
NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

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Old 04-23-2011, 02:22 PM   #33
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
Originally Posted by l_XaVo7o3_l
No point in reasoning with em'. The same people who said why they would not buy the game if "whatever" wasnt implemented, after seeing it was added. They complain about something else.
You guys are somethin else
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Old 04-23-2011, 03:35 PM   #34
1GATOR FAN's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by IndyColts2
I can't wait to get my hands on NCAA 12, but in the video it still looks like there isnt any arch in passes. The diving catch for the Baylor wide receiver shows how the ball just barely gets over the linebacker. There is no depth of field in the game at all. If the backer is 10 yards away from the line of scrimmage and an average quarterback is throwing to a receiver 10 yards behind the backer, that is an easy throw and isnt hard to get over the backer and the quarterback wouldnt even need to take any velocity off the throw.


If you skip to the :45, Ryan Mallet throws a short pass over a linebacker, who is only about 3 to 4 yards in front of the receiver and he had no possible way to react fast enough to make a play on the ball. In NCAA, that would most likely have been an incomplete pass because the players are too big for the field and they slide 4 yards with each step. Even the pass at 2:18 would have been knocked down in the game.

I feel that the players are a little too big for the field and they take up too much of the field when they are running. Maybe they are just too tall, but either way there is no space between the players and the passing game is unrealistic because you cant make throws that occur in every single game in real life. It forces you to make throws that you dont need to make because the passes dont lift over players that are IRL too far away to physically make a play, the players take up too much space on the field, and ofcourse the skating that occurs doesnt help either.

And I just thought about something also. Since the ball is way too big for the players at the moment, maybe its because the players are also too big? And since if the devs cant reduce the size of the ball because it would mess up the animations with the current players, would it be possible if you reduce the size of the ball and the players? It probably wouldnt make the ball look smaller compared to the players because at the moment its already too big, but if you reduce the size of both the players and the ball, the players would fit in the field the way they should and the ball ofcourse would look better because its smaller.

But if this is fixed, whether it can be for NCAA 12 or hopefully for NCAA 13, it would make the game that much better because that spacing and being able to get people out of position is what makes football what it is.
That sounds nice and all but that would kinda be like 09 all ove again
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Old 04-23-2011, 04:36 PM   #35
Pokes404's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
It's not about the game being better than last year, it's about the game accurately replicating football. I'm not going to just "be thankful" that someone is doing their job. I'll praise them when they get something right, and I'll tell them when they get something wrong. It's as simple as that. And yes, no game will ever replicate the sport 100%, but games like FIFA, NBA 2K, MLB: The Show, and NHL all replicate their respective sports to a much higher degree than NCAA and Madden replicate football, in my opinion. Hopefully, this is the year that changes my opinion.

Consecutive hit tackles - I'll have to see it in action, but it looks very good. This could really be a game-changer if done right.

Momentum factoring into collision/tackle outcomes - All I can say is finally. Weight and momentum and huge factors in football. Glad to see this being taken into account.

Diving catches - As long as they don't happen too often, they look very smooth and realistic.

Zone Defense AI - Adjusting their zones based on receiver routes ... very good.

That's the good. Now for the bad.

- The TCU DB (1:09) doesn't even break on the ball until it's more than half way there. Then he suddenly rockets forward for the swat. Sure, the QB could have put more touch on the ball, but it doesn't mean the DB didn't react unrealistically and since the passing speeds/ball trajectories and so messed up in the game, this is almost impossible to do.

- What in the world was #18 doing (:43)? He was in perfect position to make the interception, or knock it out of the receiver's hands, but instead he jumps up and out at the ball (taking him completely out of position).

- Players still look twitchy and robotic, especially in coverage. The general movement of the game still has that jerky look. I was hoping tweaks to locomotion would give the game a smoother look (maybe there's still time for adjustments though).

- The 3D grass does not make the foot planting look much better like I had originally hoped. They still look like they're skating a good deal of the time.

- I really wish EA could get rid of that "mirroring" issue. The receiver isn't even changing direction, yet the DB feels the need to mirror every little twitch in the receivers stride (:50).

- We have been promised that there won't be any suction blocking, but the actual interactions between blockers and defenders themselves look unchanged. But, since we never get a very good look at the offensive line or blocking, I'll take a wait-and-see approach on that one.

Overall, things look very promising, but there seems to be a number of nagging issues still present. With 3 months left until release date, hopefully the gameplay team can continue to polish the game and make strides toward more realistic gameplay.

Last edited by Pokes404; 04-23-2011 at 04:40 PM.
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Old 04-23-2011, 08:24 PM   #36
IndyColts2's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by 1GATOR FAN
That sounds nice and all but that would kinda be like 09 all ove again
I know what u mean but its still realisitic. Right now the players take 2 steps and cover 5 yards, if the player models are smaller compared to the field then it would make passing realistic. I can't throw a dig because 1 linebacker can cover 25 yards and if I try and lob it the pass takes 10 seconds to get to the receiver and every defender gets to the pass. I know that it could mean "wide open" gameplay, but it just means that you need that good of a defense to stop it.
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:25 AM   #37
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I, for one, never really liked watching college football except for bowl games due to the fact that I never really like the thought of having such a dominant player andd letting that player go after four years or so, and part of it could be the fact the fact that I didnt grow up with my family liking a college football team. Point is this game looks great, love the improvement, and for once NCAA has caught my eye. Definitely purchasing.
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:39 AM   #38
sparkdawg777's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by DavidmOrtiz15
I, for one, never really liked watching college football except for bowl games due to the fact that I never really like the thought of having such a dominant player andd letting that player go after four years or so, and part of it could be the fact the fact that I didnt grow up with my family liking a college football team. Point is this game looks great, love the improvement, and for once NCAA has caught my eye. Definitely purchasing.

David, glad to see you are having an interest in the game. As for College Football, or football in general, I love it. There is nothing like the passion that these young men have for their team, school, and the game itself. It's not just traditions that set apart college from the NFL it's the passion each fan, player, and coach has for the game. Yeh they only have 4 years to play, but to me that's what makes it so much better, that's a limited of time they have to play and some to play their whole lives so you see the effort and hard work that these guys put in to make the most of it. They may go on to the NFL or to their jobs for the rest of there lives but they are FOREVER a part of that program/university. I know some people never have the chance to be around it but if you just give it a chance you'll love it.


Sorry, just love the chance to bring someone into it.
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Old 04-26-2011, 03:04 AM   #39
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

the solution to smaller players or bigger field is qb's not being as accurate and realistic momentum. its all or nothing because there has to be balance. as of now its hard to throw a ball that noone gets their hands on because qb's are too accurate and the field is too small (or the players are too big).
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Old 04-26-2011, 07:01 AM   #40
poopoop's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
Probably because "HUGE strides" means:

-improving zone defense
-adding diving catches
-improving tackle animations / momentum

It's not like they're pushing the genre forward and doing things that haven't been done before. For instance despite all the work they did on tackling it's doubtful NCAA!2 will have the best tackling we've seen in a football game so far. So even with their huge stride they're still behind.

Also I'm sure a lot of the things they add this year will also be in madden even though those devs apparently don't care. I know at least the improved zone d will.

Last edited by poopoop; 04-26-2011 at 07:03 AM.
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