
MLB 2K11 Devs Flattered But Not Impressed by MLB 11 The Show Adopting Analog Controls

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Old 02-15-2011, 11:00 PM   #25
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Re: Destructoid: 2k11 Devs on The Show's Pitching Mechanic

Honestly, SCEA copied the wrong feature, anyway.

MLB Today is the real game changer. As much as I loved NHL 11, it felt like I was missing something after having played so many MLB Today games. I posted before that it is the feature that could bring me back to NHL 2K if they implemented NHL Today in a new Xbox version.

In fact, I just sold off NHL 11 in favor of NBA 2K11, and it is pretty much the only reason. I haven't bought an NBA game in ages, but it at least has the NBA Today feature.

MLB 2K11 is not going to eclipse The Show in looks. But if the gameplay is solid, the presentation makes up for it 100 fold.
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:23 PM   #26
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Re: Destructoid: 2k11 Devs on The Show's Pitching Mechanic

Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
For me the argument has nothing to do with realism but rather what is most fun and provides the best sim result. I love gesture pitching. I don't like the meter pitching in the Show and Classic had grown stale. Gesture pitching is a mini-game on it's own. In no way will I pretend that performing a half circle when throwing a slider is more or less realistic. I don't care. I just found it a lot of fun to have a unique system for every pitch. Variety keeps it fresh and I do think this will hurt the Show's analog pitching system. 2K10 was still way too accurate and they didn't have a pitch accuracy slider to help fix this. It certainly hurt the realism and sim aspects of pitching when you rarely walk anyone and paint corners most of the time. That missing slider really hurt the game last year and I'm really hoping they add it to 2K11. I'll be annoyed if it's not.
Ok, isn't the point of a sports sim to be as realistic as possible? I can't stand it when people put sim results ahead of realistic gameplay. What's the point of sim results if you don't get an authentic, realistic gameplay experience?

The Show's system isn't just up and down as you do have to tweak it left/right based on accuracy and the speed of the stick does influence it. It doesn't sound as much fun to me since it lacks 2k's variety although maybe I'll be wrong. Obviously some will like this approach better. I do think that the misses should be more random than what the tutorial video has shown. If I push too far to the right on the stick, the ball shouldn't miss right every time imo. 2K's will be more random and I think that is the better way.
Why shouldn't the ball miss to the right if you miss your mark to the right every time? I'm the one playing so I'm the one who should be responsible for the results. It's not just tweaking left or right either, if you pull back too far you'll overthrow and if you don't pull back far enough you'll underthrow. Plus the velocity of the stick directly affects the velocity of the pitch. It's almost as if your right stick IS your pitcher's arm. I simply don't see how anything on a controller could be considered a better representation of pitching baseball.

A bigger complaint for the Show may be that you have to execute the pitch DURING the delivery. One reason I preferred Classic over Meter in the past was that I was able to watch the pitcher the entire time and see the result of the play. With meter I was so focused on hitting my marks that I missed a lot of that. The Show's new analog system has the same timing system and I wish they would let you execute the controls just before the pitch so you could actually watch it play out completely.
This paragraph is just ridiculous. Like the other poster said, you have to play all the other aspects of the game in real-time, so why not pitching? If you really wanna watch the pitcher go through his motion then put on a CPU vs. CPU game and just watch. Personally, I wanna play the game, not watch it.

I have no problem with the Show going analog and have been asking for this to happen sooner than later. Great ideas should always be borrowed so we can all benefit. These two systems will be compared at release and I'll enjoy reading the various comments on them once we can actually use them. The biggest benefit of analog controls is in the pitching for me so this is something I'm really going to try out for both games. Let's hope the demos come out before release this year.
I do agree with you here about the demos. I hope they give us some practice time with the new system and I also wouldn't mind to try out 2K11 although it would take almost a miracle for me to wanna buy it.
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:23 PM   #27
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Re: MLB 2K11 Devs Flattered But Not Impressed by MLB 11 The Show Adopting Analog Cont

The fact that MLB 2K devs are poking fun at MLB: The Show devs is laughable.
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Last edited by Dog; 02-15-2011 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 02-16-2011, 12:21 AM   #28
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Re: MLB 2K11 Devs Flattered But Not Impressed by MLB 11 The Show Adopting Analog Cont

I think this is great b/c is shows me that 2k feels like their game has some balls this year and if that is true, I am totally pumped being a huge baseball fan, I now have 2 great games to play
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Old 02-16-2011, 06:40 AM   #29
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Re: Destructoid: 2k11 Devs on The Show's Pitching Mechanic

Originally Posted by JustinSainn
Ok, isn't the point of a sports sim to be as realistic as possible? I can't stand it when people put sim results ahead of realistic gameplay. What's the point of sim results if you don't get an authentic, realistic gameplay experience?
I don't equate realism with control schemes. I don't think that matters. I'm not actually playing baseball and sitting in my chair with a controller doesn't make me forget that no matter how I'm pushing the buttons. The most important thing about playing a video game is having fun and I think that is true for everyone here. The 2K control scheme is more fun for me so I like it.

Originally Posted by JustinSainn
Why shouldn't the ball miss to the right if you miss your mark to the right every time? I'm the one playing so I'm the one who should be responsible for the results. It's not just tweaking left or right either, if you pull back too far you'll overthrow and if you don't pull back far enough you'll underthrow. Plus the velocity of the stick directly affects the velocity of the pitch. It's almost as if your right stick IS your pitcher's arm. I simply don't see how anything on a controller could be considered a better representation of pitching baseball.
You may be right. This is something I'm undecided on. Pitchers can understand why they miss at times but I don't think it's fair to say they always know why they blew a pitch. I liked playing with Classic pitching the last couple of years I had the Show and I enjoyed the random misses but this may be a good thing. I have to see how it's implemented before I make up my mind.

Originally Posted by JustinSainn
This paragraph is just ridiculous. Like the other poster said, you have to play all the other aspects of the game in real-time, so why not pitching? If you really wanna watch the pitcher go through his motion then put on a CPU vs. CPU game and just watch. Personally, I wanna play the game, not watch it.
I don't think it's fair to say I only want to watch the game rather than play it by executing the exact same pitch scheme one second earlier than they currently have it. Some pitchers have cool deliveries. I'd like to be able to see that rather than just watch a graphic over their head and miss out on that. This is personal preference for me. If you don't like it that's fine but this is something I would prefer.

Last edited by rudyjuly2; 02-16-2011 at 07:14 AM.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:38 AM   #30
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the users who post on this website have a 75-25 favor for the show, and with that kind of bias, anything said by the 2k guys, whether true or not, gets you guys to go into all out defend mode for the show. anyone that REALLY plays both games, knows that 2K is the more exciting, eye-popping game. IF you REALLY play both games, you know the show is solid, but only solid, it is not at NBA 2K11 status, or stellar, or superior. Yet on this website, you read how its the greatest game...whatever.
About the pitching mechanic, copying amongst developers has always happened, whether you are no.1 or no.2 ,if your game can use some of the competitions features and you can jack it, nuff said. But its amazing that the alleged "leader" is the one taking from the so called "inferior" title. Add to the fact that it is cowardly taking a safe approach with up-down as its basic mechanic, instead of fleshing out the inputs, I can see the shot taken as a good one. EA had tried to use small elements of the NBA 2K series to help the LIVE series, NFL 2K and Madden has had healthy doses of each others game in theirs, I get it, but if developers can be impressed by features in the other game, and actually like the other game, I'd like to see the same percentage in the fan responses. Most of the people I meet tell me they like MLB 2K the last two years, and that the show is good, but its ultra repetitive. I'll check both games out again this year.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:54 AM   #31
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Re: MLB 2K11 Devs Flattered But Not Impressed by MLB 11 The Show Adopting Analog Cont

Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
the users who post on this website have a 75-25 favor for the show, and with that kind of bias, anything said by the 2k guys, whether true or not, gets you guys to go into all out defend mode for the show. anyone that REALLY plays both games, knows that 2K is the more exciting, eye-popping game. IF you REALLY play both games, you know the show is solid, but only solid, it is not at NBA 2K11 status, or stellar, or superior. Yet on this website, you read how its the greatest game...whatever.
You just did the same thing as the Show guys by assuming one game is better than the other and taking shots. I do get annoyed with how defensive some Show posters can be but please don't do the same thing with 2K baseball.

I will most likely be going with 2K11 this year but that doesn't mean I can say 2K11 will be a better game than the Show 11 for everyone. I can only say it will be a better game for me based on reasons X, Y and Z. Some people will give both games a fair shot and pick one game over the other for various reasons. That's fine. It's the blanket statements without recognizing personal preference that irritates me.
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:12 AM   #32
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Re: MLB 2K11 Devs Flattered But Not Impressed by MLB 11 The Show Adopting Analog Cont

Even tho I'm checkin' out 2Ks game this year...as far as gameplay & getting the best simulation of baseball POSSIBLE...there ain't NO baseball game that gets you closer...than the SHOW...that includes 2K.
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