
Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

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Old 07-01-2011, 06:17 PM   #57
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by splff3000
Judging by how long the commentary has been virtually unchanged, I'd say Brad Nessler and Kirk herbstreit aren't doing anything as far as the commentary goes lol.

I'm sure EA could add one or 2 generic teams just to change things up every once in a while. Hell, me and a couple of my boys would do it for free lol. They could then have Brad and Kirk doing the big games and bowl games and it wouldn't get so repetitive.
Ever play NCAA Basketball 10? It had two commentary teams and was not worth it in my opinion. It was cool seeing different broadcast themes, but the commentary was terrible. After playing one or two games per network, you pretty much heard every single commentary line in the game.

Commentary takes up a lot of space on the disc. We already are all tired of the repetition we hear now. Adding more teams to commentary would only lead to each commentary team having less lines than the one we have now does. Do you really want to have multiple broadcast teams, but each one only has 1/4 the lines the current team has?

I wouldn't like that. Yes, it would be great to have a game on ESPN, then your next game a local made up network, and ABC for your bowl games. But it would get old quickly once you heard every single line 5 times throughout your first 3 games of the season.

I am more in favor of new tech like Madden is getting than more teams. More teams is not the answer, new ways implementing and controlling commentary are. Maybe if next generation all consoles have Blu-ray, then I'll be right there with you asking for multiple broadcast networks and commentary teams. But for now, I have to disagree with you.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:21 PM   #58
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by roadman
Question for you?

How can you evaluate NCAA 11 vs 12 with all the patches and tuner sets vs not having the game yet?

I don't think it's a fair evaluation at this point? I think a more fairer evaluation will be when all the tuning and patches are released for 12 vs 11.

That's my take, that's why I can't justify with a demo build(someone said it was a build before the E3 build)vs the full game build. To me, it's similar comparing apples to oranges.
The article was about the NCAA Football 12 outlook and they are basically asking us to speculate about it. We have nothing more to go on other than the NCAA 12 demo and a handful of impressions out there.

I agree that it's hard to completely judge how NCAA 12 will be based on the demo because I usually find the default difficulty settings to be poor for an EA Football game. I'm a big slider guy which is why I would love to see sliders available in the demo although MLB the Show is the only dev team that allows this to my knowledge. We'll find out in two weeks how we really feel about NCAA 12.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:23 PM   #59
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

FIFA has two teams now.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:27 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by PJ33
CPU throwing the ball away? I had 8 sacks in my game on Heisman and not once did they throw it away.

Camera angles are very stale. I have yet to see any broadcast angle where a camera circles a stadium constantly.

I did like the collisions though, much improved there.
Really? Hell, the CPU completes more passes to the sidelines than his receivers in my experiences. That's kind of interesting if you ask me. Makes me wonder what triggers it.

Last edited by DustinT; 07-01-2011 at 06:37 PM.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:31 PM   #61
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by canes21
Ever play NCAA Basketball 10? It had two commentary teams and was not worth it in my opinion. It was cool seeing different broadcast themes, but the commentary was terrible. After playing one or two games per network, you pretty much heard every single commentary line in the game.

Commentary takes up a lot of space on the disc. We already are all tired of the repetition we hear now. Adding more teams to commentary would only lead to each commentary team having less lines than the one we have now does. Do you really want to have multiple broadcast teams, but each one only has 1/4 the lines the current team has?

I wouldn't like that. Yes, it would be great to have a game on ESPN, then your next game a local made up network, and ABC for your bowl games. But it would get old quickly once you heard every single line 5 times throughout your first 3 games of the season.

I am more in favor of new tech like Madden is getting than more teams. More teams is not the answer, new ways implementing and controlling commentary are. Maybe if next generation all consoles have Blu-ray, then I'll be right there with you asking for multiple broadcast networks and commentary teams. But for now, I have to disagree with you.
I was not considering disc space and was more or less just replying to the previous poster about the cost of additional broadcast teams and things to avoid those costs.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:32 PM   #62
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by ChaseB
There's not some sinister underlying motive here. If you don't agree with where the franchise is at this point, it's fine, but just keep it to that then -- don't try to make it out like someone is saying you can't have a particular opinion. Neither writer came at Jayson like he's stupid for having that opinion.
As I stated things here at OS has changed from how it was several years ago.

Not that there was a sinister motive by these writers in particular, but there seems to be a sinister attitude towards those that have a view that might not be as positive about the game.
(Just read some of the replies)

When the writer starts off by saying "It's people like this..." because the veiw was different, kind of seems like the whole purpose of the write-up was to say those that don't see the game on the same manner, simply are lacking something to have such a view.
(I wouldn't or did not say Stupid)

I wouldn't say that a Gamers can't have an opinion, but I've watched how none-positive notations about EA games have been met with sinister replies that seem to be given more leeway in expression.

In a nutshell, I replied because I wondered if those that agreed with Jayson's write-up (not as positve), if such a person would be given the same leeway to do a Fact or Fiction write-up to counter such gloating perspectives that the writers present?

Would it be Deleted?
Would they be warned or Banned?

I could care less one way or another and take no side, it's a video game.
I've got likes and dislikes, but still will buy and find a way to enjoy it.

This is the Best Gaming Forum in my opinion and I just don't want it to lose it's balance.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:33 PM   #63
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by DustinT
Really? Hell, the CPU completes more passes to the sidelines than his receivers in my expeiences. That's kind of interesting if you ask me. Makes me wonder what triggers it.
I agree. I've seem them throw it away and there wasn't even that much pressure. I think some are just really bad passes lol.
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:40 PM   #64
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Good article. Will read again.

Originally Posted by roadman
Question for you?

How can you evaluate NCAA 11 vs 12 with all the patches and tuner sets vs not having the game yet?

I don't think it's a fair evaluation at this point? I think a more fairer evaluation will be when all the tuning and patches are released for 12 vs 11.

That's my take, that's why I can't justify with a demo build(someone said it was a build before the E3 build)vs the full game build. To me, it's similar comparing apples to oranges.
I think the only way you can compare the two at this point is to go back and play the 11 demo. If people can't see the differences between those two they're really not trying to see.

Originally Posted by DustinT
Really? Hell, the CPU completes more passes to the sidelines than his receivers in my expeiences. That's kind of interesting if you ask me. Makes me wonder what triggers it.
In my 5 or 6 games, I've seen a lot of the QB throwing the ball away on AA. Possibly too much.
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