
NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

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Old 05-13-2011, 01:00 PM   #489
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

I read through most of this thread and got a feeling the overall reaction was "meh". Personally, I just didn't like the vid at all. The tackling, player movement and overall gameplay looked almost identical to 11. I can't see spending $65 on this, but I'm not a serious college fan and I didn't like NCAA 11 much either.

Time to focus on Madden's improvements and keep hope alive for a couple more months. Realistically tho, it's probably just time for me to retire from video game football for this gen.
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Old 05-13-2011, 01:23 PM   #490
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Nothing ever changes though, thats why people dont get so bent out of shape anymore.

Every year its like clock work. Make a press release and a few screenshots get released, a month of hype builds and everyone proclaims its the greatest ever, gameplay video gets dropped....same game as last year.

Happens every year without fail.

Oh, and for everyone thinking that somehow the game is going to undergo some kind of massive overhaul with the new systems coming out in a few years....it will be built off of the same engine with a majority of the same people working on it.

There is a roadmap currently with what is planned until 2014 at this point and I can tell you that dynamic commentary , upgraded presentations ( ala 2k ) and logic are not planned. However, if you are an online gamer, there are a couple of new feature sets coming your way, but nothing substantial for the dynasty / offline gamer.
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Old 05-13-2011, 01:28 PM   #491
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
Nothing ever changes though, thats why people dont get so bent out of shape anymore.

Every year its like clock work. Make a press release and a few screenshots get released, a month of hype builds and everyone proclaims its the greatest ever, gameplay video gets dropped....same game as last year.

Happens every year without fail.

Oh, and for everyone thinking that somehow the game is going to undergo some kind of massive overhaul with the new systems coming out in a few years....it will be built off of the same engine with a majority of the same people working on it.

There is a roadmap currently with what is planned until 2014 at this point and I can tell you that dynamic commentary , upgraded presentations ( ala 2k ) and logic are not planned. However, if you are an online gamer, there are a couple of new feature sets coming your way, but nothing substantial for the dynasty / offline gamer.
Sorry, but how do you know this?
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Old 05-13-2011, 01:39 PM   #492
JerseySuave4's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
Oh, and for everyone thinking that somehow the game is going to undergo some kind of massive overhaul with the new systems coming out in a few years....it will be built off of the same engine with a majority of the same people working on it.

There is a roadmap currently with what is planned until 2014 at this point and I can tell you that dynamic commentary , upgraded presentations ( ala 2k ) and logic are not planned. However, if you are an online gamer, there are a couple of new feature sets coming your way, but nothing substantial for the dynasty / offline gamer.
they say these systems still have another 3-5 years before the next wave comes around. The feeling is that they haven't even reached the potential capability they hold so don't be surprised if you don't see a PS4 for at least 4 more years.
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Old 05-13-2011, 01:45 PM   #493
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Was that you they quoted asking one of the questions in there? Didn't notice that the first time I watch

Anyway, after my second time through, I'm very excited. VERY excited. I understand where the complaints come from, etc, but I had a blast last year, and this year looks to me that much better... plus I'm a huge sucker for presentation.

I will say this though; I do understand the dread complaints. They've clearly just attached them to the bottom of the helmets (sort of like those ponytail trucker hats, lol), and as a result, they do look a little odd. It's great to see them added for variety, but it would certainly be cool to see more styles next year to further add to that.
Yep that was me....They asked 2 of my questions actually, the second time they used my real name.
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Old 05-13-2011, 05:11 PM   #494
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I don't know what's going on with this footage but I personally with others requested that something was done with the grass graphics. The only time I see the beautyful grass is during presentation and replay. During the actual game, the grass looks the same as last year maybe even worst. This might not be important to alot of you but, grass play and how it look has to be in place. The game is pretty much ready to go, I just hope that what I saw was last year's gameplay footage mixed with this years presentation and replay footage. It will be very disappointing if what I saw is what we are going to get.
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Old 05-13-2011, 05:37 PM   #495
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Originally Posted by solo killa boi
I don't know what's going on with this footage but I personally with others requested that something was done with the grass graphics. The only time I see the beautyful grass is during presentation and replay. During the actual game, the grass looks the same as last year maybe even worst. This might not be important to alot of you but, grass play and how it look has to be in place. The game is pretty much ready to go, I just hope that what I saw was last year's gameplay footage mixed with this years presentation and replay footage. It will be very disappointing if what I saw is what we are going to get.
You can't really tell how great the graphics look until you play it yourself. Even a gem like Crysis won't look that great over a video/stream.
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Old 05-13-2011, 05:37 PM   #496
poopoop's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
I read through most of this thread and got a feeling the overall reaction was "meh". Personally, I just didn't like the vid at all. The tackling, player movement and overall gameplay looked almost identical to 11. I can't see spending $65 on this, but I'm not a serious college fan and I didn't like NCAA 11 much either.

Time to focus on Madden's improvements and keep hope alive for a couple more months. Realistically tho, it's probably just time for me to retire from video game football for this gen.
When the first previews started coming out I made the comment that the game sounded like "NCAA 11 with another tuner patch." So far haven't really seen anything to change my opinion from this. If you would've told me these vids were of NCAA 11 I'd almost believe.

We'll see how the demo plays though.
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