
NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

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Old 04-22-2011, 03:56 AM   #25
spit_bubble's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by Catamount53
This video is also available on the OS Youtube channel...
On youtube I'm seeing the same video posted twice. The "More about" video is the same as the "Gameplay enhancements" one.
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Old 04-22-2011, 08:46 AM   #26
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Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
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Old 04-22-2011, 08:55 AM   #27
PaperBoyx703's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
No point in reasoning with em'. The same people who said why they would not buy the game if "whatever" wasnt implemented, after seeing it was added. They complain about something else.
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Old 04-22-2011, 08:19 PM   #28
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Now that was impressive
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Old 04-23-2011, 01:54 AM   #29
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

Originally Posted by PMG_HART
Man, typical greedy fanbase. They make HUGE strides in terms of gameplay enhancements yet, some of you guys are STILL not happy. How about you just go play the real life game yourself if you want THAT much realism. It's a videogame. Nothing about a video game is EVER perfect, nor will it ever be. It's just the way it is. At least the guys working on NCAA ACTUALLY care about their fan base, unlike Madden who is still trying to build a decent game after how many years of exclusitivity? Be thankful that Ben and co. care about what we think and have added the things they have added so far.
If every year we just said, "Good job guys. Game looks great, I'm buying it day one." Then I doubt more would be fixed in a year than if we had masses of people saying, "NCAA 11 was a better game, but the lack of a real tackling mechanism is going to keep me from buying the game next year."

Obviously most of us don't talk like that, but when we complain, thats how we express what we want EA to work on. If no one started the dreads topic, I believe we still wouldn't have them this year. If there weren't so many youtube critics out there and forums like these, then uniforms wouldn't get all the attention they do now, the little details probably would be more rare to find, etc.
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Old 04-23-2011, 01:59 AM   #30
pmurray20's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

As long as when i put the game in and start playing, I can say WOW way better than NCAA11 i will be happy lol, im not very picky one certain things like dreads but presentation is really catching my eye this year, hopefully gameplay will as well. and i understand the complaining part, they read what we have to say, so if we talk about the commentary then hey there is always next year
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Old 04-23-2011, 10:05 AM   #31
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Happy about the effort

My passing defense has always been lacking, but I slowly began to realize that it was more because of the broken zone than anything. I also can't stand when my CB's and Safeties suddenly seem to forget where they are or what they're doing. It's like the CPU manipulates my players and I hate that. I hate that the CPU cheats to win. I certainly won't even cheese against the CPU, but man that just kills me.

I want to take my NCAA to the next level...I want PA passing to work, I want to run the type of offense my favorite team runs, and become a master of my defensive schemes.

tl;dr I'm ready to start taking my NCAA prowess more seriously and I think these updates will go a long way toward enabling that.
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Old 04-23-2011, 12:49 PM   #32
IndyColts2's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - More Gameplay Enhancements

I can't wait to get my hands on NCAA 12, but in the video it still looks like there isnt any arch in passes. The diving catch for the Baylor wide receiver shows how the ball just barely gets over the linebacker. There is no depth of field in the game at all. If the backer is 10 yards away from the line of scrimmage and an average quarterback is throwing to a receiver 10 yards behind the backer, that is an easy throw and isnt hard to get over the backer and the quarterback wouldnt even need to take any velocity off the throw.


If you skip to the :45, Ryan Mallet throws a short pass over a linebacker, who is only about 3 to 4 yards in front of the receiver and he had no possible way to react fast enough to make a play on the ball. In NCAA, that would most likely have been an incomplete pass because the players are too big for the field and they slide 4 yards with each step. Even the pass at 2:18 would have been knocked down in the game.

I feel that the players are a little too big for the field and they take up too much of the field when they are running. Maybe they are just too tall, but either way there is no space between the players and the passing game is unrealistic because you cant make throws that occur in every single game in real life. It forces you to make throws that you dont need to make because the passes dont lift over players that are IRL too far away to physically make a play, the players take up too much space on the field, and ofcourse the skating that occurs doesnt help either.

And I just thought about something also. Since the ball is way too big for the players at the moment, maybe its because the players are also too big? And since if the devs cant reduce the size of the ball because it would mess up the animations with the current players, would it be possible if you reduce the size of the ball and the players? It probably wouldnt make the ball look smaller compared to the players because at the moment its already too big, but if you reduce the size of both the players and the ball, the players would fit in the field the way they should and the ball ofcourse would look better because its smaller.

But if this is fixed, whether it can be for NCAA 12 or hopefully for NCAA 13, it would make the game that much better because that spacing and being able to get people out of position is what makes football what it is.
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