
Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 360)

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Old 06-28-2011, 09:54 PM   #49
RumbleCard's Arena
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Its bad. Real bad. If you can survive for the first 4 rounds by basically not punching you can trade moderately in 5-8 then win easily in the later rounds. The key is not losing any/much stamina in the first 3-4 rounds. I'm rated an 84 and beat a handful of 90 fighter by just letting them gas themselves out of the fight. Sadly you have to take punches and even though they all connected on over 60% of their punches I was able to dominate in rounds 8-10 because they were full blown zombie.

This game went from okay to slightly better to really bad. Its so far removed what it was supposed to be it's almost laughable.

Just not boxing.
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:19 PM   #50
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

I just don't see how you test this patch and walk away thinking it's good to go. It's not my goal to bash but the game has been reduced to toe to toe body shots. It's laughable.
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:33 PM   #51
EarvGotti's Arena
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Really guys? Really?! How can u guys not approve of this patch? Us guys on the EA forums are praising EA for this. I love this patch! And I'm an outside fighter. I fight most of the fight on the back foot. The key is to circle not continuously back up. And you only lose stamina for backing up for extended periods of time.

Dave arent you a UBF guy? Your friends seem to like the patch. Why dont you? This patch brought SIM back to this game.

Yes you still have guys online who body spam, but just keep head hunting and making them miss. I just beat a body spammer about 5 mins ago. He only won 1 round, while I won 9.

I always played kinda conservatively anyway and always used to pick my shots, so this patch is not much of an adjustment for me.

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Old 06-28-2011, 10:57 PM   #52
The OS Artist Guy
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
Really guys? Really?! How can u guys not approve of this patch? Us guys on the EA forums are praising EA for this. I love this patch! And I'm an outside fighter. I fight most of the fight on the back foot. The key is to circle not continuously back up. And you only lose stamina for backing up for extended periods of time.

Dave arent you a UBF guy? Your friends seem to like the patch. Why dont you? This patch brought SIM back to this game.

Yes you still have guys online who body spam, but just keep head hunting and making them miss. I just beat a body spammer about 5 mins ago. He only won 1 round, while I won 9.

I always played kinda conservatively anyway and always used to pick my shots, so this patch is not much of an adjustment for me.

I really never thought I'd stoop to being the type of person who says this, but if you really think this patch has made online play significantly better, and that it more accurately simulates the sport of boxing, you are a fu**ing idiot. I've never gotten an infraction on this site since I joined in 2003, but I'd be willing to take one on this chin for this.

I will break down for everyone how things went so absurdly wrong with this patch.

As soon as I heard there was going to be a significant stamina penalty for backing up, I knew we were in for a mess.

Let this be a message to developers/videogame fans everywhere: YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO STOP EVERYONE FROM PLAYING A VIDEOGAME LIKE AN A**HOLE!
I can only assume the thought process behind this patch was as follows: "Well, it sucks to fight someone online who runs the whole fight. Therefore, we will penalize EVERYONE who moves around the ring, REGARDLESS of whether they abuse it or use it realistically."

It has been said many times, but I will reiterate. I commend the devs for trying repeatedly to please the fans with updates, but every time we get a patch or a tuner, it's a completely different game with completely different flaws.

Create a game according to original specifications and design goals, and take fan feedback into consideration for an update if necessary. That's fine and I'm all for it, but there is a huge oversight here that's preventing players from choosing who they play. Look back to NFL 2K5. If a player plays "arcade style," review him as such. If a player plays "sim style," review him as such. Then make that feedback viewable so like-minded players can have an enjoyable experience. DO NOT TRY AND FUNNEL THE A$$HOLES AND THE SIM GAMERS INTO ONE GIANT CLUSTERF**K!!!!

You will never get everyone to agree on any one issue in any context, so stop trying to make everyone conform, and provide everyone with options.

This current patch is SO far from professional boxing, it is absolutely laughable. If you're a professional boxer, and you get gassed from moving around the ring after 3 rounds, find another goddamn profession. I could rip this apart much more, but I'll refrain.

I apologize for make this so dramatic. This is a game I loved and a sport that I am immensely passionate about, and the current state of this game is a complete bastardization of both, as well as a terrifying look into the future of online gaming in general.

That's my bit. If I get banned for this rant, I wish you all the best, and I'll smell you kids later. Peace.

Last edited by NYG_Meth; 06-28-2011 at 11:01 PM.
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Old 06-28-2011, 11:00 PM   #53
RumbleCard's Arena
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Originally Posted by EarvGotti

Yes you still have guys online who body spam, but just keep head hunting and making them miss.
I believe there in lies the issue. When you run into guys who exploit only one aspect of the game IE body spam or spam jab the counter would be to move around side to side, back up, and pick your moments. Now backing up excessively to avoid a body spammer results in low stamina because you can't avoid a body spammer by doing anything other than backing up. Which is why I mentioned above to just take your lumps for 3-4 rounds and then finish them off late but to me that's not sim because I'm beating guys who land 200-300 more punches at a 60% connect rate all because I just stand there and let them spam themselves out of the fight.

Improving the body block would have gone a long way. Reward selective and judicious fighting while punishing the repetitive spamming. I don't understand the stamina reduction in backing up. Slowing down the back peddle maybe but to cause stamina loss doesn't add up to me. Not to this degree.
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Old 06-28-2011, 11:47 PM   #54
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Re: Patch 1.02 Available on PS3

I have not been able to import the CAB's into Legacy mode since the patch? Any clue on how to do this?

PS3 version
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Old 06-28-2011, 11:49 PM   #55
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Re: Patch Available on XBOX 360

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
Really guys? Really?! How can u guys not approve of this patch? Us guys on the EA forums are praising EA for this. I love this patch! And I'm an outside fighter. I fight most of the fight on the back foot. The key is to circle not continuously back up. And you only lose stamina for backing up for extended periods of time.

Dave arent you a UBF guy? Your friends seem to like the patch. Why dont you? This patch brought SIM back to this game.

Yes you still have guys online who body spam, but just keep head hunting and making them miss. I just beat a body spammer about 5 mins ago. He only won 1 round, while I won 9.

I always played kinda conservatively anyway and always used to pick my shots, so this patch is not much of an adjustment for me.

Gott, I don't know what UBF is. I tried some different things tonight and was pleased with my results, but the game is pretty bad right now. I used to think there would never be a day where stamina would be too low, but it is.

Here's the thing. How do we justify how stamina plays out right now? I'm throwing 40 punches a round and am getting gassed and terrible slow down by round 6. Boxers have better cardio than what we are seeing right now. We are seeing a guy basically limp around like nothing I've ever seen. Not even Foreman/Moorer looked like this.

It's not boxing. Footwork has taken a hit. Never mind not have 8 degrees of movement. Right now it's 3 degrees. Forward, left and right. I seriously think this is the worst state this game has been in and it's not because I'm losing. I'm winning the majority of my fights. It's just a bad overall experience right now.
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Old 06-29-2011, 12:07 AM   #56
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3


What the heck are you talking about Evolve or die?

The game isn't even REAL anymore!

Its all about Body Punching NOW!, your not even throwing Headshots anymore., you don't even need to throw Headshots to win for certain now.
All a person have to do is BODY blows ...Over over and over.

The Body Blows were already being spam before!!
ALL!! this Patch DID!! is Cause more people to START Body Spamming more than ever before.
ALL 5 of those in the TOP 20 Unanimously AGREED!!

I'm a conservative fighter but the game Blows!
I can pick Roy Jones Jr, and ALI!!! and don't even COMBO!! Punch.. and throw few punches,
and still be TIRED by ROUND 4, 5 or 6.

I have spoken to 5 Fighters in the TOP 20 once again, and they all Think this PATCH!!!! is supremely STUPID!

its a Patch for ROOKIES! its nothing complex thought about this patch! you can't even BackUP! or even if you STEP to the SIDE or BACK! you loosing Stamina.

Nobody like arriving in Round 10!!! standing STILL!! NOT throwing Punches!! I had many Fights that end with no one nearly throwing punches for the last 2 rounds. We just stand there and look at each other.

Evolve or DIE! please! More like the DEVS should RELATE! or Perish!!

because it is US the FANS! that Pay for this game is the ones putting the Money in their POCKETS not the other way Around.

Last edited by AncientEgypt; 06-29-2011 at 12:18 AM.
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