
Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

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Old 01-14-2011, 05:26 PM   #25
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Boxing absolutely is not dead, and honestly as to why the declining interest pardon my opinion but I really believe a lot of you have it wrong. Some of the best fighters actually do fight the best opponants out there and the end of 2010 was chalk full of fantastic fights. Tell me who Serio Martinez did not want to fight. He beat the linear MW Champ and had two spectacular battles with the number 3 ranked p4p fighter. In January we are already getting the two premier 140lb fighters matching up and soon after the two premier bantamwieghts matching up in a p4p match that should be classic. Boxing is amazing right now with the fights they are putting on. The world does not end with Pac and Mayweather. Someone did mention about the popularity being linked to the heavyweight devision and there is a lot of truth in that. Americans like the fantasy of watching two gladiators that could brutalize most anyone they know, but to be honest I walk around at a pretty fit 240 with good athletisism and would have very little fear of being in a confrontation with pacman at 140-150, no matter how skillful. A prime tyson though and I would be inclined to run as fast as possible. I don't really feel MMA and particulary UFC impacting the sport that much, I have followed MMA from the beginning though still preffer Boxing I think thought they are a legitimate sport its crossover fanbase is more from the WWE than Boxing. Three big problems linger: 1. corruption in the sanctioning bodies and promoters really derail from the sports popularity. 2. too many weight classes and belts add confusion to the non hardcore fan as to who really is the man, the best, the champ. along with the abiltiy to manipulate those weight classes and belts. 3. lack of national media coverage by free channels and sporting news outlets such as espn. ESPN has thier own boxing show but don't even cover thier own fights on sportscenter. These things could be changed but until they do it is becoming more of a cult sport which is kind of cool anyway.
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Old 01-14-2011, 05:34 PM   #26
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by BQ32
Boxing absolutely is not dead, and honestly as to why the declining interest pardon my opinion but I really believe a lot of you have it wrong. Some of the best fighters actually do fight the best opponants out there and the end of 2010 was chalk full of fantastic fights. Tell me who Serio Martinez did not want to fight. He beat the linear MW Champ and had two spectacular battles with the number 3 ranked p4p fighter. In January we are already getting the two premier 140lb fighters matching up and soon after the two premier bantamwieghts matching up in a p4p match that should be classic. Boxing is amazing right now with the fights they are putting on. The world does not end with Pac and Mayweather. Someone did mention about the popularity being linked to the heavyweight devision and there is a lot of truth in that. Americans like the fantasy of watching two gladiators that could brutalize most anyone they know, but to be honest I walk around at a pretty fit 240 with good athletisism and would have very little fear of being in a confrontation with pacman at 140-150, no matter how skillful. A prime tyson though and I would be inclined to run as fast as possible. I don't really feel MMA and particulary UFC impacting the sport that much, I have followed MMA from the beginning though still preffer Boxing I think thought they are a legitimate sport its crossover fanbase is more from the WWE than Boxing. Three big problems linger: 1. corruption in the sanctioning bodies and promoters really derail from the sports popularity. 2. too many weight classes and belts add confusion to the non hardcore fan as to who really is the man, the best, the champ. along with the abiltiy to manipulate those weight classes and belts. 3. lack of national media coverage by free channels and sporting news outlets such as espn. ESPN has thier own boxing show but don't even cover thier own fights on sportscenter. These things could be changed but until they do it is becoming more of a cult sport which is kind of cool anyway.
240 is big, but tell me this again after going punch for punch with a world-class boxer, regardless of weight.
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Old 01-14-2011, 06:02 PM   #27
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by BQ32
Boxing absolutely is not dead, and honestly as to why the declining interest pardon my opinion but I really believe a lot of you have it wrong. Some of the best fighters actually do fight the best opponants out there and the end of 2010 was chalk full of fantastic fights. Tell me who Serio Martinez did not want to fight. He beat the linear MW Champ and had two spectacular battles with the number 3 ranked p4p fighter. In January we are already getting the two premier 140lb fighters matching up and soon after the two premier bantamwieghts matching up in a p4p match that should be classic. Boxing is amazing right now with the fights they are putting on. The world does not end with Pac and Mayweather. Someone did mention about the popularity being linked to the heavyweight devision and there is a lot of truth in that. Americans like the fantasy of watching two gladiators that could brutalize most anyone they know, but to be honest I walk around at a pretty fit 240 with good athletisism and would have very little fear of being in a confrontation with pacman at 140-150, no matter how skillful. A prime tyson though and I would be inclined to run as fast as possible. I don't really feel MMA and particulary UFC impacting the sport that much, I have followed MMA from the beginning though still preffer Boxing I think thought they are a legitimate sport its crossover fanbase is more from the WWE than Boxing. Three big problems linger: 1. corruption in the sanctioning bodies and promoters really derail from the sports popularity. 2. too many weight classes and belts add confusion to the non hardcore fan as to who really is the man, the best, the champ. along with the abiltiy to manipulate those weight classes and belts. 3. lack of national media coverage by free channels and sporting news outlets such as espn. ESPN has thier own boxing show but don't even cover thier own fights on sportscenter. These things could be changed but until they do it is becoming more of a cult sport which is kind of cool anyway.
Using Martinez as proof that the best fighters fight each other in Boxing doesnt work. He is an exception...an outlier. The fight everyone wants to see at HW, the Klits vs. Haye isnt happening. Same with Pac and Floyd. Same with Bute and Ward. Same with Berto and any of the top WW.
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Old 01-14-2011, 06:11 PM   #28
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by BQ32
I walk around at a pretty fit 240 with good athletisism and would have very little fear of being in a confrontation with pacman at 140-150, no matter how skillful. .
Seriously??? When's the Pay Per View, I'll pay $50 for this easy and put my mortgage on PAC to end it in the first round......
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 01-14-2011, 06:25 PM   #29
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Peter Moore is full of it. He was writing boxing off in an interview before.


"Peter Moore: Boxing is "the Past"

"Boxing, for me, sadly feels like it's the past of fighting and Mixed Martial Arts feels like it's the future of fighting. So when we look at where people's attention is going, that's something we keep a very close eye on."
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Old 01-14-2011, 08:34 PM   #30
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by SHAKYR
Peter Moore is full of it. He was writing boxing off in an interview before.


"Peter Moore: Boxing is "the Past"

He's also the same guy who said Jordan wont matter as a cover boy, ironically in that same year their version of a nBA game was canceled
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Old 01-14-2011, 11:10 PM   #31
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by SHAKYR
Peter Moore is full of it. He was writing boxing off in an interview before.


"Peter Moore: Boxing is "the Past"
I think you have a bit of a reading comprehension problem. He acknowledges that while still a big fan of boxing, MMA is growing and overtaking the sport.

"Is the sport challenged by declining interest, a lack of bona fide superstars (sorry Manny) and the growth of mixed martial arts? Absolutely. Does the sport miss the dynamic legends of the past, like Ali, Frazier, Foreman and Holmes? Of course."

So in order to produce a boxing game, he has a different set of challenges. At the same time, as a company, they have to view the growth of MMA as something they need to invest in.

There was really nothing hypocritical about what he wrote about either sport. In fact, you ought to be happy that he is such a fan of boxing, because it is clear that without him pushing the game, fight Night could just flat out be canceled, while they increase stake in MMA instead.

Peter Moore is the best thing that ever happened to EA Sports. Across the board he has methodically worked to improve all of their titles. With some, like NHL, FIFA, and Tiger Woods, there has been huge leaps forward. NCAA 11 has become a strong game, and Madden has improved, even if it still lags behind.

His initiative to scrap and rebuild the NBA game is to commended, even if EA Canada failed to finish the game in one year. I'll credit him for canceling the game and moving on to next season when the game is in playable state.

There are a lot of reactionary comments from folks that haven't taken the time to realize just how much EA Sports has improved over the last few years. And that is kind of sad.
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Old 01-14-2011, 11:38 PM   #32
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Re: Peter Moore Blog: Is Boxing Dead?

Originally Posted by Vast
Well at least now we know where the story mode idea came from.
lol exactly.

as far as the good old days of boxing.
I came up in the Tyson era of the 80s
man those fights were a big deal then
the fun part about them were that if u were watching a tv program on another channel, if u were lucky, and the timing worked, you could see the whole match during the commercial break! lol

i remember the backlash over PPV prices with people complaining the fights were too short and they felt ripped off.

go tell it to Mike. he wasnt gettin paid by the hour.

Last edited by econoodle; 01-14-2011 at 11:43 PM.
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