
Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 02-09-2011, 12:54 AM   #353
SteelerSpartan's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by The Visualizer
the one thing I noticed is that if I win 1 or both of the first 2 rounds the CPU will drastically increase its aggressiveness and punch output in the 3rd rd to try to win the fight which is pretty cool to see.
A couple of times I thought the CPU had a Madden MySkill effect to it where

Id go out there an Knock Pac around and out, for 3 fights in row and then all of sudden on that 4-5th fight Pac started PBing me and couldn't miss with his lunging Left-Straight and upper

I dunno, probably just demo overload....at this point Im just ready to get to the full game and tinker with the sliders for hours on end
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Old 02-09-2011, 02:36 AM   #354
phillyfan23's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by The Visualizer
I hope there is variation of aggressiveness between fighters but I'd rather them not take drastic steps in reducing the CPU's punch output so the A.I. doesnt end up as passive and easy to dominate with punch output as it was in FNR4 on the 2nd highest difficulty (GOAT was too cheap with the counter windows the CPU got off every other punch)

I have been enjoying fighting the CPU on the demo more than any other boxing game in recent memory since the A.I. presents a pretty good challenge. By dictating the pace of the fight and moving well I can keep them to 70-80 punches a round most of the time, which is acceptable to me.
you might like the challenge, but it's just not realistic. A heavyweight fight will have 40-50 punches a round on average...maybe that might be a little high still.

In FNR4.....the cpu output was lower and you claim it was too easy to dominate them...Do you know why it was too easy? because stamina didn't have enough effect which ALLOWED you to double the cpu's punch output and dominate them.

That is exactly why stamina needs to support the cpu and human tendencies. If FNR4 penalized you for punching 90 mins a round, it will be much harder to win and dominate a fight when you're gassed after 4 rounds, right?

You mentioned that in the FNC demo by dictating the fight and being elusive you LIMITED them to 70-80 punches. This amplifies the complaints of many people regarding this topic. When you dictate the fight and are elusive, the cpu fighter should have hugeee trouble getting off in general.

Stamina and tendencies work hand in hand.

1) Stamina too high, cpu punch output too high: slugfests like we see now

2) Stamina too high, cpu punch output realistic: you will dominate the CPU with punch quantity since you're not penalized realistically for over-punching just like what you said happens in FNR4 on champion level.

3) Stamina realistic, cpu punch output too high: cpu will punch itself out after four rounds and you will defeat them easily.

4) Stamina realistic and cpu punch output realistic: you will be forced to pick your spots to succeed, which will then match the cpu's punch output more or less. This will reward patience, precision and execution , what the sweet science of boxing is all about.

just like AL BUNDY said.....you can't have one without the oooother.....stamina and tendencies

Last edited by phillyfan23; 02-09-2011 at 02:41 AM.
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Old 02-09-2011, 02:56 AM   #355
Tengo Juego's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by phillyfan23
just like AL BUNDY said.....you can't have one without the oooother.....stamina and tendencies
Actually, Sinatra said that. But whatever...

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Old 02-09-2011, 05:32 AM   #356
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Tengo Juego
Actually, Sinatra said that. But whatever...
LOL, I was just gonna say that.
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Old 02-09-2011, 10:57 AM   #357
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Tried it last night. Looks good, but I don't feel the need to pick it up day 1. I'll wait for the price drop.
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Old 02-09-2011, 02:34 PM   #358
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Whatever happened to Being able to "train" your guy before multiplayer matches. Locally I believe on FN2(?) you could "train/focus" on a certain area and your guy would get boosts/subtractions to certain attributes based on what you chose. Why hasn't this remained in fight night I thought it was pretty cool and realistic?
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Old 02-09-2011, 03:09 PM   #359
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Before I get into another round of impressions. I just wanted to repeat my question from a couple pages ago. How exactly does the "perfect block" that opens up a counter window work? Meaning the timing, just as the punch gets there, as soon as your opponent begins to throw the punch, or something else entirely? Thank you. Also, is the tuner set people are talking about a confirmed reality for the demo? Or is it just speculation?

I've logged about 200+ fights at this point. I really love boxing and wanted to give this game every opportunity to grow on me as I've been waiting, like many of us, a very long time for this game to finally come out. Last night I was enjoying the game a little bit better. Today I can say I'm enjoying it even more.

The gripes I have left with the game are those that can most likely(i hope) be fixed with sliders in the full game, and if not sliders, then a patch. You often hear NFL QB's or NBA Superstars talking about the game "slowing down" for them, as almost a reason that they've gotten better. After fighting so many times, the game feels slowed down to me. I'm able to react quicker to punches, fire off the exact punches I want in return (I never had an issue with the control scheme, but now that I've logged this much time, I absolutely love it) without even thinking about it.

Here are some positive things I've taken away from playing the last couple of days.

Connect percentage - Yes, it's too high. But I'm happy to report that as Tyson, I held Ali to 44% percentage for the fight. I won't go as far as to say it's a fluke or anything, but the closest I came after that was 55% I believe. So it's very possible to not only beat Ali, but beat him with solid defense. I use all 4 fighters on a rotation, combined I'm landing about 66% of my punches as compared to the CPU's 48%. That's still not realistic, but I'm very happy to hold the CPU under 50% BEFORE I'm even able to mess with sliders.

Flash KOs - This will be much appreciated for sim/boxing fans. When I say flash ko in this next paragraph, I'm talking about the new flash ko that doesn't allow you or your opponent a chance to get up, instantly the fight is over

The cool thing is that anytime I have seen that, and have been the one causing the flash KO. It's been due to me landing a punch as they begin to throw one. As opposed to the much maligned "counter window" with the flash etc. For those of you who don't know boxing very well. A lot of the time a true "flash ko" happens, it's because one boxer landed a perfect punch as the other boxer was beginning to throw his punch.

In the case of most Fight Nights, flash anything was usually due to landing a punch in the "counter window", which wasn't exactly realistic. In 200+ fights I've been able to win via flash KO 8 times, all 8 times have been a perfect punch as the CPU winds up to throw one of their own.

Jab - This has been talked about a bit. I just want to let people know that yeah, you can absolutely dictate a fight with the jab. It can be very difficult at first. I was probably 100 fights in when I started to figure it out, but you can absolutely control a fight with your jab. In complete disregard for last years game (thank God), the jab is actually the punch I've had countered the least, by far. I can also say that with Ali, I've had the pleasure of knocking Tyson down dozens of times with a well timed jab.

Also, don't make the same mistake I did. I cared way too much about winning so if I went into the fight saying I'd work the jab. I'd get hit with a flurry and start flurrying back and my goal(s) went out the window. Just pick something to work on and don't even think about winning or losing. After you've worked on the controls, defense, movement, etc. The game's enjoyment goes up a bit. I'm still not in love with it, but more of it's potential is shining through. Hope this helps out some people.

Last edited by tcrews; 02-09-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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Old 02-09-2011, 03:11 PM   #360
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

I just fought a guy that was weaving like a madman. I frustrated the hell out of him, knocked him down 3 times and he quit. I got a taste of what these guys are like. He sent me several messages that were full of profanity and gave me an example of how immature they are.
Being kind, one to another, never disappoints.
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