
Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotaku)

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Old 02-22-2011, 11:17 AM   #49
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

As has been said, the next generation of consoles will be interesting. Now, we don't know when they will be coming out, but I know that developers get the dev kits well before the consoles are released (for obvious reasons).

Lets say the PS4 is going to come out in late 2014 (That may or may not be a reasonable guess, but it'll do). The developers probably get the dev kits late 2013, which gives them 8-9 months to develop the first batch of games. If a company can develop a half decent football engine in that time and stick a generic league and some simple but deep customization over it then they might have a chance to keep their head above water against Madden '15 regardless of the license situation. We all saw the abomination that was Madden '06, and maybe people will be more cautious about trusting EA (or any company I guess) to deliver on the first iteration on a new console.
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Old 02-22-2011, 11:41 AM   #50
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by adfletch71
If 2k or Sony was too make a football game this gen, with the technology and ambition they have with there other titles, it would be a rap. It wouldn't be long before these company make a great football game. Wasn't it Ian himself that said he tired of people comparing Madden and 2k5 in the same sentence? Well Ian, what's the problem? Madden trying too cater to the casual gamers have bit them in the ***...look at the sales for proof.

So they need too get the fundamentals of football right and surpass NFL2K5 presentation and ALLPRO2K8 GAMEPLAY too shut up alot of the majority of hardcore fans. They have the games too study, so I don't understand what's the problem? We not asking Madden to be just like those games, but we are asking that the presentation and gameplay surpass those games , its 2012 how much longer do we have too wait?
If sales are your barometer for success then Madden was in the right all along and continues to do so. PS2 sales vs the HD consoles show an improvement in market share from one generation to the next.

Originally Posted by Cryolemon
As has been said, the next generation of consoles will be interesting. Now, we don't know when they will be coming out, but I know that developers get the dev kits well before the consoles are released (for obvious reasons).

Lets say the PS4 is going to come out in late 2014 (That may or may not be a reasonable guess, but it'll do). The developers probably get the dev kits late 2013, which gives them 8-9 months to develop the first batch of games. If a company can develop a half decent football engine in that time and stick a generic league and some simple but deep customization over it then they might have a chance to keep their head above water against Madden '15 regardless of the license situation. We all saw the abomination that was Madden '06, and maybe people will be more cautious about trusting EA (or any company I guess) to deliver on the first iteration on a new console.
Like the transition to the HD consoles, this generation will outsell the next one for the first year or so anyways.
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Old 02-22-2011, 11:53 AM   #51
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

mestevo...show me the chart my friend? From what I have seen and heard, last generation consoles for madden sold almost 7.5 million for Madden 2005. Madden hasn't sold that many copies yet in a annual year of the current consoles. So that's not improvement, that's decline. Madden has been around 5 million copies yearly on this gen consoles.
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Old 02-22-2011, 12:03 PM   #52
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by adfletch71
mestevo...show me the chart my friend? From what I have seen and heard, last generation consoles for madden sold almost 7.5 million for Madden 2005. Madden hasn't sold that many copies yet in a annual year of the current consoles. So that's not improvement, that's decline. Madden has been around 5 million copies yearly on this gen consoles.
This was covered in the other thread:

That's actually a good point, looking at it again, the HD consoles combined have surpassed the numbers of the highly regarded PS2 versions, with far fewer consoles on the market. Sales leading up to 10/11 were caught up in the gradual death of the PS2 which was still selling over 1m copies until this year with the huge drop from 948k to 391k (so far).

PS2 topped out at 4.36m with Madden 05. Madden 10 on PS3/360 sold 5.44m copies in the last 70+ weeks, and 11 is sitting at 4.2m at 27 weeks.

Makes the move towards Facebook and microtransactions look a lot smarter if they think they're reaching market saturation. Get potentially more $$ per box, online pass and more DLC generates revenue from used sales that they got almost nothing from before.
Original Xbox sales were almost irrelevant the last generation, they didn't peak until Madden 06 and then dropped sharply, while the PS2 took until 2009 to fall below the best numbers the original Xbox ever saw. The stacking of sales (PS2 and HD consoles), for the first part of this generation create an illusion that Madden is on the decline when sales are probably flat at best this generation.
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Old 02-22-2011, 02:38 PM   #53
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by roadman
I see what you are saying, but respectfully disagree.

I just don't see the NFL and EA breaking up their partnership from the past 7 yrs. (9 yrs at the end of the license) Instead of paying $400 million for the license, maybe the pay 200 million for that same license. That makes the NFL happy and EA happy they can stole away 200 million for production.

I like your idea, but my gut is telling me that Madden and the NFL will be in it for the long haul.
There's really no value in an exclusive partnership for EA anymore. There won't be any competitors, viable ones anyway, so EA has no one to freeze out. The NFL is going to have to take what EA is willing to give.
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:06 PM   #54
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
There's really no value in an exclusive partnership for EA anymore. There won't be any competitors, viable ones anyway, so EA has no one to freeze out. The NFL is going to have to take what EA is willing to give.
There will be give and take for sure, as there is in any business agreement, the license holds a lot of value exclusive or otherwise for both sides.

The extension just ensures that the NFL won't be making a new deal after a season potentially marred by a lockout.
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:18 PM   #55
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
The NFL is going to have to take what EA is willing to give.
Exactly my point above. The NFL will still hand out an exclusive license or agreement to EA for a huge yearly deduction from what they are paying now. We both agree EA will be paying less, you just don't feel it will be an exclusive license because EA doesn't need one.

EA may not need an exclusive license anymore, but that is the way the NFL operates. Doesn't matter if it's called an exclusive license or agreement the way the NFL sees it.

It's my firm belief that the partnership between EA and the NFL won't go away.

We'll see what happens, though, won't we?
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:44 PM   #56
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Re: Why the NFL’s Labor Strife Might Be the Best Thing That Happened to Madden (Kotak

Originally Posted by mestevo
Like the transition to the HD consoles, this generation will outsell the next one for the first year or so anyways.
Certainly, but the transition levels the playing field somewhat.
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