So because people are interpreting it different than you, they must not be listening to it and are simply basing opinions off of other interpretations? Mmmm, ok.
Here's what I heard that, when combined, paints the picture that I interpret:
"Time is the bane of our existence."
"...only so much time to put features in"
Placing HC into Madden is "not reality", "too big", "streamlined version..necessary"
Lots of "would like to" and "where I'd love to go" when using HC as the inspiration for Franchise.
"Investing in the future", "down the road".
Because HC took 2-3 years, he would like to use it as a base where some features make it in "this year", "next year", "Five years".
None of those things by themselves are unreasonable. Taken together, however, I see them very carefully attempting to set expectations. Nothing wrong with that, but the picture I'm seeing is very much "future" oriented, which as another poster said, is what we've been hearing for years. All comments taken together, what is the evidence that it will be "amazing" (your word) again?
If they add only one thing from HC, Franchise Mode will be improved, but that's not saying much given how barren it is now. If they only added ONE thing (as an example), I would consider it a fail. I don't expect HC in one year, but I would hope for something somewhat substantial in one year.
Given their history, focus on online, MUT, digital, etc., I don't hear much to get excited about which is why it's disappointing thus far IMO. I admire your faith in EA, but I submit: please don't admonish others for "not listening" if they don't have the same take-away as you from this podcast.