
Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 02-02-2011, 10:30 AM   #113
Hova57's Arena
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

What I find intersting after reading the EA forums alot of guys are complaining about not being able to consistently hit guys(spamming) at least to me. Also alot of complaints bout counter windows. The fact of the matter is this throw three punch combos there will be little counter options. If you throwing alot of punches and they are being blocked or slipped of course there is a counter window. I don't know man its irk some that guys who spamm punches are the biggest complainers right now. I've had slowed down fights if your playing someone who understands boxing. You have guys throwing heavy hooks with tyson from the door. they are gassed before they are thirty seconds in the fight. DEV DON'T CHANGE THAT people need to learn how to box its that simple. Some of the stuff on CountryBoy list needs looked at, but taking out sidestep and such is silly. I would agree though I would like the option of blocking for myself.It seems to me though you need to know when to back off and give youself space.
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:57 AM   #114
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Your block diminishes by blocking punches, and by holding the block longer than you have too. You have to conserve your block, than apply it at the right time, most optimally right before the punch comes in. This block timing is far more intuitive than trying to pick up whether the punch its going upstairs or downstairs.

So lets end the myth of "Holding The Block And Letting The CPU Do What It Wants To"

Its not a myth its a fact jack. Theres no auto block in boxing.

IN real boxing you have too account for every punch well at least see it, if you see a hard hook to the body then you move your body a little or drop your arms some to take away some of that power. Not just hold block and hope it doesn't hurt.

Even if you have auto block when sucks the damn head movement does NOTHING how often do you duck or dodge a punch in this game? The punch percentages are too the roof, you move around the ring like you are boxing in sand, every punch is on target its either blocked or landed and I can deal with that if I can choose were I want to block or dodge.

This game is not boxing is FIGHTING
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:57 AM   #115
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Bamtino
I deleted the demo after five fights.

Playing this demo was actually far worse than watching those demo videos.

There is no sense of boxing skill involved in this game whatsoever. This is not boxing. The best way to describe it is a really cheesy arcade slugfest rockem sockem till somebody drops. The action is way too fast, punches have no pop, stamina seemingly doesn't drain at all and the one button blocking just doesn't work. I don't even understand why they found it necessary to remove the ability to block high and low. The worse part is the delay when punching. It's at least a half second delay and because of it you often end up throwing an extra punch.

That said there is a positive when it comes to the gameplay and that is the full spectrum punch control. They finally got stick punching right.
Because another person decides to play it as an arcade title shouldn't hold you back from trying to respect the sport. While not perfect, the game gives various tools to counter an opponent's arcadish style.

The fact that I can circle the ring with Ali and leave Tyson frustrated is a joy. I am fighting guys where they come out swinging and end up standing still in frustration because they don't know how to box. The problem with this title in the past was that you couldn't use a true boxing style to counter an arcade style. FNC changes that, and you can not be honest if you are saying it doesn't.

My win percentage with this demo is through the roof, and that's because I'm mostly facing guys that refuse to respect the way the game should be played. Is it perfect? No way, but they sure did fix a lot.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:02 AM   #116
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

I gotta agree with dave here. Footwork isnt perfect but its loads better than any previous fn title.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:08 AM   #117
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

looking at this diagram you mean to tell me you guys can throw what punch you want when you want? I mean really how much **** can you put on a stick
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:13 AM   #118
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360) PS3 Tonight

PS3Veron - Thank you for your response and research. I really appreciate that. Obviously since you had emailed them a few months back about this, you understand the position I'm in. I wish having a wired connection was an option, but sadly it's literally impossible right now.

Fortunately though, I was able to get it last night when I brought my PS3 to my fiancee's house last night.

Back to the topic: Opinions seem half and half, one extreme or the other. People either "love" it right off, or after they've played it a few more times and gotten better at the game. I've read that a few people feel as though you can truly "box" in this game, finally. Which is nice to read, but it seems as though the other half think this game is complete garbage. I've read every post on this thread and it seems as though the majority of people are slightly to severely disappointed with this demo/game.

I guess after reading all of this, I'm just wondering what exactly they worked on this entire time. They put in a story/career mode, which I probably won't touch. It just reminds me of WWE's Road to Wrestlemania story mode. Use someone they pick for you and watch a story play out in between fights and training. I'm not really a fan of that, personally.

I buy sports games so I can play a simulation/video game version of the sport it represents. I've asked a few of my friends that love the Fight Night series and/or Boxing, and they also have 0 interest in playing this new story mode. They, much like myself, just want to box, fight, win, lose, learn, practice, bob and weave. I could understand trying to do something a little different if they had long perfected all of the gameplay elements, presentation, and made a brilliant re-creation of the sport of boxing. Personally, I don't believe they have done that.

I cannot imagine showing my friends my incredibly expensive new spoiler, my $1500 apiece rims, my insane sound system that can be heard for miles, and my engine that will leave any other car in the dust. Problem being, I don't actually have a car yet. Adding bells and whistles to a non existent or incomplete product is just absurd.

Full Spectrum punching is a good idea, it works well. Even though I had became proficient over the years at their TPC control scheme. I can't say it ever felt natural to make a sweeping motion from 9o'clock to 12o'clock on the right stick while standing on your head and eating a pop tart just to throw one left hook. Which if you hadn't finished chewing your pop tart, would result in a headbutt. But I digress....

Critically speaking, NBA 2k and The Show, not to mention EA's very own NHL series, seem to strive for realism and perfection. They are almost always met with near unanimous high praise and solid review scores. From what I also gather, the aforementioned games are not exactly struggling when it comes to sales. You also have to factor in how popular the sport is. Due to the fact they essentially hold the market on boxing games. Why not attempt to make it as realistic as possible, get great reviews, and see how their sales do? I understand the need to attempt to reach all audiences but they really need to do something different.

This is honestly the best way I can put it,

When an artist comes out with a CD, they don't make one country song, one rap song, one R&B song, one rock song, one death metal song, etc etc. They come out with a bunch of songs in the genre of the music that they love to create. Though I've only been on this Earth for 26 years, I've yet to hear of an R&B artist suffering in sales because their CD isn't appealing to Country Western fans.

As I would hope EA knows, when you create and sell a boxing game, your fans are most likely to be...yes, you guessed it correctly, boxing fans. Using that logic, why would you make a boxing game that isn't realistic enough for the boxing fans that comprise the bulk of your sales?? All the while (using the past TPC control scheme as a reference point) is too difficult for most casual fans to learn, and thus, not be fun for them?? Instead of either a simulation, or an arcade game. You've ended up making a halfway-in-between mess of a game that only successfully manages to alienate both groups.

NBA 2k put something in their game this year that was overlooked by most, but I couldn't fathom why it hadn't been in any other sports game before. Though they absolutely could've, they didn't tout this as some groundbreaking new feature either. Truth be told, I'd been suggesting it to friends for years, wondering why it was never in a game. 2k11 allowed you to select a few different gameplay settings that literally changed the game on the fly depending on the player, skill level, and how they wanted their game to play. The options are Default, Casual, Simulation, and of course, Custom.

It's incredible to finally see a company realize they don't have to screw up their entire game trying to appeal to every single type of basketball fan. If 2k didn't have these options, or the dozens of sliders they have. It would be just like fight night, not simulation enough for the die hards, not easy enough to learn for the casuals, and not arcadey enough for people that like to dunk from the foul line and win by 70 every game. In turn, alienating all three groups of gamers.

I just wish Fight Night would follow suit, because despite what I'm saying. I still always enjoy the game for the first couple months it comes out. It's also very easy to see that the potential for an incredible, realistic, beautiful game/representation of the sport of boxing is right in front of us, and the producers. Will it ever be realized? I have no idea, but I'm hopeful.

I realize that this isn't the typical "presentation is bad, gameplay is good" type of impression. But this is what I've come to understand from this game and subsequently this franchise after playing the demo for awhile. It's not nearly simulation enough to appeal to the bulk of us here on OS. That's not to say it's a horrible game and everyone at EA should be fired. Because that's not the case.

I'm having fun with it, but like some other people have written. You cannot play it while holding it to the standard of real boxing, because you'll be severely disappointed. It's a fun game, there are definitely improvements. Graphics are great, Gameplay feels a little better than last year, full spectrum punching works well after you take a few fights to get used to it. But ultimately it feels like this is yet another year where the guys at Fight Night tried way too hard to please everybody, and in turn made a game that has no true home.

I truly believe that giving us multiple gameplay settings would fix everything if coupled with a much more robust selection of sliders. Also, sliders in their game should go from 1 to 100, like 2K. 1 to 10 just doesn't work for a multitude of reasons. Obviously though, this could already be in Champion since I haven't seen the list of current sliders and if they're still 1 through 10 or if they've expanded upon that.

Truth be told, if they were to implement the aforementioned different gameplay types. The good thing is that all they would have to do between now and the next iteration of the game is work on the true to life, completely realistic gameplay setting and all that comes with it. Because they have the arcade game version already, as well as the casual version.

I realize this is a very long winded and detailed post. I'm just real tired of them creating boxing games that attempt to appeal to everyone, which in turn, are loved by no one.

Last edited by tcrews; 02-02-2011 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:13 AM   #119
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by tony01313

looking at this diagram you mean to tell me you guys can throw what punch you want when you want? I mean really how much **** can you put on a stick
That diagram says it all. lol@Hookercut
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:15 AM   #120
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by tony01313

looking at this diagram you mean to tell me you guys can throw what punch you want when you want? I mean really how much **** can you put on a stick
I felt the same way when I started playing,but you just have to make a conscious effort while playing offline to know what your throwing. once you understand your hand movement it will feel better and you'll have more control. In the heat of battle i realized I'm getting hit cause I kept throwing hooks instead of jabs just a slight tweak and I was tagging him up with straights and jabs. If i want to play a fighting game with all that flicking of the stick i could play street fighter.
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