
Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

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Old 03-10-2011, 12:47 PM   #17
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
I think that's the key, 2 year of development. The other thing is, EA MMA (which I own) has done a good job with stamina, and made it even better after their recent patch. So much so that it stopped hook spammers online and they're crying about it on the EA board.

It would be sweet if we got that type of patch here. Seems odd that if MMA had a winning stamina model it wouldn't be implemented here. But I guess if the Button mashing Rock em Sock em crowd is crying about realistic stamina, maybe their marketing/sales department said give them their cake.....
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:50 PM   #18
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by johnpreyes
Not surprisingly, the Red Sox fan is also an EA apologist.
It's easy to pop in and throw an insult and then leave. How about adding some depth to the conversation? Or is that too much to ask?

Originally Posted by tyreeii
It looks like Dave DQ has what I call "good sense" and is realistic about the world. Everyone has to understand that the days of "complete" videogames being released are over. EA is a leit business and they have dates or deadlines to meet regardless of the end user. People are pushing this product out to save their jobs an dI may have problems with it but I understand their goal and I can choose to support them or not (why I stopped buying NBA Live).

That being said, 5 years ago we did not have patches, we took what they gave us and made the best out of it. For instance, Knockout Kings 2002 was a horrible game but I still played it and there was no patch, Coach K had a fadeaway glitch but I still played it and there was no patch. I made my choice and I lived with it.

do I like having patches...no, I don't but I understand that it is a game and I use it as a tool to have some fun and alleviate stress.
I don't think video games are ever released with this "finished" expectation we all have. At some point, maybe because of our maturity, we started expecting everything to work in a video game as it does in the sport it represents. You can look across the board, even with the loved titles like The Show and NBA 2K, and you will find flaws. Franchises don't work right, the AI does odd things, online is plagued with glitchers and the list goes on.

There are things in Fight Night I shake my head at. I hate the inclusion of headbutts. I don't like how unrealistic knockdowns look like, but I enjoy it to where it's fun. I just don't let all the negative energy destroy my enjoyment, and I don't consider myself less of a boxing fan because I do.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:05 PM   #19
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

(Another thing that is getting silly is the advice to rent first. You can wait a week to purchase the game and read forums here on OS to come to a logical conclusion of the game. Me, I felt I'd enjoy it enough to keep putting a few bucks on it until I paid it off in time for release. And I have no regrets.

That's not to say I don't have issues with some things in the game)

I would say consumers that have this mantality is why we continually see EA Sports games released with so many issues out-the-box.

I don't know were you live, but Blockbuster here releases a rental within 1-3 days of its release if they're going to carry it. Sometimes the same day, so to bad it's not that way were you are.

Also, since when is it silly to verify the quality of a product before you purchase?
Even more so in this this Financial atmosphere!

Silly is not having enough self control, that waiting a couple of days before buyng a video game is not an option.

"Renting an EA Game first is silly"

Last edited by khaliib; 03-10-2011 at 01:12 PM.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:10 PM   #20
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Another thing that is getting silly is the advice to rent first. You can wait a week to purchase the game and read forums here on OS to come to a logical conclusion of the game. Me, I felt I'd enjoy it enough to keep putting a few bucks on it until I paid it off in time for release. And I have no regrets.

That's not to say I don't have issues with some things in the game...QUOTE]

I would say consumers that have this mantality is why we continually see EA Sports games released with so many issues out-the-box.

I don't know were you live, but Blockbuster here releases a rental within 1-3 days of its release if they're going to carry it. Sometimes the same day, so to bad it's not that way were you are.

Also, since when is it silly to verify the quality of a product before you purchase?
Even more so in this this Financial atmosphere!

Silly is not having enough self control, that waiting a couple of days before buyng a video game is not an option.

"Renting an EA Game first is silly"
Paying on the game 10 bucks at a time for several months is self control. I have no problem with anyone who waits. In fact, that's my point. I'm doing it with MLB 2K11. Waiting makes sense to me because we have reviews, Youtube, OS and various other places to give us an overall impression of the game. I just think the whole concept of "renting first" is highly overrated. you're still spending money when really you can make a good decision on a game with a demo and then places like OS.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:14 PM   #21
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

I just can't get over how this game has many of the same issues as FNR4:

Freezing in legacy when using a CAB

Locking up online and causing some 360's to RROD (I have PS3, but I had FNR4 on 360, mine RROD'd)

Punch spamming with no stamina penalty when online

Add to this the fact people are now losing $$$ from lost XP, they expect us to buy DLC, etc? Why not have Flo from Progressive help them out?

Seriously, this game is better, but it is so crippled at times there is no fun in it. I can't even add CAB's to my legacy offline, I can't compete online because I lost my XP and there aren't any other 78's sitting around to play. I am just very disappointed, that's the only way to put it.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:17 PM   #22
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by khaliib

Paying on the game 10 bucks at a time for several months is self control. I have no problem with anyone who waits. In fact, that's my point. I'm doing it with MLB 2K11. Waiting makes sense to me because we have reviews, Youtube, OS and various other places to give us an overall impression of the game. I just think the whole concept of "renting first" is highly overrated. you're still spending money when really you can make a good decision on a game with a demo and then places like OS.
You really have to play the game yourself. I'm having huge issues with the stamina, others claim its fine. This is with every game. There is one camp that has the golden DVD of the game where everything works great and the other camp that claims the game is rubbish. The answer is its always somewhere in between.

I have a hard time deciding that by doing anything but playing it for myself.

The real answer, especially when dealing with EA is wait 6 months after release to buy the game. There will be patches, you will be playing the final version, and it will be much cheaper, and you will be able to make a much more knowledgable purchasing decision. The only question is do you have the self control to do that?
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:31 PM   #23
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by DaveDQ

The real answer, especially when dealing with EA is wait 6 months after release to buy the game. There will be patches, you will be playing the final version, and it will be much cheaper, and you will be able to make a much more knowledgable purchasing decision. The only question is do you have the self control to do that?
That's a good point. In some cases, like with Madden, I made a decision to stay away from Madden 11 because I could tell by the demo and early footage that tackling was still broken. I then decided I wasn't touching it. Nothing has frustrated me more this generation that that title, but I use that as an example that I can say no. Even in the peak of the NFL season, it almost became principle that to buy that game would be contrary to my thoughts on where I thought it should be by now.

What sealed it for me in Fight Night was the demo. I played a lot of FN4 and overall I left wanting to see stamina addressed. The demo itself showed me they made progress, but then the tuner set they tested really showed me they can address certain things. Freezes and the like are not something I can test for myself. I'm getting the dirty disc error, so I installed it to my hard drive and have had good luck with that.

I will say renting is beneficial. I'll say that if you truly rent it, make a decision and hold off until 6 months later, sure you'll end up paying less for the game than at the initial release, so yes...renting saves the children.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:35 PM   #24
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Re: Fight Night Champion Patch Arrives in the Next Couple of Months

Originally Posted by fistofrage
It would be sweet if we got that type of patch here. Seems odd that if MMA had a winning stamina model it wouldn't be implemented here. But I guess if the Button mashing Rock em Sock em crowd is crying about realistic stamina, maybe their marketing/sales department said give them their cake.....
Wasn't EA MMA developed by the Tiberon office? Even so, you would think EAC could reach out to them for advice on how to fix it.

Saying that, I think you're 2nd statement is more accurate. They know all the 12-year-olds who have unlimited access to mommy's credit card will cry and whine if they're not allowed to spam hundreds of hooks over and over again.

I would be that's the real reason stamina and accuracy are the way they are.
It's just too bad the sliders don't work.
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