
Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

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Old 07-01-2011, 03:30 PM   #41
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God these guys are so biased it makes me sick.
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:32 PM   #42
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Before opening the article I knew that everything in there from the two round table guys was going to be pumping up the game.

Pretty transparent write up. You even had some nay sayer staffer get a quote in there just so you could rebuke it. Takes away from the legitimacy of it, IMO.

Don't get me wrong, 11 was a HUGE improvement for the franchise, but what has been added to the game, gameplay wise, this year besides removing suction tackling (which never should have been as bad as it was to begin with), and some new animations?

Perhaps those could be pointed out to me, because I don't see anything else. OL/DL is still bad, blocking in particular.
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:32 PM   #43
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Great write-up, enjoyed reading it and totally agree!!!
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:48 PM   #44
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by jfsolo
The XX.5 designation should be napalmed out of existence. Its such an intellectually dishonest statement, bereft any shred of thoughtful analysis. Within the gaming universe, I think of it as a slur.

Say that you think that X, Y, and Z should have been added to the game instead of, A, B, and C, but don't act as if your disappointment in their design choices is indicative of a lackluster effort.

I've cut down on my sports game purchasing by 85% over the last 10 years, because I haven't been happy with the implementation and design decisions of so many of these games, but I would never be so flip as affix any of those game with the dreaded .5 moniker.

The only game that I think really could get that label was MVP 07: NCAA Baseball, if I remember correctly Dr. Jones told us that the team was cut down to like 4 or 5 total people, so you can see why that game really was the essentially the same game.
You know what? NCAA 11 made such a big leap from NCAA 10 that I often wondered why people didn't call it NCAA 11.5 as a term of affection.
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:53 PM   #45
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by BruceAlmighty

Don't get me wrong, 11 was a HUGE improvement for the franchise, but what has been added to the game, gameplay wise, this year besides removing suction tackling (which never should have been as bad as it was to begin with), and some new animations?

Perhaps those could be pointed out to me, because I don't see anything else. OL/DL is still bad, blocking in particular.
This scares me the most. Football revolves around line play. You dont have a good O or D line and that side of the ball is going to suffer greatly.

By far the most frustrating part of this game. Good O/D lines or lineman individually even go unnoticed and dont stand out the way they should. They all kind of blurred together for me.

Hell for the last year of my 11 dynasty I had a D-line of 98 and 95 ovr DEs and 94 and 92 ovr DTs. All with phenomenal block shed, play recog, etc. Think it showed when you played a team with average OT's trying to sling the ball all over the field?

They fix this and Im on my way to praising the dev team. Im just not sure if this ever happens until we have a physics based engine.
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:08 PM   #46
edaddy's Arena
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I think that there is more than a minority that agree with Jaysons opinion..Secondly whenChristian and Dustin mention that Ea enhanced CPU AI I just dont get it..The CPU is playing exactly like it did in NCAA 11 the CPU still cant run the ball in spread and shotgun offenses..The CPU still blitzes too much on defense and leaves the middle of the field open like NCAA 11..The CPU still has terrible clock management like NCAA 11 ,and the throwing away immediately after the snap has actually been present for a while now..QB scrambling is random which I guess could be considered an improvement..Phsycic DB's and LB's who jump 50 inches are still a problem which again was present in NCAA 11...So if I am missing something please someone tell me what exactly has improved with the CPU AI...oh my bad forgot something the CPU RB no longer covers the ball up while running downfield anymore..hmmm great improvement...
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:10 PM   #47
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Write-ups like this has really shed a light on how differ's in opinion and expression on OS has changed drastically from how things were done several years ago.

If your going to bring Jayson's comments up, only to break down his perspective to justify yours, at least give him the opportunity to refute your argument agaist his comments in this write-up.

Kind of Garbage to gang/team up against his write-up as though his statements were off base.

To me, a good write-up will have the views of both sides to contrast both levels of thinking instead of what seems to be a subtle attempt to attack a Majority of OS'rs that seemed to agree with Jayson write-up.

I get that some staff don't want to Rock-the-Boat with EA Developement Team, but be fair and allow the other side of the coin to be seen in this type of write-up.

Would've been nice instead of going this route, you could've did a write-up about the negatives expressed by "YOUR" community and the Ideas/Fixes that this community has Tested to be viable remedies to some of those negatives.

Gloating over "Some" of the positive things that the game has done, does not change the "Fact" that this game is not were it should be in 2012, period.

My facts to support this claim comes from this...
**The number of people that will need to Adjust Sliders/Tweak Player Ratings to improve out-of-the-box Gameplay in the same yearly noted areas.

I agree that there are postives as you've noted, and I personally will enjoy those positive aspects of the game in some fashion.
But I will/can not praise this write-up as "Good", because of the "One-Sided" perspective in which it was written.
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:56 PM   #48
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by dochalladay32
And the NFL is on CBS, FOX, ESPN, and NBC. NBA is on ABC, TNT, ESPN, etc... You can't cover everything.
I'm not sure what you're implying. My point was was that we have seen other games plug in multiple networks into their game. The same could be done in NCAA, and they (Tiburon) have even admitted to looking into it in the future.

Its definitely no gamebreaker, as I already said I have ways of working around the stale commentary. But it is something that would certainly add to the presentation and variety of a Dynasty mode. And by the way, ABC and ESPN have a partnership so I can't imagine it would be terribly difficult to get ABC in. CBS was in NCAA Basketball 10, so thats certainly possible as well.
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