the guy said the patch would drop before the end of August and based on my calculations, we've got 8 more business days before that happens. Unless he's flat out lying, then what's the point of getting your undies in a bunch?
My point was that those are bugs that should have been caught. I named all those bugs on purpose. I'm not ok like others of accepting a game is unplayable until a month after it drops. I've learned my lesson and will go ahead and wait until the first patch to buy '13. Sorry, it is my fault for paying full price and not expecting a half assed game.
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Just once I'd like to be the one they call a jerk off.
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You underestimate my laziness
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**** ya

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Old 08-19-2011, 11:34 AM   #762
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
My point was that those are bugs that should have been caught. I named all those bugs on purpose. I'm not ok like others of accepting a game is unplayable until a month after it drops. I've learned my lesson and will go ahead and wait until the first patch to buy '13. Sorry, it is my fault for paying full price and not expecting a half assed game.
It's the sign of the times, dude. Consumers have now been thrust into the role of testers. We should really be pointing the blame at Microsoft and Sony. If they started fining publishers for releasing buggy products, then you can bet there would be more focus on QA.
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Old 08-19-2011, 11:36 AM   #763
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by chicagopax
I understand people wan't transparency but in a multi-million (EA might be nearing billion?) company that isn't possible for multiple reasons.

For example using a previous example

1 ) Worked on deep ball issue - Day 1
2 ) Working on freezing - Day 2

That sounds nice and all but what if on Day 3 they found out that the changes glitched the game worse? It's worse PR. They can handle a vocal minority (which is what OS is and all the 'boycotters' despite personal belief) but they can't take a hit from being transparent. Not to mention it could be used for fuel to the fire for opposition companies.

'Oh they only fixed issue 'A' on that day, we fixed issue 'A' and 'B' in our game.

EA's PR job is to play EA as perfectly as possible and blemishes aren't good. If your selling a product are you going to be vocal about it's issues? A car dealer won't be pitching MPG on a gas guzzler. At this point it's damage control and fixing,nothing more. It's not free fall and havoc like people seem to be playing it as.

There is a certain level of things they can and cannot do as a profit organization, and openly expressing bugs and work operation and procedure is a big no-no. And they can't go after associates (MS and Sony) over their processes (patching delay) as it's bad publicity.


No clue when the patch is out, listened to interview and there was times when it made it sound like it was done and sent in and there was times when it sounded like it was still being worked on.
While this is mainly true, it does not make it so that they cannot put out anything on what they are doing.

They had already responded that they knew about the bugs and were working towards fixing them in a patch. So by releasing patch notes and giving some kind of an update to the progress, it in no way could 'harm' the company.

For your example if they fixed A and it broke B or something else in the game... again they would not need to put out specifics of what is exactly happening. But to say that they couldn't say, "hey we are looking at the roster glitch today" and then say "roster glitch fix is coming along nicely" or "today, the roster glitch is punking us, but we are still working on it".

To even say that would hurt them is foolish... if anything it would create a sense in the consumer that they are 'genuinely' working on it and 'care' enough to share with us (consumers).

While at the same time if, IF a fix created another problem, it wouldn't be any different than if they tried to fix it without telling us what was going on.

For example: (hypothetical situation)

A) Today we are working on the roster glitch and it seems that a patch may not be able to cover the fix. We are still looking at different solutions, will keep everyone updated.


B) Nothing.......................... patch comes out and the roster glitch is not fixed.

You tell me, which would hurt EA more? Well I would be more pissed with option B... How is that worse PR? As I see it right now, its this, the patch is being pushed back to release after Madden in attempts to not hurt Madden sales numbers.

I have a feeling that when this patch drops in September that 1) we will see something else break, 2) something that was supposed to be fixed, is not 3) tuner will create unforeseen problems

Hopefully I am wrong, but with their track record, I wouldn't put money on EA.
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Old 08-19-2011, 11:59 AM   #764
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

I have a feeling that when this patch drops in September that
It's really a pity we have to wait that long to have a playable game. I know about the process but the game was released on July 12th & we have to wait 2 months for fixes? Heck, they might not even be fixes for certain things like you said Chia. It's just poor consumer relations.

That's all you can say about it. This game was botched! There was very little testing because we are the testers. It's time we put a stop to this stuff & quit buying games on release dates. Put a lock on our wallets & show them we're not gonna allow it to continue! Thanks!
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Old 08-19-2011, 12:16 PM   #765
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Didn't the Dev team take a week vacation after the game came out?
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Old 08-19-2011, 12:26 PM   #766
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by kjjnesb
Didn't the Dev team take a week vacation after the game came out?
Actually, they're now at 2+ months & counting for vacation time.
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Old 08-19-2011, 12:55 PM   #767
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

So whats the over and under on if this patch will be out on the 23rd or 30th

I believe they normally only release patches on Tuesdays right? Could have that wrong, I always forget this every year until EA Sports games remind me
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Old 08-19-2011, 01:05 PM   #768
sccavs64's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Yeah they usually only release them on tuesdays, except I hope EA knows that we just want the patch ASAP and we dont care what day of the week it is!
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