
Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

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Old 07-23-2011, 07:22 PM   #177
aarontab's Arena
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
People been saying they are on the right track for the past 6 years now. Grant it they are, however it is come to the point now they need to make it to the station.
"on the right track" is a tough pill to swallow. I don't think they think EA ever thought it wasn't on the right track, so that really can't apply. The reviews and the sales and all that mean that we are still (to them anyways) the vocal minority, and they aren't trying to "get back on track" when they succeed in their eyes year after year.

EA will never be on the right track to making games that are free of glitches and bugs, and they aren't even working hard to correct the other things because they are just tweaking the existing successful formula. All you can do is enjoy NCAA for what it is, I myself am having no problem doing exactly that.
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:57 PM   #178
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

I'll just put it like this: When I play online, I feel like not only do I have to beat the guy I'm playing against (Most Level 8's and higher, especially the top 100, are fake and use glitches/nano blitzes/some cheese formation/some formation glitch, etc.), But I have to beat the game as well. There's no reason I should have to resort to running double outside slants in the bunch formation just to get a guy open.

Also, what's funny is that these "Superman LBs" and "Psychic DBs" only make unrealistic plays on the ball when the CPU is controlling them. Try to jump a route over the middle with a LB, superman-style. Guarantee you'll get beat.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game A LOT. Haven't jumped into Dynasty or RTG much yet, so I don't know the problems with those. Pretty sure I'll enjoy both.

All I'll say is, unless you plan on buying multiple new controllers and headset's, play the game with SLIDERS. Otherwise, this will be you:

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Old 07-23-2011, 08:26 PM   #179
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Because with slider adjusments the game plays great, not perfect, but great in my opinion. I've had a fantastic time wit it, when it hasn't froze on me.

As for your analogy I'd say its like a fantastic , meaty cheesesteak with a piece of gristle in every other bite. Remove the gristle and you've got a great sandwich.
You should have quit while you were behind. Your explanation makes less sense than your original comment.

You've had a fantastic time when it hasn't froze on you? WTF? Doesn't the fact that it has frozen on you multiple times preclude it from being "fantastic?''

And I don't even know where to start with your comment about the sandwich having a piece of gristle in every other bite. I don't know about you, but one piece of gristle would ruin the sandwich for me. And this game is chok-ful of gristle.

"Remove the gristle and you've got a fantastic sandwich?'' Well, yeah. But how much gristle has EA removed? And do you really think they'll be able to remove a large portion of it?

I've noticed over the years that you seem to be overly effusive with your praise towards EA's football titles. EA thanks you.

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Old 07-23-2011, 08:35 PM   #180
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Because with slider adjusments the game plays great, not perfect, but great in my opinion. I've had a fantastic time wit it, when it hasn't froze on me.

As for your analogy I'd say its like a fantastic , meaty cheesesteak with a piece of gristle in every other bite. Remove the gristle and you've got a great sandwich.
What sliders have you used?
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Old 07-23-2011, 09:03 PM   #181
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

I don't understand why so many people get fired up when people like myself and Odogg say we're having great times with the game. This game is easily the best football gme I've ever played. Does it have problems? Definitely, there is no doubt about it.

I can see why some people are bummed out and are ready to sell the game off, but that's not me. I am having fun with it besides all the problems. EA finally nailed the gameplay down for the most part. When my biggest complaint about the gameplay is the occasional LB that jumps up and tips the pass, then that's a great sign.

For me, EA just needs to fix the tendencies bug, fix the custom playbooks bug, fix coach's progression, and fix the awareness of DB's and WR's on passes and I'll be playing this and MLB 2k11 all the way up to NCAA 13 and MLB 2k12.

The gameplay is there, the features are there, and the modes are there. They all just need a patch that polishes up everything and makes everything run smoothly. I'd like to see LB's with lower jump ratings so everyone would be quiet about it, but I could care less about it because I really don't have any problems with the so called "super LB".

My problems have already been stated in this post: CPB bug, tendencies, bug, coach progression, and DB/WR awareness on passes. That's it. I know that will be impossible for some of you to believe, but that is honestly all I find wrong with the game.

If all those problems are ironed out, then NCAA 13 would just need to build onto Dynasty, Presentation, and Graphics. Yes, they would need to make gameplay even better, but let's be honest, the engine(s) they're using are about as good as they are going to get. That's a shame because there is so much I think they could do with football games on these consoles still, but it's not like the games are terrible. They aren't, the football games we have(NCAA 12) and are getting(Madden 12) look to be the best NFL and NCAAF games we've ever had the chance to play.

There is still going to be those out there who will put NCAA 06 and ESPN NFL 2k5 on a pedestal, but you have that with every product and they are always going to blindly hate whatever new is coming out. Now I am not saying those games were not good, because, well, 2k5 was my favorite game up until NCAA 11 came out, but I can easily tell you that it's dated and there is now way it's better than EA's latest offerings.

And wow, I really kept on rambling for no reason at all....l
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Old 07-23-2011, 09:09 PM   #182
Daniels2386's Arena
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Ive been playing this game as long as ANYONE. I think its lack of competition! Who else makes College or Pro football games? ( Go ahead and think....Ill wait) I dont know Specifically which older NCAA & Madden titles are my favorite, but I know 2 things about them.

#1. They where older
#2. EA still had competition ( was it 2k sports? )

How can EA sit there and get the mass's excited over mediocrity?
Outside a couple new animations, this is last years game with updated rosters!

If EA game developers was as good as EA marketers, about 75% of this thread would have different comments.

Idk this for a fact, but I would guess football is the most bought sports game out? If not its surely high on the list. So if I want a football game who am I going to buy from?

I feel like EA is sittin back collecting revenue and thinking " Lets make what we have to make and do what we gotta do to break the bank" That is make a 'cheap' game that the mass's are going to flood to. Once we've bought it you've got what you wanted and we've got bugs and glitchs! Say heres a swell idea. How bout you make a BETA!? Give the community time to find your flaws AND still have time to fix a majority of them before the release. When the game comes out a patch should be coming out.

I see potential...overshadowed by a Empire that honestly doesnt care to much what we think!
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Old 07-23-2011, 09:17 PM   #183
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

My problems have already been stated in this post: CPB bug, tendencies, bug, coach progression, and DB/WR awareness on passes. That's it. I know that will be impossible for some of you to believe, but that is honestly all I find wrong with the game.
This is basically how I feel too, except that I'm not seeing an issue with the DB/WR awareness. I'd like to see a few tweaks in Coaching Carousel but otherwise I'm enjoying the hell out the game.
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Old 07-23-2011, 09:20 PM   #184
NDIrish98's Arena
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Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Originally Posted by canes21
I don't understand why so many people get fired up when people like myself and Odogg say we're having great times with the game. This game is easily the best football gme I've ever played. Does it have problems? Definitely, there is no doubt about it.

I can see why some people are bummed out and are ready to sell the game off, but that's not me. I am having fun with it besides all the problems. EA finally nailed the gameplay down for the most part. When my biggest complaint about the gameplay is the occasional LB that jumps up and tips the pass, then that's a great sign.

For me, EA just needs to fix the tendencies bug, fix the custom playbooks bug, fix coach's progression, and fix the awareness of DB's and WR's on passes and I'll be playing this and MLB 2k11 all the way up to NCAA 13 and MLB 2k12.

The gameplay is there, the features are there, and the modes are there. They all just need a patch that polishes up everything and makes everything run smoothly. I'd like to see LB's with lower jump ratings so everyone would be quiet about it, but I could care less about it because I really don't have any problems with the so called "super LB".

My problems have already been stated in this post: CPB bug, tendencies, bug, coach progression, and DB/WR awareness on passes. That's it. I know that will be impossible for some of you to believe, but that is honestly all I find wrong with the game.

If all those problems are ironed out, then NCAA 13 would just need to build onto Dynasty, Presentation, and Graphics. Yes, they would need to make gameplay even better, but let's be honest, the engine(s) they're using are about as good as they are going to get. That's a shame because there is so much I think they could do with football games on these consoles still, but it's not like the games are terrible. They aren't, the football games we have(NCAA 12) and are getting(Madden 12) look to be the best NFL and NCAAF games we've ever had the chance to play.

There is still going to be those out there who will put NCAA 06 and ESPN NFL 2k5 on a pedestal, but you have that with every product and they are always going to blindly hate whatever new is coming out. Now I am not saying those games were not good, because, well, 2k5 was my favorite game up until NCAA 11 came out, but I can easily tell you that it's dated and there is now way it's better than EA's latest offerings.

And wow, I really kept on rambling for no reason at all....l
i totally agree with both of you. i posted a positive comment on this thread yesterday and got scolded immediately. I'm not going to add anything as i will just be repeating what you just posted, but i will say, yes the game has some problems, but it's still fun, and bottom line, that's what matters to me.
except i prefer the show over mlb2K, Lol.
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