
New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

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Old 05-27-2011, 05:00 PM   #209
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
You do know they already charged for AFL uniforms right? How is that not "scary"? It creates a precedent that they can charge extra for some uniforms and that is fine.

They are making plenty of profit, trust me. So much so that they were able to blow over a billion dollars on licenses that have nothing to do with the actual game or more importantly the GAMEPLAY. They will not get into a non profit zone unless they totally screw up because these titles are cash cows every year with marginal improvements year to year.

If you really think these games, specifically, wouldn't be profitable without DLC then I have to chalk it up to EA because you ate it hook line and sinker.
Many, many games do require DLC to stay profitable, although I'm not convinced one way or another that the EA sports titles do (maybe they do maybe they don't, I don't have the proper info to say one way or another), as they are wildly popular games.

But it seems to me they are using a DLC price-tag to justify adding some features that the hardcore set are asking for without actually taking away from standard development. Clearly I have nothing to back this up, its just speculation and I'm not posting this as fact, but there is nothing that says they had to create AFL uniforms for Madden or these new web features for online dynasties, and its likely (especially with the previously mentioned ongoing costs with web content) that if they didn't have the idea to charge for them they just wouldn't have done them. These are features that really aren't selling any extra copies.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:01 PM   #210
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by mattbooty
Absolutely, if sales figures drop enough they'll stop making NCAA, absolutely, but you did not pay for NCAA 12. If I buy a 2011 Toyota Camry, I did not pay for the 2012 model also, regardless of where that money went...

Yes, I'm not stupid, I understand that money that is mine, when given to someone else, will then go on to do many wonderful things in the world, that does not mean I-ME-MYSELF paid for them. I pay interest on a mortgage every month, the bank takes my interest money and used that money to fund loans to hundreds/thousands/lots of other loans to a very diverse group who then uses that money to buy/build/develop lots of diverse items, just because someone down the line gets money that in theory once belonged to me does not mean I funded him.

If you give me money for some service/product/whatever, that money becomes mine. You have divorced yourself from it. From that moment on whatever I do with that money has nothing to do with you and you are in no way involved with where that money goes. You can't come to my house a year later and take my coffee maker or tell me what kind of coffee to make in it because some of the money you gave me may have eventually became the money that bought that coffee maker.

You act like we are stupid for not agreeing with your logic which IS making this debate go beyond a healthy discussion.
If you buy a 2011 Toyota you ARE paying for the production of the 2012 models. I'm not saying I paid for NCAA 12, I'm saying I, and you, and others who purchased NCAA 11 PAID for the production of NCAA 12, it's not debatable, it's strictly fact. So, if part of that production is this online feature, then yes, WE already paid for it. Now they just want extra profit from it because they apparently can get it.

You are right though, no it does not entitle you to the 2012 model. But I never said I was entitled to a free NCAA 12, that's why I would pay $60. Anyway comparing cars to video games is not the same because they are totally different.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:04 PM   #211
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
You do know they already charged for AFL uniforms right? How is that not "scary"? It creates a precedent that they can charge extra for some uniforms and that is fine.
So when you say "scary" your concern is that consumers will demonstrate that they are willing and happy to pay for DLC? And in a few years it will cost $80, $100 or more to play the game with all the features that you want?
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:04 PM   #212
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
The fact remains they are offering a new feature, and promoting it, and making you pay extra for it. At what point does that stop? Will we have to pay for new stat overlays? New cameras? What becomes an extra feature and what becomes an extra? The line is blurred at this point and EA will no doubt continue to walk that thin line, obviously.

http://www.ea.com/ncaa-football/blog/web-improvements it's in there and yes it says you'll have to pay for the advance feature because their earlier release on pasta padre's site (he's an EA guy nowadays) was promoting it and didn't mention having to pay. Most likely pasta didn't think you would have to pay so he posted that story and didn't think twice.
As long as they are promoting that you have to pay for it I don't see what is shady here (and no I do not count a leaked image on a website that only 1% of their audience saw before it was taken down as an EA promotion).

I think there is a HUGE difference between charging for web content vs stat overlays, which is pretty crucial to the game AND has been a feature in their games for years. This web content is a NEW feature.

And yes, by those lines I don't think it is totally outside of the realm to think they could offer a new camera angle as DLC down the road. But go into one of these broadcast cam threads and ask if given the choice between no broadcast cam and paying $3 and getting it and I bet you'd get a lot of people willing to drop that $3 (just a guess, could be wrong).
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:05 PM   #213
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

I give up Matt. You are acting like I am saying I should get NCAA 12 for free because I paid for NCAA 11. I am not saying that at all.

You are also acting like I am saying I can pay for things and then come back and ask for my money back. I have no idea how you made such a leap in logic.

Maybe you could clear that up but currently it seems as if we are discussing two totally different things.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:07 PM   #214
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
If I can't advance from the web as is being promoted, it is not fully featured. Fully features means includes ALL features. In order to get to that point, I have to pay.
That statement is complete and utter nonsense, but given the shocking sense of entitlement that has oozed from every single post you have made in this thread, it's hardly a surprise.

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
I'm surprised that there are so many on OS that eat this up.
It's obvious that you are simply arguing for arguments sake at this point. I have neither the time nor the inclination to indulge you further.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:07 PM   #215
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by Cardot
So when you say "scary" your concern is that consumers will demonstrate that they are willing and happy to pay for DLC? And in a few years it will cost $80, $100 or more to play the game with all the features that you want?

But it makes the developer lazy and greedy. They see they can charge for AFL Unis, so then they start taking out throwbacks that were always in the game and start charging for them. If EA made you pay for these Updated Uniforms/Stadiums that are shown included for NCAA 12, would you have a problem with that?

I don't care if it costs $0.50 or $50, in fact I'd rather it cost $50 since I wouldn't hear "it's only $.50, who cares.

It's not the monetary value, it's the principle of things.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:11 PM   #216
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
If you buy a 2011 Toyota you ARE paying for the production of the 2012 models. I'm not saying I paid for NCAA 12, I'm saying I, and you, and others who purchased NCAA 11 PAID for the production of NCAA 12, it's not debatable, it's strictly fact. So, if part of that production is this online feature, then yes, WE already paid for it. Now they just want extra profit from it because they apparently can get it.

You are right though, no it does not entitle you to the 2012 model. But I never said I was entitled to a free NCAA 12, that's why I would pay $60. Anyway comparing cars to video games is not the same because they are totally different.
No you are not saying you are entitled to NCAA 12 for free, but you are making the point that because you "PAID for NCAA 12" you should be entitled to the web-enabled DLC for free... Am I wrong or isn't that part of the basis of your argument?

This is something we will just never agree on. You feel because you bought NCAA 11, you gave EA sports money (actually you gave gamestop/amazon/bestbuy/whatever money, who gave some distributor somewhere money, who gave EA money), and since ea spent money on NCAA 12, and ea SOMEWHERE has some of your money, that you paid for NCAA 12.

I disagree with that, all I did was buy NCAA 11... and actually mastercard bought it FOR me and then I gave them some money later to cover it.... so maybe mastercard should get some free DLC....

I also disagree with you saying something like this is "strict fact" as though by declaring it so it makes you right.

Yes cars and games are different, its just an analogy.
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