
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-13-2011, 10:15 PM   #561
HokiesCavs's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by STONEWALL309
These ****in shaddy characters need to be replaced by the team that runs the show for madden. they are alot better and more efficient than the queers that run the ncaa show. you never see as many problems that need to be fixed with madden as you do with those losers from the ncaa team. their lazy, usless, piecies of ****. I've seen enough holes in this game to drive a ****in convoy through. They need to all be fired. That ******, Ben Haumiller, needs to keep people up to date with SOME kinda news about the patch. he said he'd keep people updated about the progress of the patch release, but all he can spill out of his filthy mouth is lies, lies, lies. These losers could have a bright future in politics. And the whole deal with them lying about having no bugs after completion, and there's so many bugs in this game it could qualify for a biblical plague. GET YOUR DAMN ACT TOGETHER LOSERS!!!
That's really not necessary, and personally attacking the developers will get you nowhere. Criticize their work, but don't attack them.
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Old 08-13-2011, 10:39 PM   #562
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by STONEWALL309
These ****in shaddy characters need to be replaced by the team that runs the show for madden. they are alot better and more efficient than the queers that run the ncaa show. you never see as many problems that need to be fixed with madden as you do with those losers from the ncaa team. their lazy, usless, piecies of ****. I've seen enough holes in this game to drive a ****in convoy through. They need to all be fired. That ******, Ben Haumiller, needs to keep people up to date with SOME kinda news about the patch. he said he'd keep people updated about the progress of the patch release, but all he can spill out of his filthy mouth is lies, lies, lies. These losers could have a bright future in politics. And the whole deal with them lying about having no bugs after completion, and there's so many bugs in this game it could qualify for a biblical plague. GET YOUR DAMN ACT TOGETHER LOSERS!!!
Hope you enjoyed your stay here at OS...

I've personally taken a break from the game. It's not that I'm angry or disheartened, but I'm taking some time off after playing the game for about 3 straight weeks pretty much non-stop. It's a good game, and with the patch and tuner set (alleged), this game will be fairly fantastic. So, I can wait a few weeks and get those hook-ups, then download some rosters, get a new dynasty started, nab a good set of sliders, and be on my way.

Ahh, the art of patience.
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:13 PM   #563
Vierakun's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Yeah, a little much. I do agree that ben haumiller is annoying in that he always talks about listening to people and doesn't actually care, not to mention lying, but no need to hate...
NFL team: Philadelphia Eagles (have been a fan for forever, but don't know why I picked the Eagles instead of the Bears, lol)
NBA: Chicago Bulls
NCAA FB: Illinois Illini
NCAA BB: Illinois Illini
And no, I don't watch baseball...boooring (imo)
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:40 PM   #564
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by STONEWALL309
These ****in shaddy characters need to be replaced by the team that runs the show for madden. they are alot better and more efficient than the queers that run the ncaa show. you never see as many problems that need to be fixed with madden as you do with those losers from the ncaa team. their lazy, usless, piecies of ****. I've seen enough holes in this game to drive a ****in convoy through. They need to all be fired. That ******, Ben Haumiller, needs to keep people up to date with SOME kinda news about the patch. he said he'd keep people updated about the progress of the patch release, but all he can spill out of his filthy mouth is lies, lies, lies. These losers could have a bright future in politics. And the whole deal with them lying about having no bugs after completion, and there's so many bugs in this game it could qualify for a biblical plague. GET YOUR DAMN ACT TOGETHER LOSERS!!!
Sounds like you shouldn't be playing video games. Rage issues and all that.
All Black Everything
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:45 PM   #565
aarontab's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by STONEWALL309
These ****in shaddy characters need to be replaced by the team that runs the show for madden. they are alot better and more efficient than the queers that run the ncaa show. you never see as many problems that need to be fixed with madden as you do with those losers from the ncaa team. their lazy, usless, piecies of ****. I've seen enough holes in this game to drive a ****in convoy through. They need to all be fired. That ******, Ben Haumiller, needs to keep people up to date with SOME kinda news about the patch. he said he'd keep people updated about the progress of the patch release, but all he can spill out of his filthy mouth is lies, lies, lies. These losers could have a bright future in politics. And the whole deal with them lying about having no bugs after completion, and there's so many bugs in this game it could qualify for a biblical plague. GET YOUR DAMN ACT TOGETHER LOSERS!!!
How would you feel if somebody came to your job at the gas station and talked about you that way?
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:58 PM   #566
ab2c4's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

I don't know if I am enjoying the game, or addicted to Season Showdown more.

Anyways, I am having fun with the game. The two big things I saw in the list of fixes are progression (such as B+ teams the next year are D teams) and the fact that the defense doesn't react to a scrambling QB. They fix these two things and the game is golden to me. Sure I wish they would fix the game where the cpu pass coverage wasn't psychic on AA, but Varsity fixes that.
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Old 08-14-2011, 12:24 AM   #567
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by STONEWALL309
These ****in shaddy characters need to be replaced by the team that runs the show for madden. they are alot better and more efficient than the queers that run the ncaa show. you never see as many problems that need to be fixed with madden as you do with those losers from the ncaa team. their lazy, usless, piecies of ****. I've seen enough holes in this game to drive a ****in convoy through. They need to all be fired. That ******, Ben Haumiller, needs to keep people up to date with SOME kinda news about the patch. he said he'd keep people updated about the progress of the patch release, but all he can spill out of his filthy mouth is lies, lies, lies. These losers could have a bright future in politics. And the whole deal with them lying about having no bugs after completion, and there's so many bugs in this game it could qualify for a biblical plague. GET YOUR DAMN ACT TOGETHER LOSERS!!!
lol how are you not banned yet? awesome post but a little over the top.
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Old 08-14-2011, 12:24 AM   #568
kjjnesb's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
If there isn't a patch released before the release of Madden, they can kiss a large portion of the fan base good bye. They won't hang around while a new Madden game is out, and no fix to NCAA.
Yeah thats pretty much my cut off date if a patch isn't out by the time Madden is out then I'm trading it in and definitely not buying NCAA 13 until September or October next year
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