
Building a Better NCAA Football 12

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Old 01-13-2011, 03:29 PM   #25
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

First off, let me say that I'm a big fan of NCAA 11. I've had the game since launch and 6 months later am still playing it. I feel like it's the best football game we've had this generation, Madden included.

Obviously there are things we'd all like to see improved/implemented/changed going into NCAA 12 and the article does a good job stating some of the ones most frequently discussed on these boards.

For me, the biggies are:

-Fix the QB ratings so we can actually have "dual-threat" quarterbacks.
-To do that, we'll also need to see better blocking out of the spread and better AI by both the QB and RB.

-Improve zone defense AI for both the Human and CPU.

-Reduce the leaping ability of DL/LB, especially on the CPU side. This wasn't an issue until the patches/tuners came out.

-As the article mentioned, give us the option to choose which Tuner Set we want to use.

-Bowl patches

-Dreads (for you, ODogg!)

-Improved commentary

-Pre-game, halftime and post-game show

-Improve in-game stats layout

I'm sure there's more but that starts getting into nit-picking territory.

NCAA 11 took a lot of positive steps forward. I'm hopeful the development crew will continue to build on this now solid foundation.
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:40 PM   #26
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I thing that I like about NCAA football dynasty is the ability to change teams after awhile. In madden your stuck with the same team and after awhile you want to change it up and you cant.

The one game that got this correct was 2k's College Hoops. You got to create your own coach similar to create a player mode, but with less options. Then you had to pick a bottom tier team to build up your coach's profile and after two years you could sign with a new team. Depending on how well you did the better teams you did. It usually took 4 years to get to a top tier team, 2 with a low tier and 2 with a mid tier team and then you could sign with a top tier team. Then it would usually take longer to get to the team you really wanted. Along the way your coach would be improving his recruiting, scouting, defensive, offensive, etc skills. If this was implemented into NCAA Footballs it would just make it last longer and be for fun.
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:44 PM   #27
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I miss the Home Field Advantage. Remember the noise meter? The shaking screen? Now you hear Nessler yell about how loud the crowd is, but you can barely hear them. I want some of that atmosphere back. Maybe not exactly how it was, but if the crowd is supposed to be jacked up I want them to sounds it. If I bring a true freshman QB into the Swamp, I want my controller to have my hands shaking as bad as his should be.

And maybe offset that with some sort of a clutch rating for players. Low ratings mean you're guy is going to misread plays or blow assignments. Higher ratings mean your guys are going to step up and perform no matter where they're playing.
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:47 PM   #28
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by DJ
First off, let me say that I'm a big fan of NCAA 11. I've had the game since launch and 6 months later am still playing it. I feel like it's the best football game we've had this generation, Madden included.

Obviously there are things we'd all like to see improved/implemented/changed going into NCAA 12 and the article does a good job stating some of the ones most frequently discussed on these boards.

For me, the biggies are:

-Fix the QB ratings so we can actually have "dual-threat" quarterbacks.
-To do that, we'll also need to see better blocking out of the spread and better AI by both the QB and RB.

-Improve zone defense AI for both the Human and CPU.

-Reduce the leaping ability of DL/LB, especially on the CPU side. This wasn't an issue until the patches/tuners came out.

-As the article mentioned, give us the option to choose which Tuner Set we want to use.

-Bowl patches

-Dreads (for you, ODogg!)

-Improved commentary

-Pre-game, halftime and post-game show

-Improve in-game stats layout

I'm sure there's more but that starts getting into nit-picking territory.

NCAA 11 took a lot of positive steps forward. I'm hopeful the development crew will continue to build on this now solid foundation.
Agreed. That, improved atmosphere, and Improved Dynasty and RTG and NCAA 12 will be a elite(probably best) game
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:47 PM   #29
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

Yeah it would be cool if you had to pick your offensive, defensive and special teams coordinators. And each one would be giving a letter grade in the following categories:

Special Teams

And what they were rated in those categories would determine how fast your players progressed during the course of the year.
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:52 PM   #30
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Yeah it would be cool if you had to pick your offensive, defensive and special teams coordinators. And each one would be giving a letter grade in the following categories:

Special Teams

And what they were rated in those categories would determine how fast your players progressed during the course of the year.
I like that. Similar to College Hoops.
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:02 PM   #31
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

I think they need to let us edit ratings in franchise mode with some sort of robust editor that will allow us to mass edit ratings and such. For instance, mass edit all QB's ball carrier vision in order to increase it by 30%. Something like that.
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:29 PM   #32
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Re: Building a Better NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Yeah it would be cool if you had to pick your offensive, defensive and special teams coordinators. And each one would be giving a letter grade in the following categories:

Special Teams

And what they were rated in those categories would determine how fast your players progressed during the course of the year.
I would like a letter grade for Recruiting as well.
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