
EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

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Old 02-15-2011, 09:37 AM   #153
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

Originally Posted by baumy300
I guess I frankly don't know what to do anymore. The NFL itself is driving fans away like crazy and Madden is strongly following suit.
Is that a fact? Everything I've heard/read lately indicates that the NFL brand is more popular than it has ever been.

Originally Posted by johnprestonevans
I love NFL Football and I'm frustrated that I have to endure $#!&y commentary, broken AI and the worst presentation in sports gaming for another 3 years (at least). This news effectively means that this generation of consoles is a write-off for great NFL games. Sad day.
I can't disagree with you here. For the sports games that I play, Madden has had thee most repetitive commentary and underwhelming presentation. They've said they're addressing these areas (well presentation at least), but I've heard that rhetoric since the marketing of M09. Show me!


Aside from that, I think people put too much stock into competition and its effect on the quality of Madden. I know that's an unpopular opinion around these parts, but oh well. Competition hasn't yielded positive results for EA's NBA franchise. And two years ago, MLB2K STUNK in comparison to The Show (maybe it has improved since then -- I don't play it hardly).

Here's the bottom line for me: the NFL agreed to an extension of the exclusive license on the heels of Madden 08. Yes, Madden 08 -- arguably the worst NFL videogame of all time. That told me then that $$$ was the motivation...not the quality of the game. Since then, I just can't see another NFL game being made for quite some time. Like one of the articles alluded to, clearly there is a good business relationship between EA & the NFL. A couple hundred disgruntled fans on an internet forum(s) pose little threat to that relationship.

I have to say I'm not as disapointed as many of you are. No doubt I have my gripes with the current game. But I've played the last two Maddens quite a bit and I feel the arrow is pointing up.
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Old 02-15-2011, 09:48 AM   #154
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

wouldn't be funny if we read that (take 2) got exclusive rights from the nflpa
and they made a game with real names and E.A sports made one with the real nfl teams and we as fans sat here and suffered until some judge said no exclusives what so ever.
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:01 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by RJTurneR
And wrong.. Just look in depth.

Introducing.. Call of Duty: Black Ops! There is no other game that makes you feel like your in the heat of battle.. Where everyone uses an AK74 w/Grip and Rapid Fire, and hides away in a corner using Ghost. Bullets are a thing of the past! Noob tubing is the future! Get your copy today!

Yeah.. it offers an experience like no over alright.. a experience that will raise peoples blood pressure and turn them into anti-social hermits.

CoD had a huge head start. A big reason why it sells so well. People find ways to exploit the game and make it to easy.. and annoying, and anything thats easy will sell better in the gaming world. Everyone knows about the way people exploit the AK74. That sets of a trend.. and ruins the game for us who play fairly.

CoD is just as bad as Madden. Ways to unfairly exploit your opponent, glitches, bugs, the AK74 is the unfair money plays of Madden.. and then there's lag.

From an in depth perspective both fail. Which asks the question.. Do EA really put a lot of effort into Madden, but it just doesn't succeed?

EA are building on a game engine that dates back a long way. Tons and tons of code. Which can cause bugs and what not. We are just seeing this type of thing in CoD, which makes me think that is this really EA's fault?
I dont want to debate the overuse of certain guns in COD vs plays in Madden and the exploit some gamers use in both of these comparative games. My point is generally about the quality of the game itself. From a visual standpoint, tight shooting mechanics and from presentation - there aren't many games delivering online on the level and COD is doing right now. (Like I said I prefer BFBC2 over COD). And that really is my point - There are some other great shooters we can choose from. Killzone, Battlefield, Gears, Halo, Uncharted, etc. And which one of those you like best depends on your own personal experience and enjoyment of the game. My problem with Madden is that it is a lesser quality product when you lay it next to other sports games and it is the ONLY NFL game we've had the opportunity to play in the last 7 years.
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:09 AM   #156
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

Originally Posted by RJTurneR
And wrong.. Just look in depth.

Introducing.. Call of Duty: Black Ops! There is no other game that makes you feel like your in the heat of battle.. Where everyone uses an AK74 w/Grip and Rapid Fire, and hides away in a corner using Ghost. Bullets are a thing of the past! Noob tubing is the future! Get your copy today!

Yeah.. it offers an experience like no over alright.. a experience that will raise peoples blood pressure and turn them into anti-social hermits.

CoD had a huge head start. A big reason why it sells so well. People find ways to exploit the game and make it to easy.. and annoying, and anything thats easy will sell better in the gaming world. Everyone knows about the way people exploit the AK74. That sets of a trend.. and ruins the game for us who play fairly.

CoD is just as bad as Madden. Ways to unfairly exploit your opponent, glitches, bugs, the AK74 is the unfair money plays of Madden.. and then there's lag.

From an in depth perspective both fail. Which asks the question.. Do EA really put a lot of effort into Madden, but it just doesn't succeed?

EA are building on a game engine that dates back a long way. Tons and tons of code. Which can cause bugs and what not. We are just seeing this type of thing in CoD, which makes me think that is this really EA's fault?
All valid opinions. But the bottom point is that at least CoD is competing with 2-3 other shooters. So while people may hate CoD, the anger never quite reaches the levels that frequently arise when discussing Madden. People can simply find another "WWII/Current-War"-based product that satisfies their taste. There isn't an exclusive contract prohibiting games that base their plot on real-life events, so gamers aren't forced to play Modern Paintball Kitty Adventure to get their fix. Anger diffused.
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:24 AM   #157
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Complete garbage, I hate EA, they want to keep the license because they are terrible with their games now, the quality is average at best. Non-competitive video gaming is bad for the customer.
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:24 AM   #158
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

Horrible. Competition is a GOOD thing.
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:24 AM   #159
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

i miss my 2k football but its one more year...i played 11 when my friend bought it over and i just really cant get into it...ugh..

so another year of no football wont kill me...besides there are so many other games coming out i dont think i will even notice...
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:46 AM   #160
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013

A little competition is always a good thing. With that said, it's just an extra year (for now anyway ) so not really a big deal, IMO.
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