
Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 360)

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Old 06-29-2011, 07:01 AM   #73
Cynick's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I don't have the ability to post a video, but the game plays great.

As usual another thread highjacked by bickering and nit-picking, but the gameplay is great now. Easily, far and away, the best boxing game I have played to date, and I've been playing boxing games since the days of piston punching atari pixel blobs, and this series since it was known simply as Knockout Kings. The only problems in the game right now, that really damage the value of the game are the lack of swelling on all fighters, and the fact that CABs are absolutely immune to physical damage. The devs are listening too much to complaints about online play and missing more important issues.

People have to get over that fact that sports games played online will be cheesed, exploited, and ruined by people who start the game up with only one goal in mind... find the easiest way to win. They don't want to be the best player, they just want to win, and win with the least amount of effort possible. I don't play FNC online, never planned to, and after I found out about buying xp I never thought about it again. The devs are pulling their hair out trying to fix all this online bull, but the fact is... you can't fix people. It's not easy to make something idiot proof, and fun, and make everybody happy all at the same time, but the game is better than any boxing game before it.

FNC beats the hell out of Prize Fighter (what a joke), FNR4 (the best til now), EA MMA (block/parry spam ftw), UFC Undisputed (WWE style cartoon violence anyone?), and any other combat sports game you can come up with. I have my complaints about FNC, but it's without a doubt the best, most realistic (not 100% real but closer than anyone else has gotten), combat sports game out there. I'll even go as far as to say that the fact that it is so close to the real thing is probably the only reason why most people can recognize all of the ways that it isn't real.

Edit: I own, or have owned, all of the games I mentioned here. No bias, just my opinions. They all got my money equally.
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Last edited by Cynick; 06-29-2011 at 07:34 AM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 08:48 AM   #74
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I have given this game praise when it deserves it. I'm probably too partial towards it to begin with. I also consider what everyone has to say. Yes, the good thing about the patch is it makes you be careful in where you put your energy. And I am willing to give the game more time before I make final conclusions.

My next approach will be to lower punch output even more so I can still move around without too much stamina hit.
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Old 06-29-2011, 08:54 AM   #75
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Still glitches in Legacy mode when you import CABs downloaded or created. This is real bad, does anyone have a workaround for this?
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Old 06-29-2011, 09:45 AM   #76
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

How is offline?
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Old 06-29-2011, 09:46 AM   #77
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I'm still playin fnr4 (which i think is still good), should i even consider gettin this game?
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Old 06-29-2011, 10:16 AM   #78
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You know what the amazing thing is that everyone seems to skip over? When everyone is talking about EA catering to this crowd or pandering to that crowd. Adjusting the game to dissuade body spammers and/or runners from performing their respective "skills" and taking the fun out of the game for people that don't play like a*circles. Be it offline, online, stamina drop not being enough, "forced misses", body spammers, or anything else. EA and apparently everyone else has missed one incredibly obvious thing.

If EA would have made a boxing simulation, and only included things that are in the actual sport of boxing (no perfect block, no counter windows, etc) then this game would've been fine. They would have needed to tweak a few things here and there, but minor things. At the end of the day their only job was to make a boxing simulation. I say boxing simulation because that's what they were going on and on about when info was coming out long before the game dropped. Had they not tried to mix boxing and arcade/fighting games, we would've been fine at this point.

This is only what happens when you try to make a game that pleases the sim crowd and the arcade crowd....you end up pleasing absolutely nobody. You might as well be the popular girl at school that can't say no to anyone because she has no self esteem, so she sleeps with her boyfriends best friend because he asked and she just couldn't say no. EA can't say "no" to the arcade or sim crowd, they try to make everyone like them and make this freak boxing baby thing that everyone loves because it's halfway in between. News Flash, True boxing fans do not want Hadoukens or perfect blocks with freezes and screen flash/seizure lights going off. Arcade fans will never want to learn a true representation of an incredibly deep sport. They want to know the controls, and subsequently the cheapest ways to win, and they'll do that. Giving these two types of people the same game, and not expecting this to happen, is truly idiotic.

That's not to say I love or hate the patch, it's irrelevant to this particular post.
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Old 06-29-2011, 12:00 PM   #79
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I'm going to take a few steps back in my opinion that the patch is overall a bad thing. I understand now what they intended to do with stamina. They are asking you to put the killer instinct on the back burner, take a deep breathe and approach it as a ten round fight.

The tough thing is evading your opponent for the first 3-4 rounds. But, if you can hold off on the punches, throw less than 30 punches a round and make them count, you will be in total control. What I'm doing is placing the jab, one at a time for the first few rounds. Just tapping the guy. I tell myself, "No more than 10 punches a minute."

I fought a guy that used Tyson and came out brawling. With Hollyfield I was able to hold him off and have 3/4 of my stamina in round 7. He was completely gassed by then and I knocked him down with a jab straight combo that literally looked like I touched him and he fell. that's the good news. The bad news is it's tough to evade. I lost to Frost by a guy who just threw jabs and straights and it was just too much for me. I got KO'd in the 3rd, but I think I can work on that and do better.

When you conserve your punches you can then move without concern that you are getting too winded.
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Old 06-29-2011, 12:17 PM   #80
The OS Artist Guy
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
I still dont understand your argument. Who says we still dont have options? I was an outside fighter before the patch and i'm still an outside fighter. The patch encourages players to fight realistically and it favors those who do. You are not forced to fight on the inside and still can have success fighting on the outside.

However, the game is much more balanced now because inside fighters can actually compete.

Isn't SIM what everybody cried for? Now that we have it, people are crying against it? If you don't fight properly you get owned....thats what happens in real boxing doesn't it?

If someone holds up their guard the entire fight and doesn't throw punches, they get punished in real life. In real life you HAVE to attack. In the game its the same thing now, you HAVE to attack if you want to win. So your saying the game forces you to actually attack more and you dont like it? Well, that is SIM.
Ok bro...
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