
MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

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Old 02-24-2011, 01:12 AM   #129
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by DJ
I won't make a final decision on the game until I get my hands on a Demo, but I have to admit, I was a little let down by the video after reading all the positive articles. I was expecting to see more and I didn't get it.
You hit the nail on the head here. My hopes were raised by the all the glowing previews and I was left with an indifferent feeling after seeing it, kind of like "What was all that hype about?''

I'm reserving judgment until more videos and feedback come out and still remain hopeful that this will be the best of what has been a calamity of a series.

But I must say that this company has virtually no marketing sense, at least in regards to this franchise. That video looks like something someone slapped together in 10 minutes with virtually no thought put into it.

Maybe not a good idea to use a segment with Charlie Manuel in it, since that can scare small children.

The dearth of videos/information and the decision to not release the demo until at least next week is suspicious. It just seems to me if they truly believed they had a gem on their hands, or at least a significant upgrade from last year, that they would be putting out an all-out media assault.

But I certainly hope I'm wrong.
It's on me. I shook his hand too hard. It was a hard ... kind of a slap-shake.

"What? You can't challenge a scoring play?''

Last edited by Spanky; 02-24-2011 at 01:18 AM.
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Old 02-24-2011, 01:39 AM   #130
tazbk's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by AmazingMets
Oh my gosh. now I know why i only come to these forums for sliders/rosters/information.

This is probably the most negative community I've ever looked at. Seriously? That video is already so much better than 2K10. Many of you might not remember 2K10, but I actually just played it yesterday (no lie.)
I understand what you are saying. That is the nature of message boards in general. It is the same as nature of critics, both operate to find flaws and things wrong with something before praise.

My suggestion to you and others would be to play the game for yourself (demo will eventually come out) or rent it and be the judge for yourself. There is no perfect game (no pun intended) but you can find a game enjoyable that others do not.

I do think this board and others can be useful avenues for developers but there are some people that will nitpick at EVERYTHING and it comes with the territory.
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Old 02-24-2011, 07:29 AM   #131
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
I've had and played 2K10 for months (along with helping Ronnie with the patch list fixes they eventually made to that game) and I can honestly say there was barely ANYTHING in that video that showed noticeable improvements from 2K10. It was a poorly made video with poorly made execution.

Its so amazing to me how many times this company can shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to their baseball franchise. Just such poor execution on their part every year. I know this was only a brief clip, but you would think that these developers would have a greater sense of urgency to bring out a flood of information and other gaming material to showcase the improvements of their franchise.

For goodness sake, other developers who are at the upper echelon of sports gaming (won't mention names) could easily rest on their laurels and release barely ANYTHING every year, and yet they still release a plethora of info and media at a consistent rate as if they constantly have to reprove themselves. I await more videos (and a demo) to get a better idea of what they REALLY did with this game, but until then, this company needs to start bringing their A-GAME.
Wow. You must definitely be older than me.
I can't believe you are worried about how much information you receive. really?

Everyone works in a different way. It is 2K's opinion (by the looks of it) that it is better to not give a lot of information and instead let you play the game, and make your own opinions.

Also, i think that you need to worry about well, everything less. Dude, it's a video game, and you and many others on here need to remember that. Stop looking for every little thing, and ENJOY the freaking thing. It is supposed to be fun. I don't think there will ever be a game (because even if something is "perfect" you will probably find something) where you won't find something that you dislike. Chill and enjoy this upcoming game as something to relax and blow off stress on.

Originally Posted by tazbk
I understand what you are saying. That is the nature of message boards in general. It is the same as nature of critics, both operate to find flaws and things wrong with something before praise.

My suggestion to you and others would be to play the game for yourself (demo will eventually come out) or rent it and be the judge for yourself. There is no perfect game (no pun intended) but you can find a game enjoyable that others do not.

I do think this board and others can be useful avenues for developers but there are some people that will nitpick at EVERYTHING and it comes with the territory.
On the contrary. I, myself, post on another message board that is not as negative. In fact, most of the time, if the posters don't like a game then... they don't post about it! Whoa. Isn't that a great idea?!

Last edited by AmazingMets; 02-24-2011 at 07:38 AM.
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Old 02-24-2011, 08:50 AM   #132
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Can't wait for the demo...I think the thing that really messed video up is WHO WAS PLAYING THE GAME..Also night games are't the best way to show a video I think 2k10 looked great with day games so they should have made us a day time video....Now I do want to see all these new things they (said) they did to the game...But that will come very soon...Let's all just sit back and enjoy the fact that we might just have a good baseball game this year and stop with all the put downs.
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Old 02-24-2011, 10:09 AM   #133
kpkpkp's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by AmazingMets
Wow. You must definitely be older than me.
I can't believe you are worried about how much information you receive. really?

Everyone works in a different way. It is 2K's opinion (by the looks of it) that it is better to not give a lot of information and instead let you play the game, and make your own opinions.

Also, i think that you need to worry about well, everything less. Dude, it's a video game, and you and many others on here need to remember that. Stop looking for every little thing, and ENJOY the freaking thing. It is supposed to be fun. I don't think there will ever be a game (because even if something is "perfect" you will probably find something) where you won't find something that you dislike. Chill and enjoy this upcoming game as something to relax and blow off stress on.
I know NumberOneRB from the 2K boards...

And he put in a lot of personal time helping myself and Ron2K with the bug list around patch time last year.

So for him; I can see how it is more than just "a game"... for him its something he has invested personal time in. And even though you might not agree with his criticisms.. they are legitimate gripes in some ways.

Last years game was a bug-fest.

Most of those bugs were never fixed. Some of us (most?) have been bitterly dissapointed in 2K's MLB series as of late. And if you only own an Xbox360 you probably have found yourself without a functioning baseball game the last couple years.

I too am unimpressed at what I see, but I am also cautiously optimistic. Even though that raw video clip didnt show much visual difference from 2K10... maybe most effort was put into polishing up...

-the sim engine
-etc etc...

Polishing up the "functionality" of the game so to speak.

And if thats the case I am happy. Work on the bells and whistles after the bugs are fixed.

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Old 02-24-2011, 10:22 AM   #134
elfdutch's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by AmazingMets
Wow. You must definitely be older than me.
I can't believe you are worried about how much information you receive. really?

Everyone works in a different way. It is 2K's opinion (by the looks of it) that it is better to not give a lot of information and instead let you play the game, and make your own opinions.

Also, i think that you need to worry about well, everything less. Dude, it's a video game, and you and many others on here need to remember that. Stop looking for every little thing, and ENJOY the freaking thing. It is supposed to be fun. I don't think there will ever be a game (because even if something is "perfect" you will probably find something) where you won't find something that you dislike. Chill and enjoy this upcoming game as something to relax and blow off stress on.

I really don't see how being younger or older has anything to do with it. We all have opinions, some good some bad. I agree that it's not the end of the world, but i don't see how the "it's just a game mentality" does anything to improve future releases of such a game.
No game is perfect i agree. But when a game has things that are reported by a large number of people as being negative, the producer can use this feedback to improve the next installment of this game. For me, from what i've seen sofar i still don't like the replays, they are the same as last year and suck. Doesn't mean i do not like the game (i'm still playing 2k10 and i like it) but better replays can improve the atmosphere of the game, and the enjoyment i get from it. So, i choose to post it here, maybe it helps, maybe not.

On the contrary. I, myself, post on another message board that is not as negative. In fact, most of the time, if the posters don't like a game then... they don't post about it! Whoa. Isn't that a great idea?!
Same as above. You can choose to not post about it, or you can choose not to do so. Nothing wrong with posting your impressions, be they positive or negative.
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Old 02-24-2011, 10:22 AM   #135
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

FYI.. for those stating why was Madson in there against Smith, I believe Thorn mentioning the Phillies going to there closer as in Madson. If anything it makes you wonder how old this build is or how outdated the rosters are
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Old 02-24-2011, 10:40 AM   #136
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Re: MLB 2K11 Video: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies

Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
FYI.. for those stating why was Madson in there against Smith, I believe Thorn mentioning the Phillies going to there closer as in Madson. If anything it makes you wonder how old this build is or how outdated the rosters are
Yeah I wish someone could ask Ronnie how old is the video we have got to watch maybe that will clear up some stuff if it is in fact say 2 or 3 months old.
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