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First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

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Old 03-15-2011, 04:11 PM   #297
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by The GIGGAS
Let's not say that Backbreaker didn't look good. It didn't look real, but it was no graphical slouch.
Not to go too far off-topic, but aside from the player models, which was an interesting design choice by NaturalMotion and 505, Backbreaker looked great. I'd put the character animation of that game against any other video game that has ever come out and I think it'd compare favorably, let alone any other football game.
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:11 PM   #298
mrMagic91's Arena
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Honestly game play gurus have NOTHING to bitch about until multiple videos of the game in action are released and they can pick them apart (as they always do). I do find it funny though how so many folks think that you have to choose one or the other. I wonder how you guys select your girlfriends, do you think "hmm...this time my girlfriend either has to be really hot and dumb as a bag of rocks or a genius with a face only a mother could love?" They are not, never have been, and never will be, mutually exclusive. Improving graphics and details does not mandate that game play has not improved. Just as game play tweaks improving does not mean they didn't work on the details.

The bottom line is I'm sure EA has improved some things in game play and made some folks happy while improving some things in graphics & details and made some folks happy. And all the while I'm sure they'll make a good deal of folks mad about their game as well. If ultimately you find the game "abhorrent" then quit buying it and vote with your dollars. To find a game abhorrent and still buy it means you either have too much money or not enough brains.

BTW - Some of you guys are extremely clueless as to how games in general are developed and it's showing in this thread. Maybe visit a game company, read a magazine on game development or simply read more online about the process sometime.
Odogg, Im glad you back homie. You couldnt have said this any better
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:17 PM   #299
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by mrMagic91
Odogg, Im glad you back homie. You couldnt have said this any better
Couldn't have said it better myself.
"When you rich you don't write checks."
"How you pay man?"
"If you don't write checks how you pay these guys?"
"Straight cash homie."
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:19 PM   #300
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Honestly game play gurus have NOTHING to bitch about until multiple videos of the game in action are released and they can pick them apart (as they always do). I do find it funny though how so many folks think that you have to choose one or the other. I wonder how you guys select your girlfriends, do you think "hmm...this time my girlfriend either has to be really hot and dumb as a bag of rocks or a genius with a face only a mother could love?" They are not, never have been, and never will be, mutually exclusive. Improving graphics and details does not mandate that game play has not improved. Just as game play tweaks improving does not mean they didn't work on the details.

The bottom line is I'm sure EA has improved some things in game play and made some folks happy while improving some things in graphics & details and made some folks happy. And all the while I'm sure they'll make a good deal of folks mad about their game as well. If ultimately you find the game "abhorrent" then quit buying it and vote with your dollars. To find a game abhorrent and still buy it means you either have too much money or not enough brains.

BTW - Some of you guys are extremely clueless as to how games in general are developed and it's showing in this thread. Maybe visit a game company, read a magazine on game development or simply read more online about the process sometime.
Now this is a time when I wish OS had a "Like" or "Thanks" button. Odogg, You have no idea how much I've missed you up here in these football forums. Hope your doing well and congrats on your mission to get dreads in!!
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:40 PM   #301
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by da ThRONe
You realise EA has a team they pay A LOT of money to to market this game right? I'm sure the numbers say the best way to market this game is to give them(us the fans) more and more as the release date approaches.
Still tend to disagree with the secrecy marketing strategy. I've maintained that a more open and robust approach with the community will garner more goodwill and a better product. But that's me pontificating.

Just because they're using the same marketing tactics doesn't mean the game isn't improved. For all the fuss NCAA 11 was a pretty good game. Still a lot to be desired ,but I finally fell like the game is on the right path.
See, I disagree. I didn't feel NCAA 11 was a significantly better product. I will not feel that the team is actually delivering a true $60 upgrade until they implement a completely new or significantly overhauled engine.

What we are given, year to year, are marginal products that don't warrant a full sticker price of a new game.

Truly, EA would garner a huge bit of praise from me if they went the way of the NBA product. But plan it out... deliver a product that will have a small downloadable update next year and skip that iteration. Spend time truly making a quantum leap in development.
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:48 PM   #302
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by da ThRONe
OK I get it you just want to complian. Well have fun making assumption and being turned off for no reason.
Well, not to be overly argumentative, but I haven't made an assumption. I have made an inference based on prior historical evidence.

With my language lesson out of the way -- Would you truly wager that there will be a significant alteration to the gameplay engine?
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:52 PM   #303
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
Not rushing to defense but laughing at folks like you who already condemn it months before release.
I'm not condemning it. I'm stating my personal preferences and stating that I find it pointless to add dreadlocks when they haven't even gotten OL/DL play correct.

Oh...and Bammer sucks.
Possibly true, but at least we don't lead the world in most NCAA infractions ... don't worry though, you'll always be the people's champion to me! All in, baby.
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:56 PM   #304
44drob's Arena
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

the grass looks pretty good thats nice

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