
NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

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Old 03-25-2011, 02:29 AM   #73
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by Pokes404
Does anyone else think it's weird that it's taken them 6 years to get around to making the pylon tip over when it gets hit? Or that we even have to mention this? Shouldn't that just happen? That'd be like if they had a couple years where the ball didn't spin when you threw a pass ... oh, wait.

The game looks really impressive visually, but man, there had better be collision physics this year (or at least consecutive-hit tackling).
Totally agree. I mean it's 2011 and EA is mentioning pylon physics? I don't care if it's March and the game doesn't come out until July, it's down right embarrassing that they even put out a video highlighting "Pylon Physics". In the words of Happy Gilmore, "If I put out a video touting pylon physics, I'd have to kick my own ***."
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:31 AM   #74
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

You could have two different shoes in this 11. Whoever said the sideline looks different show me please. They look the same to me. Not even looking the their teammate scoring the TD lol. Virtual Coaches would be awesome
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:29 AM   #75
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by poopoop
Any word on whether or not the pylons can be knocked over by dreadlocks?
Haha! THIS! Every year I come hear and see the shenanigans unfold. I don't post much at all on here because I don't feel like getting into a pissing match about a video game. Yes, I have my gripes about the game, but I won't threaten to burn down the EA Headquarters due to them not having eye paint in the game. On a more positive note, I'm really liking the visual upgrades this team has produced. Here's to hoping they can deliver in gameplay and dynasty mode. If they can address the games more apparent flaws in these two categories, then I forsee myself having a good time like I used to have back on the PS2 with the NCAA series. It's still early folks, give it time. Yeah I know, the track record they have produced over the past several years is discouraging. I agree whole-heartedly. But I'm willing to see where this goes and won't make an argument until needed. It's not going to be the end of the world if they have broken gameplay again. It just means I'm going to be out 60 bucks again, in which I can make up for and more by working one night of overtime. LOL
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Old 03-25-2011, 04:05 AM   #76
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

It's March. Why are people asking for gameplay stuff? Why would a company ever release the major information in March, when the game doesn't come out for 3 months? They market it the right way. Have tiny announcements involving graphics, then go into deeper information, having anticipation peak at release time, by announcing tiny gameplay adjustments then dropping the big information/dynasty information in the last few blogs. How else would you market it? Tell everyone the big announcements so they can get hyped up 3 months in advance then forget? That'd work..
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Old 03-25-2011, 05:03 AM   #77
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

I think NCAA is a pretty cool guy. eh tips over pylons and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously it's little things like this that that add up to an awesome experience for some people. Should it have been in from the start of current gen? Probably. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Madden 64 had pylon physics so it WASN'T impossible to do for previous games. I really do dig the sarcasm, and I'm quite shocked this thread hasn't been spammed with "ZOMFG THEY NEED TO WERK ON GAMEPLAY NOT THIS STUPID ****" <--- That, and the fact that I have a reason to run to the pylons now makes me a happy camper this March. I can only hope something major is in store for us in future blogs
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:22 AM   #78
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by Roggie
It's March. Why are people asking for gameplay stuff? Why would a company ever release the major information in March, when the game doesn't come out for 3 months? They market it the right way. Have tiny announcements involving graphics, then go into deeper information, having anticipation peak at release time, by announcing tiny gameplay adjustments then dropping the big information/dynasty information in the last few blogs. How else would you market it? Tell everyone the big announcements so they can get hyped up 3 months in advance then forget? That'd work..

As a consumer I couldn't care less what the best marketing strategy is. When the game is eventually released I'm going to grade it on how well it plays, not how good of a job EA did at marketing it / hyping me up. That's the reason I'd want to see things relating to gameplay, everything else is just fluff. Which is fine, but at least do better than pylon physics. Show a team entrance or something.

It's a cheap trick. I'm sure the people developing this game are aware that implementing actual physics into the game is something many would like to see. So I just don't get why they'd tout pylon physics in a video. I mean you could knock the pylon over NFL QB Club 98, and probably games older than that. It's almost like they're making a parody of the whole situation, the whole thing is just bizarre.

Last edited by poopoop; 03-25-2011 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 11:35 AM   #79
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by poopoop
As a consumer I couldn't care less what the best marketing strategy is. When the game is eventually released I'm going to grade it on how well it plays, not how good of a job EA did at marketing it / hyping me up. That's the reason I'd want to see things relating to gameplay, everything else is just fluff. Which is fine, but at least do better than pylon physics. Show a team entrance or something.

It's a cheap trick. I'm sure the people developing this game are aware that implementing actual physics into the game is something many would like to see. So I just don't get why they'd tout pylon physics in a video. I mean you could knock the pylon over NFL QB Club 98, and probably games older than that. It's almost like they're making a par
ody of the whole situation, the whole thing is just bizarre.
This is a very short sided view. Just because a handful of hardcore gamers come to forum like OS EA should change their marketing plans which are proven to work?

It may not matter to you, but people jobs depend on sales and marketing is apart of those sales. We all know the process if it bothers you don't come around until May when everything is revealed.
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Old 03-25-2011, 11:39 AM   #80
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by khaliib
Unfortunately, some folks don't want to accept this truth.

And if you say anything about Gameplay, they come at you like you don't know what your talking about and always look to try and make themselves seem "Smarty" in their replies.

With all the Hush-Hush, I always had this weird feeling that there was going to be a really heavy push with the Visuals.

This means there is something under-the-hood that they don't want people to know about.

But it's too early, eventhough what's in the game has already been finalized.

Get ready folks!

There's going to be some serious complaining come August.
Complaining? At OS?!!
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