
Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

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Old 12-12-2010, 02:20 PM   #145
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by khaliib

Don't take this personal, but this is what turns threads into pages of "Garbage".

However a gamer chooses to express themselves about the positives/negatives they perceive this game to have to a Dev, it should be respected without the need of another "Gamer's" negative injection.

What value does such injections add to the discussion/thread?

Within communication, a Negative + Negative does not equal a Positve.

Again, I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

(My wife just reminded me, that I'm doing the very same thing!!!)
No offense taken. I don't write my thoughts with negative feelings, and I can't help it if it's perceived on the other end as negative.(Please, don't take that personal)

I say what I think. And I think it's too early to be criticizing 12 without any concrete information.

Isn't this what this thread is about? Comments on podcast #3?

And now my wife is calling me to get out and help decorate the tree. Ah, the real life.
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Old 12-12-2010, 02:50 PM   #146
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Its DECEMBER people. Give it time and things will develop into something amazing come August. Just because they're talking about how the perfect franchise will be in the next few years does not mean they are going to half *** this years. They said they're going to mess with the franchise and i'm confident this is what they intend to do. So please if you really want to get the perfect madden game thats full of detailed information right now....then just go write a letter to Santa and let Ian and the guys do their job.

Last edited by Boling4Humor; 12-12-2010 at 02:53 PM.
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:26 PM   #147
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Boling4Humor
Its DECEMBER people. Give it time and things will develop into something amazing come August. Just because they're talking about how the perfect franchise will be in the next few years does not mean they are going to half *** this years. They said they're going to mess with the franchise and i'm confident this is what they intend to do. So please if you really want to get the perfect madden game thats full of detailed information right now....then just go write a letter to Santa and let Ian and the guys do their job.
Next, "it's APRIL people", and then "it's just a DEMO people", then it's "use SLIDERS people", then "maybe NEXT YEAR".
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:50 PM   #148
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Phixius
Next, "it's APRIL people", and then "it's just a DEMO people", then it's "use SLIDERS people", then "maybe NEXT YEAR".
Maybe try to have faith. As long as you assume the same results your only creating problems for yourselves. Just bite your toungue and PASS THE JUDGEMENT on the product AFTER it's been published. Not when it's December. That's just selfish and ridiculous.
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Old 12-12-2010, 08:01 PM   #149
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Phixius
Next, "it's APRIL people", and then "it's just a DEMO people", then it's "use SLIDERS people", then "maybe NEXT YEAR".
Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
Because we go through this song and dance every year.
This is why so many fans of this game gets angery.Every year its the same song no matter what time of year it is.(We don't have a enough time,The suits don't want sim.)Trust me people are going to complain when the game comes out.

This what happens when you only have 1 NFL GAME.

Last edited by lofeazy; 12-12-2010 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 12-12-2010, 08:40 PM   #150
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Some responses / questions...

- WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT SPECIFIC FEATURES FOR MADDEN 12. You hopefully know that by now. Quotes like "Taken together, however, I see them very carefully attempting to set expectations." are just wrong. IT IS DECEMBER, WE HAVE TO BE CRYPTIC. If you are the type of guy that is going to get fired up about not enough talk about specific improvements, then I suggest you don't listen to the podcast.

- Nowhere in the podcast are we saying it's going to take multiple years for you to see any improvements, or that 12 won't have any. See point above, and I can say we have been working on Franchise improvements for some time now.

- "And as far as that "cant make drastic improvements in one cycle" BS....". Where did we ever say that? I 100% believe that drastic improvements can be made in one cycle.

- "I guess after these podcasts, it just looks to me like Madden isn't gonna be a game I'm gonna ever like on these consoles." Does that statement seem a little ridiculous to anyone else? After a podcast that discusses ZERO REAL FEATURE ADDITIONS you aren't going to like Madden, EVER? I always hoped that this forum would eventually be a great place for feedback and ways to improve the game, not the sensationalist extremism that it can quickly descends into.

- There is nothing more frustrating to me than people not actually listening to the podcast but jumping on the opinion bandwagon of another. Please guys, we are spending the time planning and recording these SPECIFICALLY for the Madden community...you could at least give us the respect of listening to it and forming an opinion of your own.

Maybe we should just stop doing these for a while if too many people aren't able to cope with the lack of real information and turn that into a negative thing. That's not what we want out of these at all...we just want to give people a behind the scenes look at the development process and decision making. Thoughts?

Keep them going Ian.

It is appreciated. I don't get the seething nasty posts. I just don't. I havebeen playing Madden since the first genesis cart. The game has a core feel and style and I know I speak for most Madden fans that Madden 2011 may well be the best on field playing Madden yet. What the main bone of contention and it is well documented is the step back the offline franchise mode has taken since the jump to the new gen consoles. We would love the 2005-2007 franchise mode back. That would make so many of us very happy as long time hard core fans/buyers of the game.

Madden 2010 was a huge jump for me (and my first next gen Madden) and I had hoped for more in 2011 on the presentation and franchise side. Well you guys really made the running game the best it has ever been and the catch animations are great and the game plays very good. It's the franchsie features and presentation that needs the love for me and I think I speak for most real fans of the game. Not the guys who say the engine stinks and tear it down. But the players who love the Madden way of playing video game football.

Just blow off those nasty posts....it is a loud minority around here. And yes I am noob around but I have been reading stuff here for years and have been playing sports video games my entire life (40 years old).

I know I appreciate the communication and the fact that the designers of the game take the time to interact with the community.
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:20 PM   #151
PacMan3000's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Some responses / questions...

- WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT SPECIFIC FEATURES FOR MADDEN 12. You hopefully know that by now. Quotes like "Taken together, however, I see them very carefully attempting to set expectations." are just wrong. IT IS DECEMBER, WE HAVE TO BE CRYPTIC. If you are the type of guy that is going to get fired up about not enough talk about specific improvements, then I suggest you don't listen to the podcast.

- Nowhere in the podcast are we saying it's going to take multiple years for you to see any improvements, or that 12 won't have any. See point above, and I can say we have been working on Franchise improvements for some time now.

- "And as far as that "cant make drastic improvements in one cycle" BS....". Where did we ever say that? I 100% believe that drastic improvements can be made in one cycle.

- "I guess after these podcasts, it just looks to me like Madden isn't gonna be a game I'm gonna ever like on these consoles." Does that statement seem a little ridiculous to anyone else? After a podcast that discusses ZERO REAL FEATURE ADDITIONS you aren't going to like Madden, EVER? I always hoped that this forum would eventually be a great place for feedback and ways to improve the game, not the sensationalist extremism that it can quickly descends into.

- There is nothing more frustrating to me than people not actually listening to the podcast but jumping on the opinion bandwagon of another. Please guys, we are spending the time planning and recording these SPECIFICALLY for the Madden community...you could at least give us the respect of listening to it and forming an opinion of your own.

Maybe we should just stop doing these for a while if too many people aren't able to cope with the lack of real information and turn that into a negative thing. That's not what we want out of these at all...we just want to give people a behind the scenes look at the development process and decision making. Thoughts?
You make good, fair points. The only thing I'll say is that, as the lead designer, you have to sort of see your job as being the coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Huge franchise, great, long tradition, but in the minds of many, it's been disappointing for years. And I don't mean since you took over and became the lead man, I'm talking years before you likely came on board.

So I think people are venting (and maybe to a degree unfairly) because they want the game EA is capable of producing--but for whatever reason hasn't. Just like the Cowboys fans want to see their team go deep into the playoffs, Madden fans, too, are tired of the wait till next year feeling that seems to permeate these boards.

I don't think people complain because they enjoy it. I think they do so because they've played great console football games in the past, and they feel that the Madden franchise--ever since the "next gen" consoles hit store shelves five or six years ago--has been underachieving, while other sports get incredible video game representations.
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:44 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by lofeazy
This is why so many fans of this game gets angery.Every year its the same song no matter what time of year it is.(We don't have a enough time,The suits don't want sim.)Trust me people are going to complain when the game comes out.

This what happens when you only have 1 NFL GAME.
that's my thoughts excatly
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