
Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 360)

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Old 06-29-2011, 12:17 AM   #57
boritter's Arena
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

I just wanted to say the NYG_Meth's post was correct and hilarious. I agree 100%.

I also agree with DaveDQ, especially about how it's now 3 degrees of movement. Even when I win it's terribly frustrating because this is not boxing.

EA cannot find a good middle ground. First it was infinite stamina which lead to 140 spam jabs per round over 10 rounds. Now each boxer has the stamina of a 100 year-old grandpa w/o Viagra.

FNC is dying (dead?) from a self-inflicted gunshot. All the patches/tuners that drastically changed (and ruined) the gameplay scared away gamers. Online lobbies are vacant and EA's patches are to blame.
EA: Please add in-game saves.
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Old 06-29-2011, 12:26 AM   #58
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Originally Posted by RumbleCard
Its bad. Real bad. If you can survive for the first 4 rounds by basically not punching you can trade moderately in 5-8 then win easily in the later rounds. The key is not losing any/much stamina in the first 3-4 rounds. I'm rated an 84 and beat a handful of 90 fighter by just letting them gas themselves out of the fight. Sadly you have to take punches and even though they all connected on over 60% of their punches I was able to dominate in rounds 8-10 because they were full blown zombie.

This game went from okay to slightly better to really bad. Its so far removed what it was supposed to be it's almost laughable.

Just not boxing.

I dunno. To be fair, that's kinda what B-HOP does to be honest. That's their fault for punching their selves out.

But, after reading all the opinions here, it sounds like if they just remove the severe penalty for moving backwards and make the jab (to the face) more effective, then the game should be pretty solid. Not perfect, but playable and fun.

I hope this happens, but judging by the way things are going, if another tuner is released it'll go back to everyone being able to throw 1k+ punches without breaking a sweat. That's if they do anything. If the reviews really are positive on the EA forums then they'll probably leave it as is.

Last edited by Lakers 24 7; 06-29-2011 at 12:36 AM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 01:07 AM   #59
EarvGotti's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Wow, i cannot believe the verbal abuse I am getting on these forums. lol jk.

Guys feel free to hit me up WHENEVER. GT is GoodFellaEarv

I'll show you how this game favors and rewards smart boxing.

You guys seem to think I know absolutely nothing about boxing, well hit me up and come see.
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Old 06-29-2011, 01:34 AM   #60
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did this fix the low blow glitch?
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:03 AM   #61
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Man am i glad i never bought this game...

I really want to know what was going through these guys heads when they came up with this ridiculous idea to penalize you for disengaging...

They really don't understand the sport at all...
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:15 AM   #62
EarvGotti's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by Bamtino
Man am i glad i never bought this game...

I really want to know what was going through these guys heads when they came up with this ridiculous idea to penalize you for disengaging...

They really don't understand the sport at all...

You dont understand "online". In a real boxing match, a fighter would never stay 5ft away from their opponent and only come in to land 2 jabs then stay back out forever. However, this is a video game so people online can do this.

If they didnt penalize someone for constantly moving backwards and never engaging, no one would ever fight. I've been playing this game before this patch and trust me it was horrendous. Imagine standing in the middle of the ring waiting for your opponent to engage with you and he lays on the ropes for the entire round and does not come forward AT ALL.

YES, that was happening in this game before that patch. Now the patch forces you to fight instead of running away. It's more of a way to counter the videogameness(i know thats not a word but w/e) of Fight Night Champion.

Dont listen to these guys. In no way does the patch FORCE you to COME FORWARD, but it does force you to FIGHT. I fight on the outside, pick my shots, box clean, get in and out, and I have been enjoying picking a part my opponents since the patch dropped. Careless punching will result in more stamina loss.....I just dont get how you guys can call yourselves boxing fans and fail to see the beautiful mental game this patch brings to FNC.
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:18 AM   #63
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After several more matches I think the game is remarkably better. I am mixing my punching and getting combos and easily taking guys with 90's vs my 84 boxer. I noted that I used to throw about 70-80 punches a round which isn't terribly realistic. Now I have to be much more conservative, and the game looks much more real in the few fights I have faced a decent opponent.

1) Body hooks: Really not that big a deal. If you watch real boxing on showtime this seems to be one of the most frequent punches thrown anyway right behind jab. Just like in real boxing cover up and lean forward. I let them land a few blocked punches then lay in with the uppercuts to the head or hooks to the head (3 knockouts this way already, don't power them initially or they are too slow). Thanks to less punch offsetting it works great now.

2) Runners: Still effective with the power straight thrown in and going through blocks. However, if you are patient and dont try to throw many punches yourself their stamina will wear down by round 5. Just try giving jabs and block anything they send.

3) Smothering boxers: If the defender doesn't have a good jab and goes back instead of circling he should be smothered. If you couldn't smother in real boxing there wouldn't be so many inside fights. I love it now. I have a mixed bag of punches. I can wear them down early on the outside and then smother them late. Unless they can jab cross or mix it up they usually go down if they try to run. I think too many people have become dependent on outside boxing with jab/cross scenarios. Now is the time to work on having an inside game and outside game.

Try adjusting and fighting on the inside and outside (don't just have one skill set) and lower your punch output to around 60 per round avg (maybe 70 first few rounds and 50 in later rounds).
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:19 AM   #64
The OS Artist Guy
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
You dont understand "online". In a real boxing match, a fighter would never stay 5ft away from their opponent and only come in to land 2 jabs then stay back out forever. However, this is a video game so people online can do this.

If they didnt penalize someone for constantly moving backwards and never engaging, no one would ever fight. I've been playing this game before this patch and trust me it was horrendous. Imagine standing in the middle of the ring waiting for your opponent to engage with you and he lays on the ropes for the entire round and does not come forward AT ALL.

YES, that was happening in this game before that patch. Now the patch forces you to fight instead of running away. It's more of a way to counter the videogameness(i know thats not a word but w/e) of Fight Night Champion.

Dont listen to these guys. In no way does the patch FORCE you to COME FORWARD, but it does force you to FIGHT. I fight on the outside, pick my shots, box clean, get in and out, and I have been enjoying picking a part my opponents since the patch drops. Careless punching will result in more stamina loss.....I just dont get how you guys can call yourselves boxing fans and fail to see the beautiful mental game this patch brings to FNC.
You're missing the point worse than Shaq at the free-throw line.
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